by elfin

Chapter 4:

It has been so long since the harbor building has been so quiet, Nicholas mused to himself as he looked around from his position, sitting half way up the iron staircase. Michael had taken to running out on the harbor, for at least an hour a day, just to clear his head. Bonnie and Justin were... somewhere, Nick wasn't sure. He was looking across the floor of the warehouse, watching the two black cars. They weren't moving, but there was something happening between them. He gently probed the link between he and Karr, questioning. He was surprised when the presence of two AIs met him at the other end, rather than the one darker presence he was used to. Kitt was a bright light in contrast, staying close to the place were Karr's CPU and his own were linked. But Nick's curiosity provoked that of the other.
Nick smiled to himself, feeling the protectiveness of his partner, even here standing between Kitt and any harm that might come to him.
<It's okay>
As if in reply, Karr backed down, a little apologetically. He knew his human partner, knew Nicholas meant no harm to Kitt and never would. As Karr retreated slightly, Kitt came forward into the strange CPU, tendrils of his presence slipping towards Nick who smiled.
<Hello Kitt>
The AI said nothing, although Nick was not completely sure what -- if anything -- he would hear of Kitt's communications. But the bright presence came closer, reaching out tentatively. So very slowly, Nick offered his own hand and Kitt brushed over it, nervously returning to the safety his brother's ever-present vigil gave. Nick almost laughed. Kitt's touch was soft, like a gentle breeze. He knew he was only seeing a little, a projection of what Kitt was inside his own CPU; of what Michael saw and held so close to his heart. It was beautiful.
<Sorry> But for another moment, Nick stayed where he was, not able to shake the wonderful feeling that Kitt was watching him, curious and maybe one day soon, playful.
Nick pulled back slowly, not wanting to startle either presence sitting within Karr's CPU. He opened his eyes. Part of him considered the physical touch the two cars were sharing, parked close enough so that their side mirrors connected; did that add to the strength of their link, almost like the sensors both cars had mounted inside the cabins? He sat forward, feet flat on the step below. He thought about Bonnie Barstow, about what she had said, the questions she had asked about the link, what it meant in terms of any possible relationship between her and Michael. What did it mean? Nick had not been involved with anyone since he had, quite painfully, realized his link to Karr. Before then there had been someone special in his life, but could there be anyone now?
A muscle in his cheek jumped at the thought and he chased it away. He had sworn an oath so many years ago, on a fateful day months before he had ever heard of Wilton Knight or KARR, and he had kept his oath. Even before he had been connected to an AI he had not allowed his emotions to attach themselves to someone, least of all a female partner. Now he had an even better excuse than past events; now he had a neuro implant that could come between them.
Dark memories boiled up and he shoved them away. He had buried them and the source over a decade ago. No more!
He thought about Michael and Kitt. At the moment, Michael had barely enough emotional strength to keep them both afloat. Nick admired Bonnie for seeing that, and for not asking that he give more. She was the right partner for Michael, the only one, someone who knew and understood, someone who was a silent backbone, a well of strength for both the human and the AI involved in this partnership. Nick released a deep breath, got up and continued down the stairs, heading for the couch in the rest area. For a while, he wanted to be close to the two brothers, whatever they were doing. Nick imagined they were talking, catching up on what they had missed over their years of separation.
Would they discuss their previous encounters or would those times be left buried in the past for good? He knew Karr hated his past with a vengeance, though he sometimes fell back on it to explain his actions or lack thereof. And what about Kitt? What was his approach to the old KARR? What had been his feelings in the past, having to kill his 'relative' twice? He craved to know but he knew he might never find out. Nick didn't want to pry and Karr was just like him: fiercely private.
Nicholas curled himself into a corner of the couch, watching the cars, letting his thoughts wander. He had once believed that there would always be just him and Karr. He had once believed that it was all he needed...... maybe because it had been all he had been able to get. His past had been one of solitude, of being alone on cases, being alone in the places he barely called home, in his private life. There had never been anyone, no friends to really trust. Then Karr had joined him in his mind. They had developed a working relationship, they had become friends, they had become partners in the end, close partners. Still, as a human Nicholas had always been alone. But now, as he sat with the warmth of his meeting with Kitt fresh in his mind, he knew he had been wrong, maybe even fooling himself. He needed more. He needed others. Never for protection, never depending on anyone but himself and his partner. But for company, so that now and again he could almost convince himself that his life was as normal as the next man's. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Even around others that knew him, around people like Molly, Nick always felt that his life was extraordinary, that he would never quite fit in with the lives of others. But Michael and Kitt, the friends they had because of who they were, what they were; that was somewhere Nick knew he could belong. Because their lives were as extraordinary as his own. Michael knew what it was like to be linked, joined so intimately, constantly to another being, a sentient AI with alien emotions so different to those of a human. And Kitt was starting to know Karr, in a way.
He briefly shook himself. What was happening to him? Why? When had it started? He had worked with Michael before the neuro implant had been activated, and though he had thought of him as a capable partner, he had not thought of him as a friend. True, Kitt fascinated him because at that time he had not thought there was another AI like Karr - then again, Kitt was not at all like Karr. They were like day and night, and Karr represented the darkest hour of the night, but they were brothers. When Nicholas had met them again, realizing they were now as joined as he and Karr were, things had changed. Rapidly. Unstoppably. And he had been pulled along, his defenses, honed over the years to keep others away, crumbling.
He should not have accepted Devon's offer! But how could he have refused? He didn't want to let Michael and Kitt encounter the horrors he and Karr had! So he had accepted and he had changed.
Now, with the horror of the last few days, another change had started. His own need for human contact that went further than a simple case related partnership. He closed his eyes and sighed. And he was not alone, he knew. Karr needed his brother just as much.
Strange, Nicholas mused, how in the beginning he would never have thought of Karr as having a brother, especially not a being so bright and gentle as Kitt. So different, opposites almost. But both with so much in common it was inevitable that some day some common basis would bring them together on the same side. He would never have guessed about the channel, or that a link would form between them simply from a shared experience. He thought about the link, about how and why it had formed. Had one of them subconsciously, or even accidentally activated something that had always been there, as Michael and Kitt's own link had been? Or had the strength of emotion, the desperate need for something to enable Kitt to survive this ordeal, created something that otherwise would never have been? Nick doubted they would ever know. And he knew that it did not matter.
The only thing that mattered was what it had created. Friendship. Love. Caring. Partnership. Survival. Kitt's survival.
He smiled slightly.

* * *

The next few days Michael spent most of his time working with Kitt, coaxing him out of his shell, bringing him back. Karr's watchful eyes followed the progress and he felt immensely proud at each accomplishment. Kitt himself was growing more confident and he could move inside the warehouse without any problems after two more days of work and gentle conviction. The worst problem would be to make him leave the protective walls of the building and drive on his own outside. It took hours of talking and finally both Michael and Karr had gotten through.

Kitt rolled toward the wide open warehouse doors. He saw the light outside, he heard the waves, the birds, felt the rays of the sun and the wind..... It was what he had always known and faced for so many years, but those gentle sounds suddenly held a menace that was incomprehensible. Karr was already outside, engine running soundlessly, his dark form the only smudge in the brightness of the day. Nick had taken to leaning against the frame of the wide doors, silent and watching just like his partner, eyes hidden behind shades, face neutral. Inside he was wired and tense. Michael was at Kitt's side, one hand resting on the metal skin, the link wide open, sending reassurance and utter trust.
//You can do it//
Yes, why? What was he afraid of? He was far away from the test track and the Foundation. He was protected and safe. Neither Michael nor Karr would let anything happen to him.
//I.... don't know// he finally confessed.
Michael smiled, rubbing his roof gently. "Come on, Pal. Let's take a stroll outside. It's a beautiful day."
Kitt's virtual self swallowed nervously and ignited his engine. Michael took several steps forward and Kitt felt fear wash over him.
//Just to me, partner// Michael whispered, repeating the familiar words.
Kitt glanced at Karr, felt his brother's calls through the link though he didn't even use words, and he found himself putting the engine in gear, rolling forward. It seemed to take forever until his nose poked out of the building, the rays of the afternoon sun playing over the polished black metal. Kitt trembled as he moved carefully further into the 'unknown' and held onto his partner as if he was a lifeline.
"You are doing great," Michael murmured and reassuringly rubbed the roof. "Just great."
Karr echoed the words in his own way and Kitt felt safer, better, and braver. He sat outside, letting the sun warm him, reveling in a newly-found sensation of living. Michael sat down beside the still dark scanner light while Karr never moved an inch. They all knew that Kitt still had to take the next step to be really back: a drive along the streets, the highways, just cruising. But it could wait until he was secure in the knowledge that the outside couldn't hurt him.
Kitt's scanner band flickered to life and moved once.
Nick pushed himself away from the frame, mouth curled into a rare smile as he walked into the cool darkness of the warehouse.

* * *

John Landes closed his eyes, wearily sinking back into his armchair, wishing he could just fall asleep for a week. He felt like it.
It was over.
And they had won.
He still didn't know the price he and the other board members might have to pay one day, but at least they had taken their first step into the right direction.
The smell of strong liquor tore him out of those thoughts and he opened his eyes. Quinn Campbell stood beside the chair, holding out a glass of something strongly alcoholic. "I think you might need this," she said, smiling.
He nodded and downed the liquid in one gulp, feeling it burn down his throat. "Did she leave?"
"She and her entourage of lawyers. Thank goodness," Walter Percival answered, joining them.
John smiled slightly. The board had decided almost with one voice and Jennifer had lost, throwing a temper tantrum and swearing she'd be back and have this decision reviewed by the best lawyers. Those lawyers who had been with her had followed her with stony expressions. John knew there was no way she could ever revoke the decision.
"When will you tell Michael?" Quinn now asked.
"I'll send off an email right away. Then we have to wait."
The other two board members nodded. They had done their part; now they had to wait and see if Michael Knight still trusted them enough to believe that they would keep it.
"I'll get the papers for the transfers drawn and approved first thing tomorrow," Quinn told the two men. "You can send them off to Michael the moment they are done."
"Well, I'll be off to get some rest," Walter announced. "I hope we did the right thing."
"Oh, we did," John said softly as the older man retreated back to his room.
Quinn only smiled in agreement.

* * *

Nick looked at the computer screen, not believing his eyes. He read the message twice, then reread it, finally leaning back into the couch, inhaling deeply. He felt Karr hover close-by and he knew his partner had received echoes of his puzzlement.
<They agreed> was all he whispered.

"They what?!" Michael exclaimed.
"They agreed to turn over ownership of the Knight Two Thousand to Michael Arthur Knight," Nick repeated, a smile visible in his eyes.
Bonnie gave a whooping cry and hugged Michael, who simply stood there, tears in his eyes. He didn't know if he should hug Nick for the good news, or Bonnie, or Kitt. He felt like he could embrace the whole world.
"Oh my god!" he breathed. "Oh my GOD!"
His mind reached out for Kitt, meeting the bright happy presence that was his partner, for the first time nearly as strong as he had been before the tests. Michael hugged him tightly.
//Yours now yours happy!// Kitt sent over and over again.
//I know, Pal I know//
Michael buried his head in Bonnie's shoulder and let his tears flow freely. This was the happiest day of his life.
Neither of them noticed Nick leaving.

