This was posted somewhere in... 1996 or 1997. It's the first ever slash story
I published on the net and it's the origins of my penname 'elfin'.

It's bad, be warned! I had NO IDEA what I was doing!

*NC-17* Bashir/Data

The characters are all copyright Paramount Pictures.
The idea is mine. Standard FanFic disclaimers apply.

Ramblings One: Recovery.
(An DS9/TNG crossover)
by Elfin

"Lt. Commander Data to Captain Picard."

"Go ahead Data"

"We've found them Sir."

Picard didn't fail to notice the rare depressed inflection of Data's voice, "How are they?"

There was a moment's pause.

"Commander Maddox is dead Sir."

"What about the doctor?"

"He's still alive."

"Barely..." Will Riker crouched by the crumpled body of Julian Bashir, his fingers finding only the slightest of pulses. He pressed his combadge, "Captain, I'd like Doctor Crusher to take a look at him before we transport him aboard; I'm not sure he'll make it."

"Alright Number One," Picard's voice came through tinny and distant but with obvious concern, "I'll have her beam down. Hang on."

Riker found Julian's blood-stained hand and gently took hold of it - "yeah, you just hang on."

Beverley's first shimmering view of Bashir stunned her - the last time she'd seen him he was fit and well and trying his damnedest to destroy her sickbay in the name of medicine. Now he was slumped against the cavern's cold stone wall, soaked in his own and very probably Maddox's blood. *How long did you fight for* she wondered *how much pain were you in when you gave up and let him die*.

She ran the tricoder over him, the readings terrifyingly weak. "We haven't got time to get a shuttle down here - I have to get him to sickbay."

Riker met her worried gaze with his own, "Will he survive the transport?"

"We've got no choice - he's only got a few minutes." She pressed the hypo to his neck. "Do it now."

Riker tapped his combadge - "Enterprise - five to beam straight to sickbay."


Picard looked up as the door chimed, "Come."

His first officer looked exhausted as he stepped into the ready room,

"Will..." the captain's voice was gentle, "sit down. Can I get you anything?"

Riker shook his head, and when he spoke it was with a concious effort, "Commander Maddox died from massive physical trauma and blood loss.  From what we can see, Doctor Bashir tried to save his life, but with no equipment and given the state that he himself was in, he didn't stand a chance."

"I'll contact the Daystrome Institute. What about the doctor?"

"I don't know." Jean-Luc could almost feel Riker's deep concern; he was unsure why he was this upset but he decided that now was not the time to be asking questions.

"If he fought for Maddox, I'm sure he won't give up on himself."

Beverley glanced up as Picard walked into sickbay followed closely by Commander Riker, her attention distracted briefly from the biobed readings above Bashir's head. Most of the tattered remains of his uniform had been removed, he lay quite still under the
low heat blanket. Jean-Luc moved closer to Beverley, leaving Riker hovering, trying to keep his haze off the covered body of Commander Maddox.

"How's our young doctor doing?"

"He's lost alot of blood - nearly every bone in his body was broken... it's like someone threw him against a wall again and again until he just shattered."

Picard frowned,

"No human could have that kind of strength.." it was partly a question; StarFleet would want answers.

"No, whatever it was was much bigger than him, and much, much stronger. It killed Maddox in the same way. Julian's lucky to be alive."

"Will he make it?"

"I've done all I can, he's deep in shock, extremely traumatized... it really depends now on him, on how much strength he has left."

As they talked Riker approached the biobed; his eyes seeing Julian's face, his gaze moving over the medical blanket under which he lay. And slowly he remembered what Tom had told him; a warm night on Risa, many years ago. In a rare moment of confession, during the short time the brother's had spent together without animosity, Tom had confided in him - a dark Englishman with whom he'd spent one long, blissful night with.  A man who'd awakened the darkest pleasures inside him and tapped into his wildest fantasies. Now as Riker watched that innocent face he could understand his brother's insistance that he was powerless to back away from Julian's advances. Riker had for so long now imagined what Bashir was like, in and out of the night. Now he was finally looking at the man of his brother's fantasies; the man of his own wonderings. Why had they done this to him? Who would want to hurt someone so young and so beautiful?

