Fiction Please Note - These are SLASH stories - that means two men in romantic &/or sexual situations. Proceed at your own risk. Ache PG, Tom Barnaby / Ben Jones, Feb 13 A Midsomer Night's Dream PG, Barnaby/Jones, Barnaby/Troy implied, Feb 11 Crystal PG, Barnaby/Jones, Oct 09 STORY ARCHIVED Midsomer Rain 300 Word Drabble for Slash The Drabble on LJ PG, Barnaby/Jones, Oct 09 STORY ARCHIVED Deadly 100 Word Drabble for Slash The Drabble on LJ PG, Barnaby/Jones, Sep 09 WARNING: Character Death Best Kept Secret PG-13, Barnaby/Jones, Aug 09 STORY ARCHIVED The 'Dear Kate' Britslash Challenge Based on the column writer in 'Strangers Wood' and the idea that she recognised Troy's name.... Dear Kate PG When Policemen Go Bad NC-17, Barnaby/Troy and Carmenatorium, Jun 06 Offering PG, Barnaby/Jones, Barnaby/Troy, Jun 06 untitled NC-17, Barnaby/Troy, Apr 05 STORY ARCHIVED Country Life NC-17, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED A Step In The Wrong Direction NC-17, Barnaby/Troy, by Carmen With The Same Brush PG, pre-slash, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Absent Friends NC-17, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED A Certain High NC-17, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED One Giant Leap PG-13, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Two Pints of Real Ale PG, pre-slash, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Snakebite & Black PG-13, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Messenger NC-17, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Sun Set PG, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Dusk PG-13, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Dark Evening PG, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED The Green Man Addendum NC-17, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED Finding Peace PG, pre-slash, character death STORY ARCHIVED A Night For Lovers NC-17, Barnaby/Troy (Feb 15 04) STORY ARCHIVED In Knots PG, Barnaby/Troy, for Tor STORY ARCHIVED Misunderstanding PG, Barnaby/Troy STORY ARCHIVED |