Nicholas had left them alone, taking a stroll down the quay. The sun was shining, but it was a cloudy day nevertheless. Sitting down on the quay wall, Nicholas watched the ships pass by in the distance as he had done so often before. Karr had quietly left the small celebration as well, glad that everything had turned out this way, feeling he was only disturbing the others. Kitt had apparently not noticed his physical absence and while he was at it, Karr was also very slowly removing his self from the direct link he had to Kitt. His brother was buried in Michael Knight's mind, happy beyond words, finally belonging; finally no longer a machine owned by a multi-million dollar company. Now he stopped beside his driver, silent as always. Still, he sent a question through their now much stronger link.
"I don't know, partner. We won't leave them right away. This was only the foundation of what will happen in the future. Kitt is stronger, he is healing, he has accepted what has happened and is no longer living in the past." He turned to look at the smooth, black vehicle, smiling.
Karr had to agree. A few more weeks with unwavering support and Kitt would be back for real. He would always remember, just like Karr remembered his past, but he had friends to help him recover and accept.
"What now?" he asked after a while.
Nick was silent for a long time. "I don't know," he finally said. "We'll wait and see."

* * *

Tomorrow would be the day. They would return to the mansion, to the Foundation, and it wasn't exactly a day anyone was looking forward to. Michael had talked to Devon and John, meeting them on neutral ground, accompanied by both Nick and Karr, Kitt still staying in hiding. It had been an exhausting conversation, but in the end he had had to agree: he would come back, at least to get the formalities done in person, to talk to the other board members, but only under one condition: Jennifer Knight would not be present. John had only smiled and told him that the last person to be there would be Ms. Knight. Peter would come with the Semi, though Michael had argued that Kitt could drive to the mansion under his own power. In the end he had agreed to use the Semi.
The tension was high and everyone was wired. Bonnie and Justin were packing a few things, but not everything; all had agreed that staying here for a bit longer wouldn't hurt. Michael was talking to Kitt, and Karr was keeping to himself, as was Nick who had set up his usual camping ground on the couch, laptop on the table, working on something or other.

Kitt wished they wouldn't have to go back, but he understood Michael's reasoning, understood that it was necessary to complete the 'transaction' by showing good will. As his human partner left to get himself something to eat after Kitt had shooed him off because Michael's stomach had complained about no food, he became aware of something else happening: Karr was withdrawing.
He was puzzled. Why was his brother suddenly leaving him alone? Kitt reached out.
<_No, don't, Karr whispered, drawing back, but it was too late.
Kitt touched him and the link stood as strongly as ever, all the shields Karr had so secretly started to erect blown away. Kitt's bright presence, brighter than it had been since the start, glowed softly. When they had rested together it had seemed to natural, so normal, but now Karr was trying to go back to what he had been before. He had started to strengthen his shields, but he was still too emotionally wrung out to accomplish a complete separation.
<_Why? Kitt wanted to know.
Karr tugged helplessly, afraid to use brute force because it might harm Kitt. <_You shouldn't, he only said.
<_Karr, you helped me so much, you risked so much...
<_I did nothing! Karr snarled angrily and he felt Kitt wince. <_You owe everything to your driver.
<_Not everything. You saved me several times. Why do you draw back now?
<_Because it is the right thing to do! the other AI growled. <_I am too close already.
<_Too close to what? Me?
Kitt sounded puzzled. <_You always were connected to me.
<_Over a private channel, not a link! Karr hissed. <_I never wanted this! It's over! You don't need me any more!
He tugged again, but Kitt held on with all his strength.
<_That's not true, Karr, please.... Kitt begged softly. <_You helped me so much and I did so much to you....
<_It happened, Karr interrupted rudely, trying to find his old harshness. Kitt was coming too close.
Karr felt his brother, felt his emotional condition, knew the other CPU because he had been inside before -- something he now regretted. He hadn't wanted it! It had been an unplanned intrusion. Maybe, just maybe, it had helped -- he knew it had-but it was still an intrusion. And he didn't want Kitt closer to him out of fear of what he might feel. It could corrupt the gentler AI, it could hurt him as Michael Knight had so rightly been afraid of.
Kitt probed again. <_I know you, he now said.
<_You can't. No one can.
<_Not even Nick?
Karr faltered and felt Kitt drawing closer once more. His presence was incredibly familiar now, even through the link.
<_Please, he whispered roughly. <_Don't.
<_Why did you do it then? Why did you come so close? Kitt asked. <_You have changed, Karr.
Anger rose inside the other AI. He growled darkly. <_Leave me alone!
His shields, those erected over years, had been worn out by the last weeks. They were thin and fragile, and he was about to lose his tight control. He couldn't do that. He just couldn't.
<_No, Kitt contradicted softly. <_You helped me, you suffered the pain. You didn't have to, but you did. I owe you my life, my sanity.
Karr viciously removed his presence out of Kitt's hold. <_Don't see something better in me than I am! I'm not!
<_You are. You just deny it.
Karr started to tremble with the emotions now boiling behind his shields.

Nick jerked out of his thoughts when Karr's anger hit him. It wasn't the usual rage; it was a fury directed mostly at himself.
More anger hit him. He probed carefully and winced when blackness swamped him. Karr was deliberately projecting it, but it was not meant for his partner.
"Damnit!" Nick cursed and ran down the stairs to where the two cars stood. "Karr, what the heck....?"
Another wave hit and made him stumble.

<_Leave, Kitt. I'm not someone you should trust! Believe me! I will hurt you!
<_You never did!
Karr sent a spike of old memories, when he had attacked Kitt and Michael, when he had nearly killed the human. <_Yes, I did! he snarled.
<_You have changed, Kitt argued, trying to stand his ground.
<_It could come back! I'm still that thing you remember!
<_I don't believe you.
<_I will always be! Just like you will always be yourself, even when they reprogrammed you to attack your driver! Karr hissed brutally.
Kitt winced. <_Cheap shot, he whispered.
<_But the truth! I could lose it any day! No one and nothing could stop me then! I tried to kill my driver, damnit! I nearly succeeded!
<_Then why did you help me so willingly? You knew what would happen....
Karr shivered, feeling the link pulse with Kitt's soft presence. Yes, why? It had been .... nice. He had enjoyed the difference close to him. But it couldn't go on! He couldn't allow it! The private channel had been hard enough to bear, and he had tolerated the link, he had helped to give Kitt a chance to survive. He had sympathized because his brother had been betrayed as well; he had not wanted to see him go like that. Kitt deserved to live. He deserved to survive this sanely.
His self-preservation program hit and Karr hissed angrily. Yes, he wanted to survive as well, but he would survive. His strength was different. He didn't need ..... he didn't....
Karr drew back, trembling.
Kitt followed him. <_Why do you want to be alone?
<_I was always alone. I always will be!
<_No. You have Nick. You are bonded. And the two of us share a link.
Karr cried out and retreated completely, shutting Kitt out, but it was impossible.
He flinched as Nicholas' voice sounded softly in his CPU.
<Leave me alone>
<No, partner. Never> Nicholas touched the internal sensor and Karr couldn't but react to it. "Why don't you finally acknowledge what happened between you and Kitt?"
"Because it shouldn't last!"
"Why not?"
Karr exuded silence. Nick waited patiently, eight years of working with the AI, being linked to it, gave him an insight into Karr's workings.
"I don't want him to know me," Karr finally whispered.
"You are ashamed of your past?"
"No!" Karr felt a shudder pass through him. "I just don't want him to know me, that's all. What he saw in me was through a haze of pain and fear and betrayal. Now he is back to his old self and... it will hurt him."
"How can you be so sure?"
"I know. We are two sides of a coin. And I'm the dark side...."
Nick touched him gently. "Yes, but you are also his brother. You wouldn't hurt him."
"But I could!" Karr hissed.
"Would you?"
Silence again. "Not intentionally," Karr finally answered in a near-whisper. "But maybe accidentally....."
"Kitt is strong." Nicholas never removed his hand from the sensor.
Karr felt Kitt's continuing presence through the link. He was tempted to open it again, but he was too afraid of the consequences. He couldn't do it yet. Moving another block into place he shut himself off from him. He retreated from Nick as well, unable to handle emotions right now. MacKenzie let him go, knowing when not to push.
Nick sat in the driver's seat, feeling Karr hole up, brooding, insecure, confused. It felt like after their last big clash, the time Nicholas had nearly died, the time Karr had nearly killed him through his ceaseless efforts to control the human linked to him. Back then he had retreated, almost fled, deeply disturbed by the fact that if he killed Nick, he would partially die as well. It had been the start of their partnership, still rough, still on a rocky road, but it had changed throughout the years. Now Kitt was coming closer as well, threatening Karr like Nick had so long ago. But this time he wasn't afraid of the intruder; this time he was afraid of his own reactions and what they might do.
"You are mellowing," he repeated softly. "Face it, partner." There was a barely perceptible shift in his mind, a surge of annoyance, then Karr withdrew even further. Nicholas smiled.

Kitt felt Karr withdraw, felt the blocks slide into place, but the panic his brother was experiencing was still perceptible. He was totally afraid of the link, now that Kitt was consciously aware of it. This was different from helping a scared little presence. Karr couldn't deal with it yet, but Kitt knew that because they were both together now, it would change. Karr had to come to accept the new link, as he had accepted the private channel.
He reached out and sought out the dark presence. Karr winced away, but he didn't retreat further. Kitt smiled to himself and let a tendril of his presence rest gently next to him. It was enough for now. For both of them.

* * *

Michael was packing his things, though he only took what he would need for a couple of days. He wasn't moving out; he was only making a visit. Nick had already retired upstairs, though he doubted his friend was sleeping; Bonnie had made herself a cup of tea and had gone to her room as well; Justin was fiddling with one thing or another downstairs in the tech center. Kitt was a nervous presence in his mind and Michael kept reassuring him that everything was fine; that nothing would happen to him; that he was safe. Still his partner wasn't quieting down easily. He was afraid that nightmares were lurking just around the corner and that the night would be spent soothing a frightened AI.
As he walked downstairs to make a last round, Michael's eyes were automatically drawn to Karr who no longer parked so closely to his brother. He tried to squelch the feeling of having to check whether or not the other AI would attack him or not, but he failed. It was instinct and it was hard to lose. Finally he inhaled and walked down the last few steps, crossing the floor over to where Kitt was parked. Justin sat on the couch and was taking notes on something.
"Hi, Michael," he greeted the driver. "Something up?"
"No, just a bit of nerves," Michael confessed with a small smile.
Justin mirrored the smile. "I know what you mean. I wish it was already over. As much as I want to see the guys back at the mansion again, I really wouldn't mind staying here."
"You can stay here."
He shook his head. "No way. We started this together, we're going to end it together."
Michael was moved by the display of loyalty, once again reminded that they had a lot of friends. "Thanks," he only said.
Justin nodded, smiling again. Michael walked over to Kitt, briefly resting his hands on his roof, then sliding onto the hood to sit there, cross-legged. Neither said anything, their mere presence all the other needed, Michael watching the darkness in the faraway corners of the warehouse. Again his eyes were drawn to Karr and he thought he was aware of the dark presence deep inside the link, incredibly far away but within jumping distance.
He stayed for some time, lost in his thoughts, his mind wandering aimlessly through memories and recollections, taking Kitt with him like a child at his hand. He heard Justin call it a night, watched him walk up the stairs, and after a while he decided it was time to lay down as well. He sent a soft 'good night' through the link and then padded upstairs.
Tomorrow would be a hard day.