He silently slipped his hand against Julian's, wrapping his fingers around those that lay so still.. he felt so cold.

After a moment of watching his first officer, Picard turned once again to their own doctor, "Let me know if there's any change. I'd better contact Captain Sisko."


Benjamin Sisko's smile lit up his face when he saw Picard's image on the screen. Since their initial, understandably frosty meeting, the couple of times they had met had been friendly and light-hearted occasions.

"Jean-Luc! It's good to hear from you."

"Benjiman... I wish it was under better circumstances."

Sisko looked worried then, "What's wrong?"

"A few hours ago we intercepted a distress signal from a small starship.  It was a ship from the Daystrome Institute."

Realization shot across Sisko's features, "Julian..."

"He's alive, but very badly injured. His companion, Commander Bruce Maddox, was dead when we found them."

"Is he going to make it?"

Although Sisko asked the question on instinct - he could read the answer in Picard's eyes - even on the distorted picture of the comlink.  "I have to tell you truthfully that at the moment we don't know - it depends on him; on how hard he fights."

Sisko smiled slightly, sadly, "He's stubborn and egotistic, he doesn't give up easily."

Picard returned the gentle gesture, "We'll get him home as soon as possible, but we were on our way to help the survivors of a crash on Jarrmus. As soon as we've picked them up we'll be on our way to you. I assure you captain, that he is in the best hands."

Sisko nodded, "Thank you Jean-Luc. Please tell him that we're thinking of him."

"Of course - I'll keep you posted on his progress."

As Jean-Luc's image disappeared, Sisko turned from the screen to see Major Kira standing in the doorway, her face a mask of fear,


Sisko nodded, "His ship went down, but he's alright."

"Then why the tears?"


Beverly put a gentle hand on Riker's shoulder. "Will, you've been here all day."

He was sitting on the edge of Bashir's biobed, holding his hand and thinking about everything that Tom had told him; he was lost in those thoughts. Julian looked so calm, his outward physical imjuries were healing quickly under Beverley's merticulous care. But he still lay comatose, his body in shock. Riker wondered what had happened down there.


His head snapped up,

"Beverley. Sorry."

"You don't have to stay here - he might not wake for a long while."

"I want to be here when he wakes up."

Doctor Crusher moved in front of Riker, her eyes dropping to her patient, sweeping stray hair back from his forehead.  "I understand how you must feel -" His head snapped up, "- you think that you got there too late, that you might have been able to help him had you been sooner. But you did your best. And there's nothing more you can do for him. Now it's his fight. I can help him, and as soon as we get him home, his friends will help him too, but you need to rest."  He made no move "That's a Doctor's oder."

Riker scowled, wanting to tell her how wrong she was, but not wanting to admit the truth. He reluctantly let go of Julian's hand, skulking out of sickbay he stole one last look at the boyish face that so obsessed him; it almost frightened him to think about how much he wanted that face close to him.

Riker headed towards his quarters, but changed his mind, turning into the observation lounge. It was always dark and quiet in there, the large windows allowing a rare view of the stars they left behind as the elegant ship cut it's way through the universe. They were on their way to Jarrmus, a couple of days at most to reach that planet, a few hours to get to the survivors and to get them on board, then it would be on to Deep Space Nine to return Julian Bashir to his friends - dead or alive he added grimly. Watching the stars, something changed inside him; like a slow realization dawning he knew what he had to do - if he was given the chance.


Captain Sisko looked around the room at the assembled staff. In the back Doctor Roger Asta leant against the wall - the last arrival to the meeting, everyone but Kira wondered what he was doing there. Many also found Garak's presence strange; Sisko wasn't sure whether the Cardassian should have been there, but he hadn't got the willingness to think about that now.

