by elfin

They slept for another couple of hours, waking to make love again in the morning�s small hours.  This time it was slower, deeper.  Half way to paradise, Kitt�s hand stilled on Michael�s erection.  Finding his voice with some difficulty, Michael asked, �Kitt?  What�s wrong?�
�I want more.�
�More?�  Then it sank in.  �Kitt�.�
�This scares me because I don�t know how to ask for it, but� I want to remember, I want to know every detail of you.�  He tried a shy grin.  �I already know what you taste like.�
Michael took a breath.  �Which way?�
�Which way?�  Kitt frowned, and then realisation struck.  �I would never ask that of you, never ask you to take me like that.  I want you to be a part of me.�
Michael licked his lips.  He hadn�t thought of it, he wasn�t sure if he could ever allow another man to take him, a part of him drew a line there.  But Kitt�s suggestion inflamed him.  �It�ll hurt.�
�You won�t hurt me.�  That absolute trust was something Michael thought could sustain him for the rest of his life.  But that didn�t change the situation.
�Kitt, I didn�t really plan for this� I don�t know a lot about it but I know some form of� lubrication is advisable.�
Kitt almost laughed.  �When have you have ever done what�s advisable?�
�I don�t what to hurt you.�
Kitt touched his fingertips to Michael�s lips.  �Please.�

Finally, Michael nodded.  He wanted this, he knew Kitt wanted it.  It wasn�t like they could wait.  �You�ll tell me, won�t you, if you want me to stop?�
�I trust you absolutely.�
�Okay.�  Michael leaned in and kissed his lover.  �Turn over, your back to me.�  Kitt did as he was told and was held close in loving arms.  He could feel Michael�s erection pressing against him, but what he�d imagined - in the last couple of hours that he�d spent thinking about this � would be a threatening feeling, was actually a wonderful sensation of love.

Michael slowly moved over Kitt, entering him slowly and carefully, making sure the pain was minimal.  The body gave with more ease than a human body would have done, even if it was only Kitt that recognised that.  He�d done his homework, although at the time his reasons had been analytical and fuelled by his innate curiosity.

Kitt felt every push, every movement of his lover�s cock inside him.  There was pain.  Michael�s initial entry had ignited a fire over his nerves.  But along side that he felt the incredible sensation of being completed by his partner.  They�d spent almost two years in one another�s minds, to have Michael physically as close as he could get was what he needed, what he wanted to remember.  As he�d found he could do the first time, he stopped processing the input and just �let go�, just experienced.

Kitt felt perfect around him, under him.  The first strokes were uncomfortable, dry and tight.  But this was right, it felt so right�.  Michael dropped his mouth to his partner�s neck, nipping the delicate skin there.  Reaching around, he palmed Kitt�s erection and started to massage him into the same rhythm, slowly taking them further, higher than they�d been all night.  They came together, their cries mingling.

Michael collapsed on to Kitt�s back, breathing settling back down, placing tiny kisses across his lover�s skin.  �You�re so addictive.  I love you so much.�
Kitt turned, moving Michael off him, sliding his arm around his lover�s shoulders.  �Will I be as addictive tomorrow?�
�Kitt, I�ve been addicted to you from the moment I met you.�


Kitt was dressed by the time Michael awoke.  He was buttoning his crumpled shirt when he saw Michael�s eyes open.  �You�re up�.�  There was a sadness, a disappointment in Michael�s tone that was impossible to ignore.
Kitt took hold of his lover�s outstretched hand, allowing himself to be pulled to the edge of the bed.  He sat down.  �You�re insatiable,� he tried for humour but although Michael grinned, it didn�t touch his eyes.  �Please don�t make this any more difficult than it already is.�
�I�m sorry.  It�s not like we�re going to lose each other, I know.  But last night, this morning� I�ve very rarely been with someone I love so much.�
Kitt could feel his emotions tumbling within him.  �You promised you wouldn�t regret.�
�I don�t.�  Michael sat up, touching his lover.  �I won�t.  Ever.�
�When I�m back in the car�.�
�Then we�ll closer than we�ve ever been.�  Reaching for his partner, Michael hugged him, feeling Kitt�s arms go around him, revelling in the touch.  �I�ll always love you, never, never think I don�t.  Whatever happens, whatever I say in the heat of the moment, you�ll know because I�ll be open to you.�  Kitt nodded, but Michael knew his partner far too well.  �Tell me.  Talk to me.�  When there was no answer, he pushed his lover away to look into the soulful eyes and ask gently, �what?�
�I know it�s� ridiculous, but� what we shared last night� when you�re next with someone and it can�t be me� I don�t know�.�  He shook his head, feeling the tears stinging his eyes.
Michael gathered Kitt up to him again, holding him, rocking them both.  �Kitt� I can�t promise to stay celibate, you know me.�  He allowed a little lightness into his tone.  �But there will never be anyone else in my life.  I just don�t know how to make that promise.�
�I�m not asking you to.�  Kitt pulled away to let Michael see his smile.  �I�m asking you to be aware.  I do love you.�
�Kitt�.�  Michael turned the AI�s name into a long sigh, ending it with a deep kiss.