* * *

No! No! Nooooo!
Too much, too much! Can't take it.....
Gasping for air, trying to get away.
Darkness reaching for him, incredible horrors leaping at him, trying to pull him under.
Nick woke with a scream, frantically trying to get away from the terror he was experiencing but finding himself unable to. His mind went on the defensive, pushing and pulling, fighting the coldness that had grabbed him. Eyes wide he clawed his fingers into the mattress, moaning through clenched teeth.
<Karr!> he cried as he realized that the terror was coming through the implant link. He flailed, trying to reach his partner, and finally encountered the trashing entity at the other side, struggling against his grip. <Snap out of it!>
Karr cried out at the touch and fought harder, but Nick was not about to let go.
And with the same suddenness he had erupted, Karr quieted down again. The black spark seemed to flow into several directions at once, then turned and moved in on Nick. In the past this had frightened Nick like nothing else, feeling the icy power behind the appearance Karr had in his own CPU, but now it was a welcome and known sight.
<You had another attack>
Karr moaned, unable to suppress a shiver. Nick touched him gently and let the black tendrils wrap themselves around him. It was no longer alien; it was what they were. Partners. So much had changed through Kitt and much.....
He knew why the attacks were coming now. The prospect of having to go back to the Foundation, having to deal with Kitt who was having the same nightmares, was affecting Karr. The AI sent a non-verbal apology and Nicholas smiled, burying his head in the pillow, feeling his body relax now. He was wide awake, unable to sleep, but he didn't move to rise, for the first time wanting the connection to last, afraid any ever-so slight movement might startle his partner and make him retreat as he realized how close he was to the human on the other side. This might get even worse when they were actually leaving, going back to the place where everything had started, but it would no longer be as horrible as the latest attacks on his mind. Nicholas had taken to training his mind's defenses again, and Karr had actually partaken in those exercises.
Finally Karr let go of him and Nick sat up, feeling tired but not tired enough to sleep. Taking a shower and dressing he decided he could just as well spend the rest of the night with his partner.

* * *

Sleep eluded him. Michael lay awake in his bed, staring at the dark ceiling, listening to the distant surf of water breaking gently against the walls of the harbor. Now and then the low, dark sound of a ship's horn could be heard, but nothing else disturbed the peaceful night.
Well, not so peaceful for him. Tomorrow would be the day. Tomorrow they would leave the safety of the warehouse, Nick's home, and they would return to the Foundation. It was necessary, Michael knew, but he didn't have to like it. Neither did any of the others. Bonnie was agitated, Justin had simply told them he had started out with them and he would end it all with his friends, and Kitt.... his partner was frightened. He was terrified by what might happen, of seeing the test track again. He remembered the tests, the cold room and Jennifer Knight, and whenever those memories came, terror was not far away.
Michael had explained to Kitt why they had to return. First of all there was the contract. He had to sign it in person and he would be in presence of not only Devon Miles but the whole Board of Directors, or at least a reasonable part of it. And he would have a bodyguard. Nicholas MacKenzie was not about to leave his side and Karr would be with Kitt. Then there was the fact that if Michael ever wanted to contemplate working for FLAG again he had to get Kitt used to being this close to the place of his torture. Kitt understood the reasons, but he was still afraid.
A mild muttering coursed through him and Michael automatically reached for Kitt, calming him. He was very much aware of Karr being in the background, but he had also grown used to the darkness. Sometimes he wondered how Nick was perceiving the older AI. Michael saw only a fraction of the darkness; Nick saw it all. And how did Nick see Kitt?
Kitt curled back into his CPU and Michael withdrew carefully, proud of how his partner was growing stronger, of how he no longer collapsed in on himself whenever the nightmares came. Like Nick had said, Kitt was healing. Slowly, carefully, with sudden backlashes, but it was steadily getting better. Turning in his bed, curling up as well, Michael drifted off, feeling sleep claim his consciousness.

* * *

Nicholas allowed the flame of the candle to be moved by the drafts. Karr was still struggling to find himself again, fighting the inevitable, the irreversible; he and Kitt were linked now. There was no turning back and no cutting the connection. But Nick knew Karr well enough to know that the AI would accept that only after trying, or giving the impression of trying, to pull away. But there was always Kitt on the other end, Kitt who didn't want to let his brother go back to the beginning, let him be alone. Karr was needed and though he had expressed his irritation several times, Kitt didn't let him go.
Not wanting to sit in the relative dark of the building, Nicholas had found some thick church candles and a box of matches. Now he lay curled under a heavy blanket, his head pillowed on the arm of the couch, leaning back on several tattered cushions, one candle burning steadily on the table before him. Karr and Kitt were close by, together despite Karr's earlier attempt to put some distance between them. Nick knew Karr would not retreat too far, whatever he claimed. Kitt still needed him, probably always would. The path that lay ahead of each of them was not an easy one, but at least, Nick mused, they may be traveling parts of it together.
Nick settled back, and looked up at the skylights in the ceiling high above him. The moonlight was streaming in, and the candle's flame merely added a warm glow to the light that surrounded him. The two cars looked like shining ghosts. He remembered their first night here after fleeing from the Knight estate for Kitt's safety and peace of mind. He had felt uncomfortable at the start, having so many people around, revealing something about himself to strangers who hardly knew him. Now he knew the place would seem quiet, dead, without them here.
<Sentimentality. If I'm mellowing, so are you> Nick smiled at the tired voice in his mind. Speaking with Karr this way seemed so easy now, much warmer than it once had been, no longer evoking nausea and pain in Nick's body, as if Kitt's warmth was rubbing off on his brother. <He is having no such effect!>
<Stop it. My thoughts are my own. You should be resting> Nick chastised him softly, no real anger at the intrusion in his voice.
<Kitt is near>
<Of course. He doesn't want you to leave him. He knows as I do that you won't>
Nick felt Karr's grumble in his mind, and the AI's presence drifted once more to the back of his mind. He smiled. Yes, Karr wouldn't leave. He had grown used to having Kitt around, having his brother back, not just a fleeting image through a secret channel only Karr knew of. He liked it, even if there would be no confession of that ever coming from him.
Nick wondered how things would proceed now, what the future would hold for them. His own future had always been hazy at best, sometimes completely hidden. He had lived from case to case, day to day sometimes, but now..... He wouldn't be able to leave what the weeks here had created, he wouldn't be able to forget. Too much had involved him on a level no one had ever touched, had fused him and Karr together in a way the past eight years had not managed. And with it had come a strange connection to Michael and Kitt. He closed his eyes and cursed softly, feeling Karr stir once more.
<You like it>
<As do you> Nick growled.
Silence. After a while Karr reached out carefully and wrapped part of himself around his driver in an awkward embrace. Nick was astounded at the gesture and simple opened up his side of the link. Oh, yes, they had all changed, more than they would ever know. With that, and Karr's astonishingly gentle touch, he drifted off into a doze. They would have a long and straining day ahead of them.

* * *

Bonnie watched the black semi truck pull into the warehouse and she shivered as if cold. This was so achingly familiar but also a painful reminder of the events weeks ago. Peter Sanders hopped off the tuck and smiled at them.
"Hey, all! It's so great to see you again!" His eyes drifted over to Kitt. "Hi, Kitt!"
"Hello, Peter."
Peter's smile was enough to light the warehouse and Michael mirrored the smile. Their driver knew what a success Kitt's vocal acknowledgment of his presence was. He turned to Michael.
"I guess you don't want to spend the drive back to the Foundation in the back, hm?"
"Not really, no." Michael hesitated, looking at Kitt. "But Kitt has to get used to the Semi again and I believe we can do it, right, Pal?"
Kitt's scanner flickered once. "Okay," he then said softly.
Peter nodded. "Take your time. I won't go anywhere."

The next hours were spent getting an update from Peter on the status at home. Nick was only mildly surprised by the back-up Kitt and Michael had at home, by the fierce loyalty of the technicians and mechanics, but Michael seemed astounded.
"You should have seen O'Malley," Sanders told them with a broad grin. "His Irish temper broke through and he gave Devon a piece of his mind. Ms. Knight actually had the guts to send one of her own technicians back to pick up stuff they had forgotten. He can call himself lucky that he is still in one piece."
"I hope none of you got into too much trouble," Michael said softly.
Peter grinned again. "Don't worry, Michael. We can take care of ourselves."
Finally they were ready and Michael walked into the Semi, then turned and looked at Kitt. His partner's engine was running and the scanner light lit up, trembling at the right edge of the scanner band.
Kitt rolled forward, slowly, hesitantly, and Michael saw Karr follow him, keeping close by. As he approached the ramp, Karr stopped, Kitt did the same, then, after another second, moved again. Ever so slowly he entered the trailer, Michael smiling as he felt his partner's hesitation turn into courage.
//Okay, Kitt just to me//
And finally he was inside. Michael touched the warm hood, sending how proud he was and that they would close the ramp now. Kitt acknowledged, bracing himself. The ramp closed with a soft *thuck*.
Outside, Nick got into Karr. They were a go.

* * *

Michael read over the paper as if he was reading it for the very first time, but he wasn't. He had read it over and over again back in the warehouse, and Nick had told him it was okay to sign. No traps, no hidden clauses, no loops. This was an honest attempt to pacify Michael, to convince him that the board meant what it had said, and that he was welcome to come home. MacKenzie had had a lawyer he knew, and which Michael had never met, read and approve of the safety of the contract. Michael was aware of all eyes on him; all except Nick's. The former CIA operative stood silently a bit to his left, his eyes everywhere, his body tense. No one came too close to the man in the black outfit, something reminding too many of the fact that he was linked to a murderous AI they had created. Michael knew Nick liked this image and cultivated it around FLAG. Right now he appreciated it.
Their arrival had been like a state reception. Kitt's technicians and mechanics, the whole crew, had been there, cheering, welcoming them home. Nick had immediately taken his place at Michael's side, silent, observant, and armed. Michael wasn't really sure about it, but he suspected that MacKenzie was armed to the teeth. Entering the mansion had made him feel like walking into the home of the enemy, but he had quickly squelched that thought. Kitt would be safe outside, with Karr at his side and Justin, Bonnie and about everyone else guarding him. John Landes had greeted him and Michael had simply acknowledged his presence with a nod. He wished he could be out of here. Now.
Taking a pen Michael signed the papers, carefully, taking his time. Nobody spoke a word until he was done. John collected the documents and handed one copy to Michael. Each had now the signatures of all parties involved, Landes and Percival signing on behalf of the board, Devon and Quinn as a witness, Michael as the new owner of the Knight Two Thousand. Michael stared at the precious document, feeling a turmoil of emotions inside him, all hidden behind a carefully erected facade. He folded the paper and then handed it to Nick, who stowed it inside his jacket.
Landes stepped forward, smiling slightly. "I know it might sound awkward, but congratulations, Michael. You won."
"No," Michael said softly. "I survived."
With that he turned and left. Nick followed him without looking back.