"I have some bad news." No use trying to make this any easier - there was no way to without lying anyway. And what was the point of lying; how would he ever face them again if he said that everything would be okay, and the Enterprise delivered only a corpse. "Julian Bashir's ship came down on a planet and he has been seriously hurt. The Enterprise has picked him up and is bringing him here after they complete the rescue mission that they're on. I can't tell you if he's going to recover, I can only say that he's in the best hands. I think even he'd agree with that." Short and to the point he thought ruefully. The stunned silence seemed to envelop everything; Sisko wished that someone would say something.

Eventually, the sound of the door opening made him look up to see Garak leaving the room. Dax also watched him go, finally saying, "So all we can do is wait for the Enterprise to turn up?"

"If there's any change Captain Picard will let me know and I'll let you know. Until then, yes, all we can do is wait." He motioned to the man leaning against back wall, "Doctor Asta will continue in charge of the infirmary until Julian's return."

No one missed Sisko's attempt at optimism.


The trip to Jarrmus had been full of surprises. The Ferengi had suddenly decided that the fastest route to the planet was one of their trade routes and that for no reason that became obvious in the ensuing fight, they were going to defend their right of passage without negotiation. The ship had rocked to several phaser strikes before Worf had taken out their weaponery systems and left them floating in space wondering what to do next. The attack, although not causing any major damage, had left sickbay full of minor casualties and Beverly had been busy mending the broken bones and gory wounds of those who had been taken by surprise when the ship lurched. She didn't notice a pair of toffee eyes watching her; fear and confusion disguised with interest; at first darting around the room, searching for a remembered enemy, then calmer trying to remember a familiar place. The first time Beverly saw
those eyes was after the majority of her patients had been sent away to their quarters and ordered to rest. Only then did she look through the glass door into the High Dependency Unit and see Julian watching her.

She was at his side in an instant, all weariness passed and a smile touched her lips, "Julian, can you hear me?"

He nodded slightly, returning her smile and trying to form the words to ask what happened. She hushed him,

"Don't try to talk. Your ship crashed on Roma, we found you in some sort of underground cavern. You're going to be fine." Julian smiled; quickly explain the brief but painless details of what you know and assure the patient that they're going to be alright; whether you believe it or not. Beverly read the look,

"It's the truth Doctor.".

He nodded again, his eyes slowly closing. Beverly quickly touched his arm, her voice, when she spoke, was authorititive,

"Julian, stay with me for a moment." Once again she found herself drowning in an unreadable soul, "I need to know if you're in any pain."

He seemed to think about it, before nodding slightly, "Everywhere." His voice - that beautiful lulling accent - was barely a whisper. But there was a smile - a slight curve of those full lips.

"Almost every bone in your body was broken, you're bound to feel a bit fragile."

He seemed to be straining to remember, "I'm not sure what happened..."

"Ssh, you don't have to think about anything at the moment - I'll give you something to ease the pain."

Julian's eyes closed as the hypo was pressed to his neck; within seconds he was sleeping. Beverly tapped her combadge, "Crusher to Picard."


When Julian opened his eyes again he found himself looking into the eyes of a memory.


Riker smiled down at him,

"No, I'm Will Riker, Tom's brother."

The smile disappeared off Julian's face,


The smile stayed on Will's face - comforting and sympathetic. "It's alright. How are you feeling?"

He thought about it. "Weak. I am on The Enterprise, aren't I?" Fear was creeping back into his voice.

"Yes you are. You're safe now. Do you remember..."

But Beverly cut him off " Will, not yet. He's not ready."

Riker backed away slightly, suddenly shocked at himself; what was he going to ask? *Do you remember what caused all your bones to break, your lung to collapse; what killed Commander Maddox?*

"Sorry Beverly." He chocked the words and almost immediately turned and fled from the sickbay. The doctor watched him go, confusion plastered all over her face. When she turned back to Julian, his eyes had closed once more.


"Data." The smile on Julian Bashir's face was warm and sincere. Data returned his best grin,

"I am glad to hear that you are going to be alright." His voice lowered slightly, "I have missed you."