They hadn�t meant to look so formal, but when Michael and Kitt finally descended to the ground floor, Swan, Bonnie, Nicholas and Karr were all waiting.  Karr was parked a little way from the gathering, and as soon as Kitt came into view he started a broadcast.
_Kitt?  Kitt?  Receive     Please
Kitt stopped in mid-step, feeling his partner�s hand immediately drop to his shoulder.  �You okay?�  He nodded, sending a reply at the same time.
_Are you all right?
_I will be
_You do not want to go back
_I do.  I want to be home.  There are things I will miss
_Nothing�s ever perfect
Kitt sent a smile, hoping it would translate, and cut his transmission, turning to smile at his lover.  �Karr.�
Michael nodded his understanding.  �Right.�

They approached the small party, all three of whom tried to make themselves look less like they were waiting for something.  He caught Swan�s eye, motioning for her to come to him.  She pushed off the work surface and followed him away from the others.  The awkwardness between them was still there.
�I just wanted to thank you.  You�ve given me a� chance I would never have dreamed of.�  He caught her smile, her nod.  �I�ll give you the remaining test data from� the car.�
�Thank you.�
�And� in case you need to know, what you�ve built here is perfect, in every respect.�
She grinned.  �Except for the legs?�
He chuckled.  �The legs could do with a bit more work, yes.  I have some code you might want to try�.�
She stopped them, turning him gently.  �Kitt� if you ever need a holiday, my place is always available.  Can you remember an email address?�  She gave him the simple phrase.  �Anytime, okay?�
�What if it�s already booked?�
�I seriously doubt I�m going to find another lodger like you for a very long time.�
Kitt looked at her.  �I�d love to stay,� he murmured.
�I know.  Maybe� sometime?  In a couple of years?�
�Yes, maybe.  Thank you.�
She took his hand, lifted it to her lips and kissed the warm skin.  �It�s been an honour.�

They went back to the others, Kitt going to Bonnie and hugging her silently, being hugged back without question.  No words were needed between them.  Bonnie wouldn�t have known what to say anyway.  This experience had changed Kitt more than any previously.  It would be a while before she understood exactly what those changes were and what they meant.

Drawing back, Kitt moved to stand in front of Michael.  In sync, they reached for one another�s hands.  �There�ll be more pros than cons.�
Michael smiled, blinking unexpected tears from his eyes.  He squeezed Kitt�s hands, not able to put his emotions into words.  �I�ll� tell you later,� he promised.
This time, Kitt�s smile lit his whiskey eyes.  Dropping just one of Michael�s hands, he turned to Bonnie and Swan.  �I�m ready.�

As they started to hook up the cables, Kitt met Nicholas� gaze through the activity.  He winked, and smiling knowingly, Nick winked back.

�If you just� lie down,� Swan suggested.  Michael went with Kitt to the workbench and continued to hold his hand as he jumped up and lay down.  He felt Bonnie�s hand on the back of his neck and a shiver ran through him as she plugged in the cable that connected him to his own CPU, safely installed in the car.  He heard Karr pull in closer, ready to help if something went wrong.

�Whenever you�re ready, Kitt.  When you get settled, track the scanner left to right so we know to disconnect you.�  Then Swan and Bonnie both backed off.

Michael leaned down and touched his lips to his partner�s.  �I�ll always be yours,� he whispered softly.  Kitt squeezed his hand before closing his eyes.