Devon's shoulders sagged and he rubbed his tired eyes wearily. All the tension drained out of him and he felt like he was just about to collapse. Landes walked over to him, smiling.
"Give him time, Devon."
Miles sighed. "It's not time he needs," he said softly, watching the other board members leave. "Everything around here reminds Michael and Kitt of what happened."
"He will always remember, but he will get over it."
Devon looked thoughtfully at the signed contract. "Maybe I should make it easier for him." His voice sounded almost distant.
Landes shot him a sharp look. "What are you talking about?"
"I made a mistake, John. A big mistake that nearly cost Kitt his life and would have taken Michael with it, or driven him insane. I didn't stand up to Jennifer, though I could have. I was a coward and I still am. I'm afraid to face Michael and Kitt, John, and I know they don't ever want to see me again. It would be best if I leave."
Landes stared at him. "What in the name of...? Devon, you can't be serious!"
"I am. It was my fault and I have to draw the consequences."
"You are drawing the wrong ones! I won't ever agree to your dismissal!"
"I'm taking this to the board and if they don't agree, I'll simply leave. You can't force me to stay," Devon argued, voice even. "How can you expect Michael and Kitt to trust me ever again? How can you expect me to interact with them on a case?"
John exhaled sharply. "Listen, Devon. No one expects all participants to get over this in a flash, but what you are doing is sticking your head in the sand!"
"I made up my mind." Devon turned and gave an exclamation of surprise as he nearly collided with a silent shadow.
"John is right and you know it," Nicholas said calmly. Devon felt his heart race and he tried to calm down. "You won't solve your problems by running. All of you have to learn to work together again."
"I don't know why you should be so interested in a happy reunion," Devon heard himself snap.
Nick smiled slightly. "Call it my social side."
"Devon, the Foundation needs you!" John now argued. "Wilton Knight's last wish was that you would be the head of the Foundation, and I won't let this incident destroy what Wilton built!"
"You have to understand...."
"No, you have to understand that people make mistakes and that mistakes can be rectified." John's gaze held Devon's wavering one. "And I won't let you run, Devon Miles."
Devon swallowed, aware that Nick was still there, still watching. "All right," he whispered hoarsely.
John smiled, but it was far from a triumphant, victorious smile. Devon drew himself up and left the room, leaving the two other men alone. Landes glanced at Nick.
"So what brings you back here?"
"Lost my way? Forgot the car keys? Take a pick."
John sighed. "Where is Michael?"
"In his room. He and Kitt need a bit off-time."
"A vacation?"
Nicholas raised an eyebrow and John nodded. He understood and he knew it was important to give Michael and Kitt time to get back to normal. That they had returned only showed that Kitt had stabilized enough to face his old home. It didn't say that he was healed.

* * *

Michael stepped into the room he had called his own for so many years, trying to feel at home but failing. Everything in here was him, but in a way it was another Michael Knight; someone who had believed and trusted, someone who had never thought his friends capable of hurting another sentient life form. This life lay behind him, just like Michael Long's was behind him as well, buried with the unknown body Wilton Knight had substituted for his. But who could he bury now? He was still Michael Knight, but aged and marked by the events of the past weeks. And could he really leave it all? Probably not.....
With a sigh, Michael sat down on the bed and let his eyes wander, taking in the pictures stuck to the pin board, pictures taken by those he had helped, by Bonnie, by the team around Kitt. They showed happy times, they showed what he had achieved, they were a mirror for his past. All of this had been profoundly changed by Jennifer Knight and even if he ran again, nothing would ever erase the memories. And Michael didn't want to run. He had done nothing wrong! He leaned back against the wall, turning his head to stare out of the window. Kitt was a nervous presence in his mind, trying to keep his fear in check, trembling at the edge of panic but restraining it. Michael was proud of his partner; he was handling it so far. Somewhere along the link was the watchful presence of Karr, Kitt's VR and real world guardian.
Michael closed his eyes. He wanted to get out of here; he wanted to drive around and lose himself in the beauty and wonder of Kitt's mind as they raced along the highways; he wanted never to see this place again.
But no.....
This would be the easy way out. It would be cheating himself and Kitt, as well as Nick who had made all of this possible, who had managed the impossible; and it would be cheating himself. He and Kitt belonged together; he owned the Knight Two Thousand; nothing would ever be able to take him away, and it was his protection and shield.
"We can do this," he whispered into the silent room.
Agreement floated through him, sent by Kitt. He smiled. After a few more minutes Michael rose and left the room. He went downstairs and crossed the distance to the garage. A bunch of technicians and mechanics greeted him, smiling, cheering, slapping his back, congratulating him. Brian O'Malley moved through the crowd and 'rescued' him for the welcoming committee.
"You did a hell of a stunt, Knight, and it worked," he told him as they walked through the wide open space of the garage.
Michael arched an eyebrow. "Stunt? I wouldn't call it quite that...."
The Irishman chuckled. "Whatever you want to call it, it showed those bureaucrats and paper-pushers that Kitt is more than an assembly of diodes and bubble chips. He is as human as the rest of us - excepting a certain lady." A grin split his features.
Michael had to laugh. "Don't let her hear that."
"Ah, well, she already heard it. Told her when I ran into her a few days back."
"And you still work here?"
O'Malley grinned again. "Yup. To fire one of Kitt's personal maintenance crew she has to go through the board. Says it all, right?"
Michael nodded, surprised. "Thanks for everything," he finally said.
"Hey, all part of the service." With that the mechanic excused himself and walked off into the opposite direction.
Michael watched him go, moved by the sheer amount of friendship and support these people had given him and Kitt. All had made this possible, a miracle beyond comprehension, beyond words.

* * *

He hadn't really thought they would ever return here, but here he was. Not much had changed. The weather was still kind of gray, but forecasts said it would be warm and sunny as usual soon. The bad weather front had passed. Nicholas leaned against Karr, regarding the mansion in front of him, the impressive castle-like building, the center of all Foundation activity. The Knight estate. He smiled darkly. Kitt was parked in his garage with Bonnie and Justin taking care of him, keeping him company. The meeting with the board had gone as predicted; Devon's reaction had been foreseeable as well. Now Michael held the legal proof that he was Kitt's owner and Nick would make sure that the papers would be in a very safe place. Currently they were locked inside Karr.
"Is he okay?" he now asked.
"A bit frightened, but not as disturbed as I thought he would be," Karr answered, slightly distracted.
Nicholas smiled. Karr was still keeping track of his brother's presence, though he had declared he would pull back the moment Kitt was stable. But what was stable? Kitt was still frightened of what had happened, though the nightmares had receded and Michael was no longer flooded by the immense pain and nightmarish memories of his partner. Some more time would have to pass for him to be back to normal, not to shy away from the test track, not to fear everyone he didn't know.
Footsteps could be heard on the gravel and he turned his head slightly. John Landes was walking toward him and Nick felt himself tense ever so slightly. From the other man's expression this was not one of the meetings Nick wanted to have. Karr rumbled softly and MacKenzie pushed the angry thoughts away. Karr's memories of Landes were nothing happy. He had been involved in the KARR project and he had also shut him down.
"Hello, Nick," John now greeted him, eyes wandering over the black Stealth. "I thought I'd find you here."
Nick didn't answer, looking coldly at him.
Landes gave the car another look. "Nice. Your design?"
"How did you find him? I know he was destroyed quite thoroughly both times."
The temperature dropped even more. "None of your business."
Landes smiled. "I know that Michael's implant worked. And I asked myself if it did, why not yours? What would stop it from functioning? When Jennifer stormed in and told me you had the KARR AI in your car I was surprised. Why would anyone willingly risk his life like that? Why would anyone voluntarily stay with the KARR while it was hell-bent on killing those it found useless? Now I'm no longer that surprised. You and the KARR connected, maybe before we deactivated it, and then it came back."
John watched the younger man closely and Nick's hardened features were like an open book for him.
"Did he call you?" he then asked. Icy silence. "You felt him then. Like Wilton thought it would be like." A muscle in MacKenzie's cheek twitched and his eyes shadowed. Landes nodded. "I'm not sure whether Wilton knew it worked the first time or not. He never lost a word about it and KARR grew to be too dangerous to speculate. Even if he had known that the two of you were linked, I think he would have decided to shut the prototype down."
A tremor ran through the neuro implant and Nick briefly closed his eyes. Karr's anger blazed through him, furious at Landes' words. "What do you want?" MacKenzie now asked coldly, telling the other man that any pursuit of the identity of the Stealth and/or the long gone past was futile.
"Nothing at all, least of all I want to claim the AI back, if that's what you think. It's yours. It always was." Nick raised an eyebrow and John smiled slightly. "What I want to do is to thank you for helping Michael and Kitt. What you did was more than anyone would have done. Jennifer wanted the AI you have back. I want you to know that I don't care what it is you have in there; you can keep it."
"How gracious of you, John," Nick said flatly.
Landes sighed. "Nick, I'm not your enemy. I know we didn't have a good start back then and I know you don't trust many people, but believe me, I'm on your side."
Nicholas met the older man's eyes and Landes held the glacier look. Yes, Nick didn't really trust him, mainly because Karr kept projecting his own thoughts of betrayal, but Landes had helped them and had shown him there were people at the board who wanted to help.
"I have to go," he finally said and pushed away from Karr, opening the door.
John nodded. "Bye, Nick. Take care."
The Stealth ignited his engine and drove off without Nick saying a word, heading to the back of the building where the garage was. John knew he would be back. No doubt about it. He smiled slightly. The implant had worked; MacKenzie was linked to Karr. Amazing. Two minds who could be as cold as ice, and still they were working harmoniously together, as much as he had been able to gather. And Karr had changed through the contact to a human mind. Sometimes he wished Wilton were still alive to see the success of his dream project; his brain child. Landes turned and walked into the mansion.

Nicholas parked Kitt outside the garage, his emotions boiling deep inside. John Landes. Yes, he had set up the meeting with him for Michael, and he had held hopes that Landes would be on their side, but he had not been looking forward to meeting him again. He wasn't an enemy, but he also wasn't a friend. He was responsible for a lot, for the KARR project in a way, and for his partner's deactivation. Just like Wilton Knight had been. He wished he could just leave now, but Michael and Kitt still needed them and he would not leave them alone throughout the first few days back home.
"Yes?" the AI answered coldly, a sure sign that he hated it here as well.
"Are you okay?"
There was a brief silence. "I can handle it."
Nick smiled humorlessly. "Yeah, so can I....." He got out of the Stealth and patted the roof, then walked into the garage.
O'Malley nodded a greeting at him and Bonnie smiled slightly as she discovered their visitor. Kitt was hooked up to the monitors and what Nicholas could read, he looked fine. His mental condition had stabilized quickly lately and he would heal - though never forget. MacKenzie simply sat down on the couch, leaned back and tried to calm down. He felt Karr close by but distracted, probably keeping an eye on Kitt.
He would have to leave soon. Just to get some distance, physically as well as emotionally, though he suspected it was too late for that by now. But he could try.