Julian felt Data's fingers wrap loosley around his own. Beverly Crusher scanned the tricorder over Julian's body, partly watching the touching reunion.

"Well, there's no permanent physical damage. But I would say that you are going to remember what happened on Roma and that you're going to need counselling when you do." Julian nodded. "And, I order you to rest until Doctor Asta on Deep Space Nine tells you that you can go back to work."

Reluctantly, the Doctor agreed. He had to admit that he still felt sore all over. "Can I leave sick bay?"

Beverly frowned, but looking into those deep eyes she gave in. "Okay, but there are conditions. One - you report to me every day for a check up while you're still on this ship. Two - " she paused almost imperceptively; the image of Will Riker with Julian Bashir over the past few days came to her mind's eye and for some reason she didn't understand, she shivered - " - I want Data to stay with you until we get you home."

She expected protests from both of them, but they just met each other's eyes and nodded, looking at her, her patient murmured, "That'll be fine."

Data opened the door to Julian's guest quarters and they both stepped inside. Once the door closed their eyes met.

"You're different somehow..." Julian put his hand up to Data's cheek.

"It's the emotion chip that my father left me. It took some time for me to get used to all the various feelings, but I have learnt how to
control it all."

"Have you thought about me?"

"A great deal. When we found you on that planet I was...scared that I was going to lose you too. I miss you like I miss Tasha, but it is good to know that you are happy and safe on Space Nine. When I thought that you were dying I could not handle that feeling. That is why I have not visited you in sickbay. I am sorry. I should have come to you earlier."

Julian smiled at him - with his lips and his eyes, "I understand Data. You're here now." Stepping back slightly, he indicated the medical gown he was still wearing. "Are there any clothes that I could change into?"

"Of course."

Ten minutes later Julian again stood in front of him, a large woolen jumper surrounding his upper body, dark trousers below.

Data smiled, "You look..." he searched for the right word in the circumstances, "...gorgeous."

Julian blushed, "Thank you Data."

They stood for an age, their eyes locked. Data eventually spoke, "Maybe I could show you around the ship, I believe last time you were on board you saw only the sickbay and engineering."

"And your quarters..."

This time it was Data's turn to feel that hot flush of embarrassment - an emotion he was quickly getting used to.

Despite the fact that his whole body still ached from it's rough treatment, Julian longed to be buried deep in the man who stood before him.


"...and I just wanted to let you all know that he's going to be alright."

Sisko could feel the relief which flooded the staff meeting room. They'd all been on nervous and tense since the news of Julian's crash had come through; now it was as if everyone finally breathed out a sigh of relief and the feeling was momentarily defening.

Again standing at the back, this time when Garak left the room he was smiling - now he knew he would have his chance to apologize to Julian for the rest of his life.


Like all 'tours of the ship', they ended up in Ten Forward. Banned from drinking anything even vaguely intoxicating, Julian's glass held a blue liquid that tasted pleasantly like oranges, Data was sticking to the Cadas Water he always drank at any social event. Instead of taking a table, they were sitting on the low shelf that made the step down from the floor of Ten Forward to the narrow area up to the huge windows; Julian had been feeling decidedly claustrophobic and Data thought that looking straight out at the stars would help.

Close together in the unusually empty bar, they'd talked for a short while before the doctor had fallen silent - no doubt, Data thought, thinking of his friends back on Deep Space Nine. But Julian's thoughts couldn't have been further away from the station. The dark canvases of amnesia were beginning to fold down, revealing to Julian the truth of what had happened on the planet.

*They'd crashed... why had they crashed?... The primary thrusters had failed, and the engines... they'd been thrown into the atmosphere of Roma. He remembered a cave.. cold and damp, there were no bars, no trappings, but there was no ship - where had the ship gone if this was where they'd crash landed?...* He tried to force the barriers around his memories until they began to crack, allowing him snippets of recollections - *A woman, very strong, pleasure at her touch... knowing his reaction to her was wrong, that there was something more... the cold stone floor pressing into his back... but when....* suddenly he dropped his glass, his eyes wide, but staring inwards - seeing something that Data couldn't perceive.