One by one, he stopped the processes running, shutting the android�s systems down cleanly.  Finally, he ended the sub-routine controlling his hand, and with one final touch, the fingers fell limp in Michael�s grip.  Michael stopped fighting the tears and let them fall.  He knew it was over, Kitt was no longer truly in the android�s systems any longer, but for a minute or two he couldn�t let go of the hand whose feel and touch had become so familiar to him over the last three days.

It took several hours for the transfer to complete.  They had to reverse everything they�d done, downloading the data from disk stack to disk stack.  Kitt remained between the android and the CPU until his memory was moved across.  Only when he could finally return did he release his hold on the android and shift his consciousness in its entirety to the CPU.  He accessed the scanner and flashed it once from left to right before shutting it down again.  He was disconnected and the car hood was dropped closed.

The familiarity of it, the wonderful feeling of knowing he was home overrode any uncertainties he still had about returning.  He spread himself through the neural nets, touching all the functions, interfaces to the car, connections to the external world, to satellites and modems.  Finally, he looked to the places where the links went out, to Karr and to Michael.  He brought visuals online and sought out his partner.

Michael was sitting on the couch closest to the TransAm, staring into space.

Kitt touched the place where his link to his brother had evolved.
<_Kitt!  Welcome home
<_I need some time with Michael
<_Of course.  We can talk later
<_Thank you
Only Nicholas was privy to his partner�s joy.  They�d been linked for too long and as much as he tried to deny it, he enjoyed having his brother close by.

Blocking Karr, Kitt nervously touched the other link.  Nothing happened.  //Michael?�//  Kitt tried to force the connection but all he found was a black wall where his partner should have been.  //Michael!//

What the hell was happening?  Michael had watched them remove the cables and close Kitt�s hood.  He�d expected the implant to burst into life immediately, to overwhelm him with the need and desperation of his partner, an echo of his own feelings.  But nothing happened.  Closing his eyes he reached back to where the implant fed into his mind.  There was a whisper of something, his name on a breath.  //Kitt?//

Panicking, Kitt drove himself against the blackness.  On the other side, Karr could sense his brother�s building anxiety.  Kitt wasn�t all that stable at the moment, he�d only just returned to his CPU and for him to be winding himself up now was dangerous.  Breaking through the block with ease, Karr stretched a tendril of himself into his brother�s CPU.
<_Kitt?  What�s wrong?
<_Karr!  The link� it�s not there, it won�t respond.  I can�t get to Michael!
<_Kitt, calm down.
<_Karr, please!  Help me!
There was no calming him.  Karr looked at the place where Kitt and Michael were linked.  <_Together, Kitt.

They both hurled their own energies at the invisible block.

Without warning, Michael�s mind exploded with the bright presence of his partner and the darker one of Karr.  The latter immediately backed out, of Michael�s mind and of Kitt�s CPU, but not before Michael had felt the touch of the cold warmth.  He shivered.  But Kitt enveloped him, drowning him in his presence.  Michael went willingly.

For a long few minutes, Michael knew nothing but his partner, his own thoughts lost in the sea of emotions that Kitt was projecting.  Very slowly, the AI pulled back.
//No!//  But Michael could see again, and he saw the door of the TransAm open.  He stumbled to the car, dropping into the driver�s seat.  The door was closed and the windows darkened.  And then he leaned back and closed his eyes, deepening the link between himself and his partner, losing himself in Kitt as he had only a couple of times before.

//I thought I�d lost you for a minute//  Michael felt his partner entwine himself further.  Breathing deeply he just let Kitt control this encounter, giving himself up completely to what he knew the implant could do.
//If it hadn�t worked�//  The fear was all around them, they were so close that emotions, thoughts, were instantly shared.
//It worked, Beautiful, we�re together//
Fear slowly turned to joy, to warmth.  Michael stretched out a part of his presence in this place and Kitt stroked a part of himself along it.  The spark of arousal translated easily, and Michael felt Kitt�s smile.
//You knew you could do this�.//
//No, I�d hoped I could//

Michael didn�t know if his body was reacting physically or not.  At this moment he didn�t care, although his heated imagination was already starting to work on possibilities.  For now it was enough that his very real arousal was being echoed back to him from Kitt�s presence.
//This is incredible//
Michael felt his partner�s delight, and for now he let the heat evaporate from them.  They just needed to be together at the moment, to explore what they could do and feel.  Later, they would find time to discover what this could lead to if they let it.  He was still considering this when Kitt�s question came.
//Michael� will this be enough?//
Michael didn�t need to think.  //Always//