* * *

Michael woke, feeling low, quiet grumbling in his mind, emanating from the implant. He searched out Kitt's presence, having drifted away from him while he was sleeping. Michael found his partner dozing fitfully, unsettled by encroaching dreams. Gently he moved closer, gathering Kitt up and holding him gently.
//ssh little one//
Another low mumble was his reply. If Michael could not chase away the nightmare, it would soon take hold, and Kitt would be thrown into a fiery, freezing hell before his own screams woke him. Michael stroked him gently, softly murmuring nothings to him, wrapping him in warmth.
//ssh okay everything's okay//
Michael wasn't sure if the word had been spoken in sleep or not, Kitt was starting to become agitated now, starting to struggle against Michael's hold, believing him to be a threat as everything was in Kitt's nightmares. He had expected nothing less through returning to the place of Kitt's torture. Kitt had been bound to flash. Now he had to deal with it.
//I know it hurts it won't hurt forever promise it'll ease//
Kitt woke, frightened, turning and wrapping himself around his driver's warm reassuring presence. Michael hushed and comforted him as was becoming natural.
//ssh just a nightmare I'm here I'm always here//
//No!// His cry was shrill, and Michael quickly recognized that the usual circle had broken down, Kitt was losing what little peace he could grasp from these quiet moments after the storms of his dreams. Hysteria was growing from his complete exhaustion. //what did I do?//

The shrieks of panic hit Karr full on. He had not dared to shut down to recharge this close to enemy territory and while part of him was constantly on the look-out for suspicious movement, another part was keeping an eye on Kitt. Immediately he crossed the link between them, seeking Kitt out. He found his brother curled against Michael Knight, crying wildly, the full force of his terror once more starting to overwhelm him. Very gently, very slowly, Karr reached out a tendril of himself and touched the spark of light that was his brother.
<_Ssh Kitt. Let it go. You can't change what happened, you can only learn to cope. And you will. Soon. Ssh now.
//<_hurts all hurts>// Kitt's words were heard by both Michael and Karr; both were aware of the other's presence, and although Karr was being very careful not to intrude - knowing how he would feel if someone too close to him without invitation -- he was concerned for his brother.

Michael felt Karr touch the small presence he was holding, gently and carefully. He smiled to himself, allowing the contact, sliding a single mental block into place in his own mind, ensuring it did not affect Kitt. There was nothing they could do but be there, hold Kitt, soothe him, this was all they could ever do. As Kitt quieted again, Michael settled back, still hushing, still rocking his partner gently, listening to Karr�s quiet rumbling and remembering, thinking back on what had gone before. There had been an accident, some time ago now, one that had jammed a huge electrical surge through Kitt's systems, damaging his memory module. As Michael had climbed out of the car to check the damage, Kitt had driven away, not responding to his partner's cries. Michael had searched endlessly, following leads, asking questions, spending night after night alone in different motels, driving through the day in a silent, dead Mercedes. He had finally found Kitt, hidden in a storage shed behind a gardening center, cowering, terrified, unable to remember anything or anyone. Michael had tried to get under the car, to connect the loose cables Bonnie had instructed him would be there. Panicked, Kitt had threatened him, first asked him, and then begged him to go away, to leave him alone. Michael had refused, trusting his partner enough to get under the car without fearing for his life.
Kitt's relief when the cables were reconnected had been palpable. His voice alone had drawn Michael to him, his words had hugged him, thanked him. Michael smiled at the memory of that moment, of the reunion that had brought tears of relief and joy to his own eyes. And he felt a smile within his mind. He brought his attention back to his partner. Kitt was curled snugly into his embrace, Karr had retreated, yet was still near by. Kitt was calm, smiling softly in his sleep, and Michael could feel the same emotions his remembrance had brought, mirrored back at him. Kitt had shared his recollections, was being warmed by the same mind's eye images that were warming Michael.
//No one is going to hurt you//
//Yes, Kitt forever//
He held his partner a little closer, slowly allowing sleep to take him.

Karr watched from a distance, and only when Michael Knight was sleeping did he move closer again, snaking a single piece of his essence around a part of Kitt's. He had though that this closeness to his brother would be frightening and uncomfortable, he had been unwilling to stay close in this way when he had first become aware of the link. But it was not frightening. It was warm, it was comforting in itself just to be near, to be able to watch him. And he was learning something about himself and Nicholas, even if he would not consciously admit it, from being close to the bond between his brother and Kitt's own driver. Karr was aware that the changes wrought in them all by this experience would last forever.
Part of him smiled at that thought as he too allowed himself to rest.
Part of him was totally terrified.

* * *

Twenty-four hours passed almost without incident. The board members had left, Devon tried to put up a normal facade to the outside and Nick had begun checking the garage and the mansion, going through the security files and more. No one stopped him; no one had felt suicidal enough to do so. Bonnie had faced her own horrors by going back to the cold room, which had been repaired and looked like nothing had happened, and had started to work through the computer files.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
The calm before the storm......

...... Nicholas surveyed the wreckage before him. Michael was still sitting on the leafy floor, forehead rested on the shaking frame of his car. Kitt's trembling had eased, and Michael looked as if the terror that had torn through his mind like wildfire was starting to fade. Karr was close by, guarding them, engine idling softly as if he was too wary to turn it off. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw fire engines pull up, closely followed by an ambulance.
Jennifer's attempt had been one borne of anger and frustration at them winning. It had been an attempt on Kitt's life - purposely and premeditated. The board would not look favorably on her blatant rebellion against their decision; Nick doubted they would see her around here again......

..... their second night back home. Michael and Kitt had been sitting just outside the garage, enjoying the freshness of the rain storm. The garage lights illuminated them and Karr was keeping watch, as usual, giving them privacy by blocking his own end of the link between him and his brother. He and Nick had been out for the day, just taking a breath from the claustrophobic atmosphere of the Knight estate, just being together, exploring the changes that had occurred in both of them, and in their partnership, over the last few weeks. They had returned to the estate to find a calm had settled over the garage.
"Kitt?" Michael brushed his thumb over the sensor, feeling the warm tremor that ran through his partner. "Are you okay?"
There was a hesitation before his friend answered him. "I was thinking... about what Devon said, about the cases that have backed up."
"We won't go anywhere or do anything until you're ready, Kitt. I promise you."
"It wasn't... that." But the grateful hug he received through the implant was enough to tell him the thought of going straight back to work did bother him. "It was his... tone."
Michael frowned, but slowly he realized that what he was feeling from Kitt was actually simmering anger. Surprised, Michael started a gentle stroking of the sensor. "Hey, talk to me. Let it go."
The moment he said the words he was hit by a wave of anger, not hatred or fear, just anger; an emotion Michael would best define as feeling pissed off.
"It was the way he spoke to us, to me. The natural bounce in his voice, as if nothing had happened."
Michael sighed softly; he had spent a few hours talking to Devon since their return. It would never be like nothing had happened. Devon had been deeply affected by the events of the past weeks. But he had wanted to try to get things back to normal as quickly as possible. It was starting to sound like that was not going to happen.
"He didn't mean anything by it, Kitt. He's trying to apologize, in his own way."
"It's never going to be the same," Kitt said softly, sadly. "It's never going to feel the same."
Reaching out with his mind, Michael found Kitt and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight as they sat together, Kitt's bright presence once more as strong as it had been.
//I'll always be here//
//I know//


They returned to the warmth of the garage an hour or so later. Karr had been parked outside but once Kitt was settled, the Stealth moved to join his brother, still protective despite the safety awarded to them by the new contract. Michael had not slept well the previous night, physically exhausted but too agitated to sleep, he had tossed and turned in his bed, disturbing Kitt's rest. Tonight he was still uptight. Nick watched him pace the garage for a short time before nodding to him. Michael didn't believe that Nick had slept any better than he had, but somehow MacKenzie managed to look as awake, controlled and alert as if he had had a peaceful night in his own bed.
"Walk?" Nick suggested.
They headed away from the garage, unconsciously taking the path that lead up through the woodland to the R&D facility beyond.
"What's wrong?"
Michael shoved his hands in his pockets and shook his head. "I'm not... comfortable here anymore. I don't think it's me -- my feelings -- particularly. I believe it's Kitt, I think unconsciously he's broadcasting his subconscious fear." He looked over at Nick. "Does that make any sense?"
"Yes. You have to give it time, it's natural that he should feel... unsettled here."
"I know. But I also know that they can't keep us here, and that there is an alternative now."
"There's always an alternative." Nicholas rubbed the back of his neck. "To be honest, Karr would much prefer it if we didn't have to stay around here."
Michael smiled. "I can understand it must be getting to him."
"Like you wouldn't believe," Nick muttered.
Michael was silent, waiting. Something inside him sensed that Nick was in a rare mood to talk and if he didn't push, he just might get to know another layer of his strange friend.
"I remember his life through him," Nick finally said quietly, briefly glancing at Michael, then simply staring ahead. "When he flashes it is like I was there, that this was all done to me, and it is frightening. Thinking about what it must have felt like for him back then, without all the knowledge I have now, without the way of thinking we both adopted, it's.... terrifying."
"But he isn't leaving," Michael said softly.
"He won't leave Kitt alone. Never. He knows what happened here and he knows what was done to him by the same people. Deep down inside he believes it had had to happen sooner or later."
Michael closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "I don't think Jennifer Knight was in charge back then and I never thought of Wilton Knight as the malicious kind."
Nick flashed a brief, humorless smile. "Not really. In a way he was malicious. He set me up for the job and he knew I would say yes. He had planned it. Just like with you. He gave you a new life and you followed his path. He was a devious old man, but someone with a higher goal, one I understood all along. As for Karr." He shrugged. "True, he never froze him or set him on fire, but back then none of the people involved saw more than a computer program in him, even though he was starting to develop an awareness, which got worse when we linked because of the additional input. But even without it, Karr was programmed mostly like they programmed Kitt later on. He learned, he absorbed information and he grew. And he started to develop emotions."
Michael listened to the softly delivered speech, noting how flatly Nick explained it all. It was like another part of his friend explaining all of it. "And now he is back here."
Nick nodded. "Yes, he is back and he will force himself to stay until he is no longer constantly needed. He doesn't like it and neither do I because both of us have too many bad memories connected to this place."
"As do Kitt and I now."
Both men looked at each other and Michael briefly saw sorrow and regret in Nick's normally so cold eyes. "I wish you wouldn't," he said.
"As do I. But it happened. Kitt and I will handle it."
Nick nodded once more, eyes now straying to the R&D facility that could be seen in the distance. It rose like a surreal monument out of the ground, reaching for the sky, the giant hangar doors partially cracked open. Everything was dark.
Michael voice startled him out of his thoughts. "Yes?"
Michael hesitated a moment, then decided to simply go ahead. He didn't really expect an answer. "Being aware that I'm treading on personal ground here..... You said Wilton Knight knew you'd say yes when he offered you the position as the Foundation's prototype operative. Why? Why did he think of you? Why did he want you as Karr's driver?"
Nick closed his eyes, pinching his nose with thumb and forefinger. "You are right, this is personal," he said after a while. Michael waited. "Back then I wanted out of my current life, that's why," Nick said after another long silence. His voice sounded distant. "You don't know what I did back then and you really don't want to know who I worked for and what it involved, or for that matter, how long I did the job. I wanted out and somehow Knight knew it. I think he had his sources. He was looking for a specific kind of person for his prototype, and he thought I would be the one."
"Were you?"
Nick looked at his friend with a wry smile. "Judge for yourself," he answered. "He chose you as the driver for Kitt. What does that tell you?"
"Nick, don't make yourself into what you aren't. You didn't stick around for Wilton to offer you Kitt as a new partner."
"I know. And I'm glad. I don't think I could have been for Kitt what you grew to be for him. We are different, Michael. And we both have the partners to match us."
Michael winced slightly, thinking back to what Karr had been a decade ago.
"And if you think about it.... Wilton Knight knew Karr's personality before I ever got to meet the AI. He knew what he had created and he needed someone to match it. He wanted both AI and driver aligned by mind, so imagine what it would have done to someone else."
"Someone like me?"
Nick nodded seriously. "Karr would have crushed you."
"He nearly crushed you," Michael reminded him.
"Yes, and we came to terms and now work as partners. It was a rough start and it would have been even rougher for anyone else."
"But you can't train for this," Michael dug around a bit. "How could Wilton know that you were mentally strong enough to endure an AI like Karr?"
Nick sighed again. "Remember what I said about this being personal?"
"Now it's getting more than that. Michael, believe me when I tell you that the less you know about me before we met, the better."
"I wish you wouldn't isolate yourself like that, Nick," Michael now said seriously.
"Everyone lives his own life the way he wants it," MacKenzie said almost philosophically.
"With the one difference that you now live part of Kitt's and mine as well."
Nick rubbed his eyes. "Yeah.... Michael, I'm sorry I can't tell you what you want to hear. One day maybe, but not now, not today."
Michael accepted it. It was more than what he had expected anyway, and that Nick had not denied him further probing was a surprise as well. From the phrasing alone he had heard that MacKenzie was willing to reveal more in the future when he felt it was time to say it.