He remembered her picking him up and throwing him against the rock face. He'd collapsed against the stone - gasping for air and staring unbelieving at his attacker who moments before had been carrassing him so arousingly. He'd cried out as she'd picked up Maddox and crushed his head in her bare hands - he remembered the blood, so much blood... she'd dropped the body, and he'd tried to crawl over to his companion but she'd seen him, picking him up again, holding him against the wall, his back to her. He'd felt that blood covered hand yanking his uniform trousers down, he'd felt the cold on his arse and the confusion had poured through his soul. Oh gods he remembered her impossibly pushing into him - opening him further than he thought he could stand, he'd screamed as her alien organ had grown, stretching him further and further...

Afterwards, after she'd cast him aside, once again throwing him bodily from stone wall to stone wall with so much strength... he'd tried to get to Maddox, he thought that they both didn't have long - but he'd hoped... Maddox was already dead and every movement he made sent waves of agony and nausea flowing through him...

He slowly came back through the remembered haze of pain to the safety of Data's embrace. He was being gently rocked against the androids' warmth, the soothing voice comforting him. He raised his trembling hands to Data's arms, "I'm..sorry."

"It is alright. You have been through alot, it must be painful for you to remember it."

Julian didn't want to pull out of the circle of Data'a arms; noone had held him as gently or as warmly since Garak... But that was over. "Data, there're some things I'd like to tell you."

Sitting in front of the window in his guest quarters, legs curled under him, Julian recounted the nightmare that had made him leave his home and friends for the Daystrome Institute. After a while, his tears started - tears that he knew he should have cried a long time ago; tears that might have stopped him from leaving Deep Space Nine so suddenly.

Data was unsure of how to proceed - after what he'd heard he wasn't sure whether Julian wanted another man touching him, but the doctor read the look of uncertainty in his friend's eyes and through his tears he managed a smile; stretching out his hand to the android. Data took it, and followed it, coming to take Julian's trembling body into his arms and rocking him like he would a terrified child. Julian's sobs finally subsided, and he rested his head on Data's shoulders. The android could feel the soft hair against his synthoskin; he'd come to terms with most of the emotions that the chip had allowed him to experience, but this was all new. The last time that he and Julian had been together, he had only known the facts - Julian had been interested in him, in everything about him, and one thing had just lead to the next - it had been nice to be close to someone again, Tasha had been the first and the last. But now, with the chip working, emotions that were new to him were flooding his positronic net. He could feel Julian pressed against him, could breathe in the scent of this man, it was driving him crazy. Data felt hair move across his neck and looked down, meeting deep toffee-brown eyes. He knew he should keep his mind on helping this man -

"Did you see a doctor after the attack?"

Despite himself, Julian smiled, "Data I am a doctor."

"You could not examine yourself after something like that."

Julian looked away, "I didn't want anyone else touching me."

Wrongly, Data took that as a hint, and released his hold on the young doctor. Immediately Julian caught hold of his arm, "Oh no Data, I didn't mean now, like this... I've thought alot about you. When Garak... " he found he couldn't follow that train of thought and swapped tracks - maybe the best path to take with Data was the true one. "Data, I would really like you to make love to me - gently."

Slowly Data's lips parted and he bent his head slightly, covering Julian's mouth with his own. The warmth there swam through Julian's entire body, making him shiver with desire. In one movement, without shifting his lips from the younger man's, Data had gathered the slight form in his arms and lifted him, so that he could carry the doctor into the bedroom. Only when Data had placed Julian on the bed did he pull back from the kiss. He sat down next to him, "If you want to stop, at any time, please tell me; I do not want to hurt you any more."

"Data..." he spoke the one word heavy with desire.

The android nodded slightly, and dropped his hands to Julian's waist, his fingers wandered underneath the woolen jumper that covered the still-fragile body. He lifted the jumper over Julian's head, glancing at the doctor's face, searching for a reaction - he saw nothing but wanton need. They kissed again, lips parting, tongues searching.

Julian's nimble fingers found the fastener of Data's uniform and peeled off the restrictive clothing. The slightly familiar look and feel of Data's silky skin aroused Julian more, so different from the rough Cardassian skin... he caught himself, thinking of Garak would not help.  Instead he looked up, gazing into Data's eyes and drowning in the emotion flowing from the android's net. Smiling, turned by that look, Julian put a determined hand on Data's chest and pushed him back.

Surprised, Data fell back onto the bed as the doctor lowered his head down between his thighs; then Data's head hit the covers and his eyes closed. Needing to be in control of the situation, Julian slipped his hand under Data's arse, taking the silky cock into his mouth, licking his tongue around the sensitive member. He moved his fingers across the loose skin behind the testicles, moving them slowly back towards his anus. Data moaned, shifting his groin to meet Julian's tight lips, his warm mouth. He felt himself nearing climax, and gathering all his self-control, he reached out to lift the doctor's face up; sitting, he brought those lips to his own, tasting himself there. He wrapped an arm around Julian's waist and deftly rearranged them so that he was close to that caramel-skinned body. Bending his head, he took a soft nipple between his teeth, gently molding it with his lips. Julian groaned softly, his fingers stretching against Data's chest. The android meticulously covered every inch of the human's chest with tingling
kisses before moving down to his stomach. He hesitated, sweeping his fingers across the crotch of the dark, soft pants. He felt Julian's erection through the fabric.

"Please Data..." Sure at last, Data removed the final remaining barrier between them, admiring Julian's long legs, meeting at the round, tight arse. Data's long finger's traced lines up the delicate skin on the inside of Julian's thighs, finally taking his straining cock between his own lips. Julian fell back into Data's supporting embrace, loving the tenderness the android was showing towards him. For so long sex was joined with violence in Julian's miserable existence; this was how it was supposed to be - this was how he remembered it in his distant memories. Data's tongue swirled around him; when he felt a lubricated finger enter his anus, he didn't even know when Data had got the oil. Despite the still-tender skin inside him, the twinge of pain he felt as Data's long finger pushed deep into him, he pressed downwards, wanting to feel more.

A flash of recollection burned itself across Data's mind - "Tell me what you want me to do to you."

Julian's reply was quiet, yet sure, "I want you inside me." There was no uncertainty now - for either of them.

Data drew out of the younger man who sighed at the sudden emptiness he felt. Swiftly, the android moved until he was leaning against the pillows. Leaning forward he lifted Julian with ease, and pulled him to his body, lowering him gently, piercing him with his own erect cock.

Julian dug his fingers into the strong shoulders as he felt himself opened and filled. There was no pain this time, just an ecstatic sense of pleasure. Data was still holding him, moving inside him; he opened his eyes, sliding his hands down Data's chest he took hold of his own cock, but Data stopped him, moving his hand away, supporting him with one arm as he wrapped his hands around the human organ and moved it in time to his own rhythm. Twice, Julian felt his climax beginning, and twice Data slowed, pausing, lowering Julian from the heights of passion only to take him back up. The third time Data let Julian come in an explosion that rocked him against the android's form. In an final movement, Julian squeezed his arse and Data - taken by surprise - reached his own climax, losing his grip on the doctor's fragile form; Julian collapsed onto the android's trembling body.

Data wrapped his arms around the doctor, hugging him tight.

"Oh Data..." Julian lifted his chin to rest on his hands, gazing deeply into the android's own blue eyes. "that was wonderful." His lips
parted in a smile, and Data strained forward to lick them.

"I know the circumstances that brought you here were horrific, and if there was any way I could go back and stop it happening I would. But I am very glad that you are here."

"That was very poetic Data."

Julian thought he saw a red flush in the android's face,

"I am trying."


The doors of Ten Forward opened and Guinan smiled at Will Riker. "It's very quiet in here tonight." That was an understatement; there were two girls at a table in the far corner. Apart from them the place was empty. Riker took a seat at the bar, "Has it been like this all night?"