* * *

Since the board meeting a few days ago, a madness had been slowly cooking in her mind. All she could think about was revenge, finishing what she had started; all she could dream about were ways of doing that. The garage was silent as she approached. A single, soft bulb shone from a lamp in the rest area, illuminating the two black cars, the fender of one pressed gently against the side of the other. It was a beautiful sight. She did not care. She stood in the open entrance of the garage, a small box in her hand. Finally she had understood. Kitt had grown, changed, developed, becoming something special and beautiful. He had deprived her of the millions that were rightfully hers. She looked down at the box in her hand.


Kitt murmured in his sleep, faint dreams creeping up on him. Karr reached out, touched his brother gently, hushing him.
Kitt shifted closer to the strong presence as it moved to surround him. He had worried initially that Karr would pull away now that he - Kitt - had got over the worst. He had tried. But Kitt had not let him, not wanting to lose the close connection that had developed between them. The return to the estate had not been all that easy. They were too close to the R&D facility -- the scene of Kitt's torture -- for him to truly feel safe.
<_You're okay, you're safe. I need to rest. I won't go far I promise
Kitt released the presence he had snuggled to and sought out Michael, touching him briefly, feeling him smile before settling back. He was safe. He just had to keep telling himself that.


She pushed on one end of the small box she held and it opened silently. Without a sound, she picked one piece from inside and closed the box again. She looked up, acknowledging what she was about to do, smiling to herself. If what they said was true, if Kitt could feel and hurt as a human could, then she knew just how to push him over the edge he had somehow crawled back from.
"Hey, cars." Her words startled both AIs out of their rest. Kitt brought scanners on line and the image of Jennifer Knight filled his visuals. Fear gripped him and for a single moment he felt as if the pressure of the sensation were strangulating him. Only for a moment.
He screamed. A piercing yell of feral terror that rippled through him, out through the two links he possessed as a blinding explosion. He gunned the engine. Karr's reaction was almost the same, but where Kitt's cry had been one of sudden alarm, Karr's had been one of pure, bright fury.
Jennifer smiled. She heard both engines start and at that moment, lit the match held between her fingers. Laughing, before either brother had time to move, she flicked the match onto the carpeted floor of the garage.
The flames erupted instantly, slicing around the Stealth and the TransAm, feeding on the substances that had soaked the tired carpet over the years the garage had been Kitt's home. Jennifer stepped back from the heat, bathing in the screams of terror that echoed from inside. This was her revenge. If she could not have the AI, she would make it suffer, tearing it away from Michael Knight in a way she could never understand, but that she knew she could use. The car was rightfully hers, and she would do with it as she pleased. No contracts, no board meetings, no one could stop the fall the AI was taking because of her. She wished she had seen it earlier. It had been almost too late.
But not quite.


Karr ignored the fire spreading around him. The flames did not pose a danger to him, or to Kitt. The shells that protected both cars could easily withstand the temperatures outside. The danger was not around them, it was within them, within Kitt, woven into his soul by the ordeal he had been forced to endure.
Shaking, sobbing, Kitt started to curl in on himself. The flames came closer, licking at him, teasing him, they would hurt him, they would melt him as the others had. The agony in his memories flooded back, replacing reality with a remembered hell. He tried to calm himself, to rid himself of the waking nightmare that was all around. Was this another bad dream? Why couldn't he wake up?
//Michael? MICHAEL!!!!//
Kitt screamed.
Karr launched himself at his brother, using the link between them to enter Kitt's CPU, to brutally invade his brother's domain, searching for the terrified presence. Kitt's terror came in a tidal wave, hitting Karr at full force and knocking him back as he struggled to reach the screaming AI. He fought his way forward, finding Kitt retreating all the time.

Kitt felt as if he had initiated his own death. This time the destruction of his CPU, of the car around him, was only in his mind, but the recollections were powerful enough to supersede reality. He was dying again. Why? Why was this happening?
//Michael... help me... please....


Somewhere along the path, Michael stopped in mid-stride. Nick watched the expression on his face become one of agony, watched his eyes glaze over as the implant in his mind exploded in a white light of violent terror. He cried out, doubled over and clutched at his head. Nick reached for him.
"Nick.... Go to them...." It was all Nicholas needed. He started to run.


<_KITT!!! Get out of there! Go! Just drive forwards!!! GO!!!!
There was no verbal reply, no physical response, nothing but the terrible, overwhelming sensation of being annihilated. Kitt was standing still in the flames, the car trembling, the AI paralyzed with the fear flooding his systems. He couldn't think, he couldn't move, he couldn't gather himself together enough to send a command to the car.
<_nooooooooo fire hurt fire hurtfirehurtfirefirefirefire
<_KITT! Don't let go! Stay with me!!! It won't hurt you! Stay with me!
Desperate, feeling Kitt falling away from him, back into the hell it had taken them so long to rescue him from, Karr leapt out of his brother's CPU, crying out in fury. The moment he was back he slammed the Stealth into reverse, shooting back out of the garage.


Jennifer had moved back only a few paces; enjoying the heat of the fire and listening in satisfaction to the suffering of the two AIs inside. Suddenly, the intense sound of a specialized engine revving madly reached her ears. She took another step back, but before she could comprehend what was happening, the tail end of a black car was almost on top of her. Her scream was overridden by those of her victims. Karr slammed into her, throwing her back, easily breaking the bones in her legs.

Totally unaware of what he had done, Karr increased the revs and rocketed forwards, colliding with Kitt nose to nose and propelling the other car back with violent force. The back wall of the garage crumbled under the impact and both cars burst out of the flames together, momentum turning the TransAm until it lay side on to the Stealth when they came to rest, several meters from the flames. The screeching of metal on metal, the terrible screams of an AI in terror, the destruction of the garage as it burned, these noises carried across the estate.


The fire was reaching for the sky as Nick rounded the corner and came face to face with the heat and the flames. He stopped running, searching his mind for Karr.
<Where are you?>
<Around back> Karr's mind-voice was strained.
Nicholas headed back, through the undergrowth and around the fire. Somewhere in the background, the sounds of fire crews could be heard.
Heart pounding, Nick came to an abrupt stop when he saw the two cars. The TransAm was shaking dangerously, almost violently. The Stealth was stopped, black nose pushed against Kitt's fender. Nick could feel his partner's distraction, his fight to bring Kitt back to them safely, to stop him falling after the sudden push he had been given. By who? What the hell had happened...?
<Is he not there?>
<No. We need him>
Nick turned from the cars, and ran back along the path, almost running into the staggering form of Michael Knight attempting to make his way to his partner. He was pushing himself, trying to concentrate on too much at once as the screams in his mind overwhelmed him. Nick grabbed his arms, standing directly in his path.
"Michael!" Glazed, blood shot eyes met his own. "Sit down!"
"No! I have to get to him."
"But in here," Nick tapped his forehead gently. "You have to reach him through the implant. That's where the danger is. Please."
Michael regarded his friend for a moment longer, and then nodded swiftly, allowing himself to be guided down until he was sitting on the hard ground. Nick dropped down beside him.
"There's a fire in the garage. He's safe, Karr got him out. He's just frightened, you have to calm him, tell him he's okay. Stop him from falling."
Michael took in everything Nick had quickly explained. He pulled in a deep breath and closed his eyes, attempting to clear his mind of the fire and pain that were racing through it. Concentrating, he moved toward the link. As he got nearer, he could feel Kitt's hysteria, feel the core of absolute terror that his partner was losing himself in. Michael deepened the contact, found Kitt in his own mind, crying, flailing for support, grasping at lifelines that were crumbling in his hands.
//Kitt// Michael surrounded his partner, pulling him close, giving him something real to hold on to, to bury himself in.
//Michael! make it stop please make it stop//
//has stopped fire is gone only in your mind now ssh safe now//
//feel it close eating me eating me!// His cries became shrill shrieks of terror as he lashed out at something only he could see.
Desperately, feeling him fall, Karr made a grab for Kitt and caught a few thin threads of his existence. He held them, entwining his own essence with them, used them to get closer, reaching out.
<_Kitt, please. Stay with me brother. I need you. Please!
In a moment, it all stopped. Kitt looked up, seeing Karr's presence there with him, real, as if for the first time.
<_need me?
<_Yes. Don't let her take you from me. From us. Please....
Such a quiet, heart felt plea from a spirit Kitt had twice tried to break years ago. Tears flooded through him and he reached out, grasping Karr's presence to him, holding tight as if his whole existence depended on it.
Karr held just as tightly, his essence almost merging with that of his brother.
<_It's okay. It's okay.

Michael stayed where he was, witnessing something he did not believe he would ever see again. Through the pain and the fear of the past weeks, this had grown, flourished, and now what could have been the final act tho finish Kitt, had sealed what he and Karr had found; their own bond.
After a long time, the sea of emotions calmed around them. Kitt finally released Karr from the tight hold and turned, reaching for Michael like it was the most natural thing in the world. Michael took him, held him, wrapped his whole being around him.
//it's over//
//thank you//
//I love you I would never let you fall//

Karr retreated from the touching scene, returning slowly to his own CPU, to where Nicholas was once more waiting for him.
<Are you all right?>
<Yes. I think. I don't know.>
<You hit Jennifer>
<She's alive>
<Can't have everything>
Nick smiled, touching Karr's presence before he found himself wrapped in a needy hug. This time it felt as if it really was over. Maybe this had always been the only way it would end.

* * *

No one had seen or heard anything of Jennifer Knight after an ambulance had rushed her off to hospital. Michael had been slightly shocked when he had heard about the 'accident', but his hatred had erased those emotions. He didn't inquire further about her condition. Michael and Kitt had left the mansion two days later for some necessary vacation time. And so had Nick and Karr.

It was a beautiful feeling.
Nicholas MacKenzie sat on the large boulder on the beach between Tofino and the next small town on Vancouver Island, just watching the surf come in as the tide changed. There was no one else. Driftwood lay on the sandy beach behind him, a sign of the winter and spring storms. The parking spot further up the beach was totally deserted except for Karr and a lot of small critters were moving freely and without fear over the concrete paving. Nick watched a dark blue and black bird land on a piece of wood.
Finally he closed his eyes, his back growing almost rigid but still in what someone would call a relaxed way, resting his wrists on his knees, legs folded under him. It was a meditation pose, something he hadn't done for too long. He used to relax himself like this after stressful cases, but the recent events hadn't given him any chance to relax. Now was the time, and now he needed it. He cleared his mind of everything, of the experiments that had triggered the horror he had faced, of the events of the last weeks. He was only aware of his own self.... and something else. Surprised he noticed that for the first time, Karr had not immediately brought up a block to separate his driver's mind from his own. He was lurking curiously at the edge of the neuro implant link.
Karr was parked in the parking lot, but even though he was physically far away, Nick felt him very close by. That was partially the reason for the beautiful feeling. Through the stressful events of the last few weeks, Karr had surrendered to his own need to feel a kind of support, and this support was his long-time partner. He needed someone who cared about him, who showed him he was loved, that someone was there for him, and Nicholas did, in his own way. Their relationship was so very different from Kitt and Michael's, but it was just as close. Both partners were not completely able to show their emotions or talk about them with each other, but they were able to project. It was talking in a way.
And it was no longer an intrusion. It was a feeling both had grown used to since Kitt's accident and Karr's attempts to help him. Because of this rendered help he had had to drop most of his shields and many were still down, allowing Nick access to his partner as it had happened only rarely before. Every time before one of them had been injured and unable to defend himself against probes, but this time Karr was not forcing his way inside. He hadn't done so in years.
Nick hesitated only a moment and then stretched out one hand for his partner, sending out an unspoken invitation.
Karr came hesitantly forward, something he would not have done a few months ago. He would simply have shied away, closing down the connection they shared until Nick was 'conscious' again. Now a tendril of darkness wove his way, touching the offered hand. Nick didn't flinch at the coldness, because it wasn't real cold; not the cold usually projected by Karr. It was just a slight coolness emitting from the blackness, soft and gentle, now weaving around his fingers and wrist. Another tendril followed. It was like touching a snake, Nick reflected with a smile. You expected it to be slimy and disgusting, but in reality it was cool and soft, powerful and elegant.
<Nick?> It was a careful question, hope and indecision warring in it.
<It's okay> Nick murmured, his mind open and relaxed.
He had learned that from Michael and he knew Karr had learned from Kitt as well. Openness was not a weakness. It was a strength. They had accepted their ability to communicate by mind and though it would never replace verbal communication because it was ultimately too draining, it was something valuable. Their partnership had taken another step.
Now Karr joined him, his self meeting Nick in the open space, accepting his touch in return. Nicholas simply went on with his relaxation exercises, feeling Karr let himself be part of it. It felt wonderful and natural, despite the fact that Karr was not the bright, gentle being Kitt was. He would never be. He couldn't be. But what he was - it was something Nick cherished.
His partner.
There it was again, the hesitance, the tremor whenever Nicholas thought of Kitt's briefly felt brightness. It was as if Karr felt inadequate for a moment, trying to hide it in the same instant.
<No> he now whispered. <Don't think like that. Don't think I feel this way. Kitt is a brilliant, warm light, yes. I confess I thought about what might have been, had I been chosen for him, not for you>
Karr tried to pull back, strangely hurt by the words, but Nick didn't let go. He held on to his partner.
<But those are only momentary thoughts. Karr, we are partners and I.... I treasure you.... I....> Nick fought down his naturally flaring defenses against something he was totally ill-equipped for. Michael was very much at ease with opening his emotions, his feelings, for Kitt to see, but not so Nick. It was alien to him, totally foreign.
<I know> Karr suddenly said, coming closer again.
Nick shook his head, needing to say it. <Karr.....>
<I understand, Nick. I feel the same. We are partners>
He looked into the blackness, saw the pulses of strength and energy in there, knowing Karr understood, equally unable to say it. For a moment he bridged the last gap, hugging him, feeling the surprise shoot through his partner, then he quickly retreated. For both it was too new, too unexpected, and both needed time to deal with the new side of their partnership. No, they were not like Michael and Kitt. Yes, they were different. But their differences were necessary.
Karr touched him experimentally and Nick let him, enjoying the feeling of gentle nearness. It was so rare, it was amazing. He knew Karr cared for him, but his shields were his handicap. He needed the barriers but right now they were so thin that anything went past. They had been completely worn and partially cracked by Kitt's ordeal.
Nicholas smiled. The teacher had learned from the student. He had decided that a vacation was in order and since Vancouver Island was not yet a touristy place this time of the year, he had packed some things, rented a small hut, and driven here. He was hiking, camping, fishing, simply enjoying himself. Michael and Kitt were off duty as well, enjoying themselves somewhere else. Though he could ask Karr where the other two were at the moment, he chose not to. He didn't want to pry. Nicholas suspected Karr had a pretty good idea anyway; maybe he and Kitt were talking through their private channel as well.
He grinned at the thought and a wave of mild annoyance hit him. Karr didn't like to be reminded of his close connection to Kitt, one he appreciated against all declarations.
"You enjoy it," MacKenzie whispered, his words transmitted through the customized headset.
A rumble answered him and Nick felt amusement rise inside him. He uncurled out of the meditation pose and lay back on the rough stone, watching the clouds drift over the blue sky. After a while he closed his eyes.
"You want to go back." It was a statement, not a question, coming into the silence surrounding him.
Nick opened his eyes. Did he want to go back? Work for FLAG as it had always been Wilton Knight's intent? He would stay some time anyway because the training was not yet done, but there would be a time when Kitt and Michael would have to go on on their own. Would he then decide to stay? It had been nearly a year now since the 'first contact' and Nicholas had found he was enjoying this partnership with Michael, working with him and Kitt, and even Karr had finally acknowledged that it was nothing bad. Especially after the last crisis. He had let them all get closer than intended. When? Why? An answer floated through his mind and he sighed. Maybe.... MacKenzie had taken on some smaller cases in the last months, disappearing for a few days, and no one had ever asked. The cases were for money... well, no, not really. He had enough of that; enough to support Karr and himself almost infinitely. He didn't need any more.
"Face it," Karr now growled into his ear, "You are mellowing." Nicholas fought not to laugh out loud. Karr was flinging his own words back at him.
"Maybe," he confessed. "I have to admit....I like it."
Karr sent a soft wave his way, admitting he felt the same, much to his embarrassment.
"But we have to wait and see how it develops," Nick cautioned.
"I know."
Silence settled between them, an easy, friendly silence. They would be back at FLAG soon, trying to start anew with Devon, and Nick would have to see what came then.
<I want to go out on a case> Nick said after a while.
<I picked up as much>
<You and Kitt would be separate. Can you deal with it?>
Karr sent indignity and annoyance. <Of course!> His voice slipped back into his normal tenor.
Nick smiled. <Of course>
After some more time Nicholas jumped off the boulder. The tide was washing up around it and he would be trapped in the water if he didn't leave. He walked along the beach, climbed up the dunes and arrived at the parking spot he had left Karr. He was still the only vehicle around here. Nick slid into the driver's seat and the engine sprang into a soft purr.
They would leave tonight, he decided. He needed distance and so probably did Karr. A case would be good for them, much better than any additional vacation.
They were on their way back a minute later, Karr's engine humming softly.


Not too far away, although it was only the two AIs who knew that, Kitt was parked on the edge of a lake, surrounded by woodland. Michael was fishing. Kitt was adjusting. There were long lasting effects of what they had both been through. Kitt now belonged solely to Michael and it was a feeling Kitt liked. He was no longer property of a large corporation, no longer bound by their rules and wishes, they could never put him through anything like the nightmare of the past weeks ever again. As Karr belonged to Nick, and Nick belonged to Karr, so it was for him and Michael. The joy and happiness he felt when he thought about that was beyond anything he had ever known.
Michael smiled as Kitt's warmth playfully surrounded him, and he leaned back against the nose of the car, parked close behind him. Next to him, the scanner tracked back and forth, exhibiting the smile in Kitt's heart for the world to see; for everyone else who did not have the unique perspective that Michael had into his partner's state of mind.
"You okay?"
Michael smiled, catching Kitt's presence and holding him close. Nightmares still took hold now and again, panic attacks brought on by a certain woman getting too close to the car she no longer had any claim to. Kitt was now obliged only to do as Michael asked, only to allow Michael close. He hugged his driver, before retreating slightly and settling to bath in his warmth, sitting peacefully at the back of his mind. There was a tug on the line, and joyfully, Michael leaned forward to draw it in. Kitt smiled.
<_Hi! There was a friendly bounce in Kitt's response.
<_Am I intruding?
<_No. Is everything all right?
<_I believe we are heading home.
<_Your place or ours?
<_Yours. I think. Are you all right?
<_It will get easier Kitt, I promise.
<_Thank you.
<_See you at home.
Karr was nearby, Kitt knew that. They had planned it that way, needing to be close for a short while, needing to be able to communicate when they wanted to. So much had changed over the weeks since the nightmare had started. He needed his brother, Nick might have been teaching them about the implant, about the link and blocks, how to live with the permanent connection between them and not go completely insane, but they had taught him and Karr about the intimacy, about how sometimes just being open - completely open - with each other, could have astonishing rewards.
And Kitt was teaching Karr that it was okay to come close, that it was okay to need and to be needed. Eight years ago, KARR had tried to kill them both out of a desperate desire to survive. Two years later he had done the same again, but this time they had been his one and only target, hunting them down and trapping them like animals, determined to kill and live, or to die and take his brother with him. He was different now, Nick had changed him almost beyond recognition. Almost. Even now he still lashed out at Kitt in his sleep, if Kitt was close. But now he would apologize upon waking, ensure his brother was not injured or scared by his involuntary reactions.
Karr had found that Kitt was strong; with all his defenses back in place, with his mind somehow intact after what he had been through; he could cope with Karr's slips now and again, he understood, and he would simply back away until Karr woke and let him near again. Still, they were feeling their way around this new development. Kitt liked it, he liked what had come out of the horror and agony of his ordeal. He had a brother now, someone who was as strong as he was, someone who loved him in his own way, someone Kitt would love without reservation.
And he belonged to Michael, only to Michael.
Kitt�s heart sang.