"Yes. Data was in here earlier with that gorgeous young doctor from the DS9 station, but they weren't here long," mischief sparkled in her eyes and she needlessly dropped her voice to a whisper, "I think they had better things to do."

Riker believed he could hear his heart pounding. He had been on duty all day - he didn't even know that Julian was awake - and now he was with Data. He remembered Jean-Luc saying that the two of them had spent alot of time together while the ship had been docked at Deep Space Nine - while he'd been on vacation, before he'd known about the lovely Julian Bashir.

He became vaguely aware that someone was calling his name -

"Will ?"

He blinked, clearing his eyes of any tears that might have been there; he met Guinan's concerned gaze,

"Sorry." He let out a deep sigh, "You'd better make whatever you put in that glass VERY strong."


The Enterprise approached Deep Space Nine two days later. Julian and Data watched the station come closer and closer; standing in the window of Julian's guest quarters where they'd spent the majority of the past 48 hours. They were sitting together, naked, wrapped in each other.

"Will you be alright?" Data's obvious concern warmed Julian.

"Yes." He turned his face to look at his lover, "I'll be fine now. I'm not going to let Garak get that close again, I promise you."

Reaching across, Data played his fingers through Julian's ruffled hair. "I will miss you."

"And I you, but I'm sure you'll be passing this way again soon."

"Maybe I could start to take vacations here."

"Maybe we could start to take vacations together, somewhere away from starfleet."

Maybes. That was all they could give each other. Instead of thinking through the percentage chance of them never setting eyes on each other again, Julian drew Data's head down, meeting his lips with his own, kissing him deeply. Data's reaction was involuntary and instantaneous - he was slowly getting used to becoming sexually aroused without having to consciously execute that particular program. He ran his hands down Julian's back and felt him shiver gently. Data snaked one long finger into the crack at the base of the young doctor's spine, coaxing a deep groan from his lover. Pulling away from the kiss, Data moved him so that he was lying on his front, facing the window and the closing station. Julian felt Data's warm, silky mouth moving down his back, kissing his skin; he moaned, lifting his hips as Data ran his tongue over his arse, tickling the skin behind his balls, moving back, into his crack, over his anus and lingering there. With some effort, Julian turned over, placing his cock against Data's lips and watching as the android took him fully into his mouth. Data seemed to know exactly where to stroke his tongue, exactly where to apply the wonderful pressure that sent shockwaves through Julian's senses. Data could feel the other man nearing the heights of his climax, and slowly released him from his wet grip. He moved away from Julian, and for a moment the doctor thought that there was something wrong. But Data had moved to kneel in front of the window, to place his hands on the transparent area of the hull; he was beckoning to Julian, inviting him to take him. Eyes heavy with desire and love, Julian positioned himself behind him, pushing his slick penis into the tight channel. He kept one hand on Data's hip, steadying himself as he thrust against the android's buttock's; the other hand he slid round to grasp the erect cock and move his hand, mimicking the movements Data was making around his own erection. Like so many times in the past hours, they came together, holding onto one another for stability. As Julian climaxed he looked up, over Data's shoulder to the crab-like shape that they were starting to dock at. He wished for a moment that Garak could see him, willingly
pouring himself into Data as he had been forced to do for the Cardassian, he wished that the bastard could see the pleasure etched into his features - and it was that thought of the ultimate revenge that pushed him over the edge to a screaming orgasm that shook his body hard.

They sat together while The Enterprise slowed to a complete stop. They dressed and were ready for the chime of the door that told them someone was there ready to transport Julian back into his home, where his friends were eager to see him. Before leaving Data alone in the guest quarters that they had made their Rown, Julian kissed his lover one last time, "Remember me."

The android nodded, and with total sincerity told him, "Forever."


On the other side of the wormhole, a small Cardassian ship was hovering in the darkness. It's wait was nearly over - the Enterprise had been and gone, now they just listened for the signal.

...fin, for now 8)