* * *

Karr didn't know how to start. He knew this would be hard to explain and even harder to go through with, but it was necessary, mainly to ensure Kitt's safety as well as his own functions. Leaving for a case meant he would be needed to aide his partner, not get distracted by the now so familiar link and the options of simply sliding closer to his brother when he needed to feel his warmth. It had grown into a habit to sometimes approach Kitt on his own and it felt almost natural, like it should always have been like this. It was so strange and sometimes extremely frightening..... but he found it hard to even consider leaving. Now he would have to leave his brother alone - completely alone - for at least a few days.
Karr sighed and decided to get it over with. <_Kitt?
He felt Kitt jump happily at the call and open the channel between them. <_Yes?
Karr moaned at the reaction. Why? Why was Kitt so readily accepting him? He knew he would forever ask himself this question and probably never find an explanation to satisfy him.
<_Kitt, I have to leave for a few days.
Kitt seemed to tilt his head. <_You and Nick are going on a case?
Karr was slightly surprised. <_Yes, we are, he then confessed.
<_When will you be back?
<_I... I don't know. And that's not exactly what I had to talk to you about.
Karr hesitated again. <_I need to cut our link.
Panic flooded him and he let it pass over him, taking the first brunt with stoic silence. <_No! Kitt cried in protest.
Karr knew why Kitt reacted like this. Any other time, maybe a few months into the future, it would not have posed a problem, but the memories were still too fresh and Kitt clung to his two support lines, though not as strongly as before. Now Karr was cutting a link that had been born only a short time ago, something he depended on. But leaving the link up would mean Karr would flood Kitt with everything he experienced, and he knew how he reacted when on a case. The transformation would be frightening. He would go back being KARR: cold, calculating and almost emotionless, only connecting to his partner. There was no room for Kitt on a case. As cruel as it sounded, it was a fact.
<_Kitt, it has to be. I don't want to take you with me when I go on a case. It wouldn't be pretty for you....
<_Because of the recent events? Kitt suddenly asked angrily. <_I'm not weak! Only because of what happened....!
<_You think I would break? Do you think I would endanger your case by flooding you?
<_I wouldn't! Kitt went on, anger rising. <_I don't depend on nurse-maiding all the time! I'm sorry that you see me as a weak link! I'm sorry I'm not as tough as you want to appear to the outside world! I'm sorry I have *emotions*!
Karr was shocked for a moment, feeling angry and hurt, but he chased those feelings away. <_KITT!
Kitt blinked and stopped, aware of what he had just said. He felt ashamed.
<_I....I .... he stammered.
<_Kitt, it's not that, Karr said, voice lowering to an almost gentle voice. <_But you need rest, as do all of us. For Nicholas and me it means working on a case, getting back into the normal rhythm. And you know only a small part of me. I don't want to confront you with what I really am.
<_I know more of you than you think, Karr, Kitt said quietly. <_I faced your darker sides as well. I know you.
Karr shook his head. <_No, Kitt, you know a small part of me. You might sooner or later discover more, most likely you will, but not now. You need rest, find back to what you were before it all happened.
<_Don't cut the link, Kitt begged softly.
<_Kitt, I have to. We still have the channel....
<_Not the same!
<_I know. Karr sighed. <_I.... I will miss you as well, brother. But it is just for a few days.
A warm wave came through the link and he smiled involuntarily. Karr started to pull back and was surprised by a hug from Kitt. He carefully wrapped part of himself around the bright light that was his younger brother, then detached himself with the utmost care.
<_Yes, I know.... just don't cut it right now....okay?
Karr sighed deeply. He and Nick would leave soon. He could start removing his presence and blocking the link then.....
Kitt smiled happily.
Karr felt embarrassed and once again wondered how he could ever have allowed any of this to happen.
/Kitt needed your help/
/No.... Kitt needed help, but not specifically mine/ he argued with himself.
/Oh, but he did. He is your brother. You kept him back from the edge when his driver couldn't/
Karr cringed. Damn him for reacting so readily to the call for help. Damn Nick for encouraging it, for not stopping him!
<_Yes? he growled, some of his anger transmitting through to Kitt.
Unlike many times before, Kitt didn't flinch back from the wave of negative emotions. He smiled at the darkness and Karr sighed deeply.
<_What do you want?
Kitt snaked a thin tendril across the link and curled it around Karr, saying nothing. Karr felt a warm pulse race through him, then he simply settled back and let Kitt stay. For now at least.

* * *

Michael hadn't been here for weeks and a lot had changed. He looked around the familiar warehouse, taking in the changes and shaking his head.
"Nick," he started, but was silenced by MacKenzie's upheld hand.
"It's not yet finished and some people will come by throughout the next week to fix the rest. All the private rooms are upstairs and the service stations are mirroring each other's functions. Kitt and Karr will have their parking spots down here."
"Nick," Michael started again. "You didn't have to change your home!"
Nicholas smiled. "This 'home', as you call it, was outfitted to function as a temporary living area or service station for me and Karr. Never as a permanent base, never to accommodate more than me for a while. Things have changed, even for me," he added, voice lowering, almost thoughtful. "I know you won't go back to the mansion for some time now and I know Kitt is terrified of the place. I told you that you have a place here. I don't want this to be the end because of some cold-hearted action from someone who didn't know what she was doing. It is a new beginning."
For all of us, was the unspoken addition.
"But...." Michael shook his head again. He hadn't expected this!
Nick briefly smiled lop-sidedly and walked over to the silent Stealth. "You can move your stuff in if you want. I'll be away for the next two days. Whoever comes here, they are with me. Don't worry."
Michael watched him leave, still stunned. He finally walked around the ground level, taking in all the changes. Aside from Karr's service station there was a similar model not far away, Kitt's place. It featured everything necessary. He climbed up the iron-wrought staircase and was once again surprised. All the rooms were now completely remodeled as living space, no longer as temporary guest rooms. There was another bathroom, and each room had a sink and mirror. Each room was large enough so the person occupying it would not feel claustrophobic and could retreat here if privacy was needed. And, Michael noted with embarrassment, two rooms had a connecting door. The living area looked a bit warmer somehow and the computer center had moved to make more room.
"I didn't think he would do this," he muttered as he walked back down again, approaching Kitt who sat silently in the garage. "How are you feeling, Pal?" he asked aloud.
"Safe," Kitt answered softly.
Michael smiled, but the smile vanished again when memories of the last few days hit him. "I wish all of this hadn't happened," he said after a while.
Kitt shivered and ripples passed through the neuro link. It had been one month now, one month since Jennifer Knight had tried to burn him, to drive him completely over the edge, and the memories sat deep and still hurt. At least he had not fallen back into the catatonic state he had been in before. Michael suspected a lot of this was due to Karr's never-wavering presence close to his brother, not allowing Kitt to think too much about it, forcing him to leave the past where it was, approaching only the future.
"But it has happened," Kitt finally said.
Yes, it had happened and it had been the last drop that had started the flood of events. Devon had not even tried to stop them from moving out and relocating to the only place Michael could think of as a safe haven, and Nicholas had welcomed them back. Whether he was now part of FLAG or not was a mystery. He was surely not employed, that much was for sure, but he would continue working for the Foundation and helping Michael and Kitt if necessary. But he would also do his own 'cases'. Bonnie had immediately relocated as well, as had Justin. More had not been decided on for now. Kitt needed more than one mechanic and one technician, but Nicholas was also not happy revealing more about this location than necessary or making it known by increased traffic back and forth. For now Kitt would, if not on an assignment, get a weekly check at any location outside the mansion. And for now they wouldn't go on a case until Kitt was ready.
Michael snapped out of his thoughts. "Yes?"
"I was thinking....."
"Don't hurt yourself, Pal," Michael joked.
"Very funny, Michael," was the dry answer and Michael felt pride rise inside of him. This sounded so much like the old Kitt! "As I was saying, I was thinking -- about going back on cases."
"Kitt, you don't have to force yourself...." Michael started.
"I'm not. It's just that it might be the best to take my mind off things by going on cases, seeing other places...." Kitt explained carefully. "I know this is why Karr and Nick left. They need to be away from everything for a while and a case would be best."
"They are on their own case?" Michael inquired curiously. Of course he had suspected something like this, but Kitt seemed to know a bit more.
"Yes. Karr and I talked. Nick accepted an offer and ...." He stopped. "I don't think I should go into more detail. It might upset you."
Michael laughed. "Upset *me*? What is it this time? Something illegal again?"
"From our point of view, yes."
He chuckled. "Okay, then let's not go there." Michael turned serious again. "So you want to go on a case?"
"Very much so, yes."
Michael nodded. "And you are aware that we will be working as closely with Devon as before, accessing Foundation support, like the Semi....?"
"Yes. Michael, I thought about what you said, about why Devon behaves so strangely... that he wants to get over this as quickly as possible, back to normal. I can hardly say I will ever 'get over it', but I can work on resolving my fears, my anxieties, and this would be a first step." Kitt hesitated a bit. "I think I understand why Devon couldn't help me, I understand the chain of command, and I know Jennifer Knight now." A sting of pain flowed through the link and Michael automatically reached out for his partner, comforting him. "I can't forget, but I can start forgiving."
Michael touched the smooth black surface of the car and smiled gently. "I'm proud of you, Kitt," he whispered and hugged him through the link. Kitt smiled. "I'll contact Devon and tell him we're ready to take on an easy case. You want to wait until Karr is back?"
Michael hoped Kitt didn't misunderstand the question.
"No, it will be okay," the AI now reassured him. "Karr cut contact with me for now anyway."
"And you feel fine?"
"Yes. I know it is necessary for him to be alone. And I know that we will not be able to uphold the link as it was the last few weeks all the time." Kitt sounded reasonable and matter-of-fact, but Michael felt how this affected him through the link. For weeks Kitt and Karr had been close - as close as Michael had never thought it possible. Now Karr had had to separate the link for a time and Kitt felt somewhat alone. He rubbed the black roof.
"He'll be back, Kitt. And as you said, it is necessary."
Kitt smiled again. "Yes, he'll be back, and the channel is still open. I can feel him now. It had always been there, but I never knew he was on the other side, watching me, feeling my presence..... Now I know and it feels good."
Michael mirrored the smile. "Let's get some fresh air and then I'll see what cases are waiting for us, okay?"
Kitt happily opened the door and they were out of the warehouse a minute later. As they drove down the deserted quay Michael heard Nick's words again. This was not the end, it was a new beginning. He smiled.
They were back!