by elfin


Nick looked up as Michael walked down stairs slowly.  His long coat dragged on the edge of the steps.  His head was bowed.  He had a suitcase in his hand that he dropped to the floor when he got to the bottom step.  Slowly, he reached up and removed his shades, reddened eyes blinking in the dim light of the warehouse.

After a few moments of gathering himself, he walked to the covered TransAm and leaning down he hauled the edge of the tarpaulin up, uncovering the car for the first time since Nick had covered it on that fateful night.  The grey tarp settled diagonally over the black body, fully exposing the hood, leaving the back end covered.  Silently, Michael put his palm flat down onto the once warm skin of the car.  It was cold now.

He walked along the uncovered driver�s side, stroking his hand over the edge of the hood, up the gentle slope over the driver�s window and came to rest on the top.  With tears in his eyes as there had been for almost forty-eight hours, he lowered his forehead to the car.  �I love you, Kitt,� he whispered, �I always will.�  Swallowing hard, he lifted his head and touched his lips to the black paint-work.  �Goodbye, Partner.�

With infinite care, he recovered the body.

Nick watched, remaining silent. Michael picked up his suitcase and was about to put his shades back in place when he spoke quietly, �Why is the world still turning, Nick?�
A question with no answer.  Nicholas shook his head.  �Where will you go?�
The other man didn�t look up.  �Somewhere without memories.�
Nick hesitated.  �Is there anywhere?�
Then, Michael did raise his head and met his friend�s concerned gaze.  He smiled sadly.  Putting on his shades, he walked out of the warehouse and away from a life he had thought only his own death would tear him from.


Dr Anton Sachias was frustrated.  He�d had an almost constant headache since waking from the anaesthetic.  There was a place in his mind, a dark foreboding place that wasn�t his own any longer.  It was like sharing his innermost thoughts with a total stranger, one he�d never even laid eyes on.  One that wasn�t very communicative.  Anton was living on coffee and painkillers.

**Kitt?**  It was the millionth or so time in the last forty-eight hours that he�d tried to telepathically call to the AI supposedly connected to the chip in the back of his neck.  He didn�t know for certain that the connection was working, he just had a feeling.  He was being ignored.  Anton didn�t like to be ignored.

He pushed the stool back from the metal desk and stood, grabbing his mug of cold coffee.  Gazing down at the polished surface he regarded his own distorted image.  His short, wiry, dark hair had become tinted with grey over the last year.  His soft features had started to betray his meagre forty years.  He�d always been blessed with a handsome young face but the wrinkles were starting to show.

His lab now occupied most of his suburban home.  The bungalow had only one room left that didn�t contain desks of computer equipment and electronics.  And he seldom spent long hours in the bathroom.  He�d stripped the kitchen out first, leaving a microwave oven, a kettle and a refrigerator.  Outside in the garage he kept a well-stocked chest freezer and a battered Ford that he very rarely used.  His living room still contained his white leather couch and armchairs, but the suite was surrounded by workstations, PCs, laptops and powerful Indigo machines.  Monitors topped with keyboards, some switched on, some left off, were the usual form of lighting.  He had table top desk lamps dispersed between the computers, a couple of which were constantly shining.

The room he�d spent most of the last two days inside was at the back of the house.  It had once been his bedroom, but he habitually slept on the couch and had thrown his bed out many years ago.  The electronics and computers in this room were all laid out carefully, each one with it�s own specific task to do.  The centre of all this virtual activity was locked down on to a specially made table in one corner of the room.  A black box, no bigger than a modern VCR.  From the outside it was a solid, with no visible openings or cracks.  A sealed CPU, designed that way so that the one trapped inside couldn�t find a means of escape, however hard it tried.

There were external connections; wires snaking out from the base, soldered in place, that only data could travel down.  And a single communications channel, invisible to the naked eye.  Only sensors lining the ceiling, walls and floor and monitored by a nearby Sun workstation could pick up the activity through this channel.  And without exception it had been one way since the link had stood two days ago.

It was in front of this workstation�s 21-inch screen that Anton now stood, sipping his cold coffee, running his fingers through hair desperately in need of a wash, and staring at the readouts scrolling up through the terminal window.  The small scar along the base of his scalp itched like crazy.  The surgery had been more painful than he�d imagined and now it seemed that the one he�d chosen to be his constant companion didn�t even want to acknowledge his presence.

Turning angrily from the screen, he moved around to another computer a couple of yards from the black box.  A Windows PC this time with lots of strange icons placed on the desktop.  Dropping his hand to the mouse, he moved the cursor over the Lightening Strike icon and double clicked it.
�Let�s see if you�ll respond to this,� he murmured tiredly, eyes settled on a third monitor, this one reading the interrupt and service activity within the CPU�s main processor.  When his little program ran, the activity quadrupled.  At the same moment, he felt something, perhaps an echo of the pain he�d just inflicted on the AI.  It was hardly satisfactory.

�Come on, Kitt,� he muttered, clicking the icon a second time, �it doesn�t have to be like this.�

Without warning, the electronic surge came again, momentarily splintering his presence within the CPU, slicing through him, ripping him apart.  Kitt threw himself back into one corner of the unit, next to the link chip, whimpering as he tried to literally pull himself back together again.  He was very frightened now.  Wherever he was, he was beginning to doubt it was in friendly hands.  He thought about Jennifer, about her hatred for him and her desperation to end his existence.  Was this another of her experiments?  How had he come to be here?  Where was Michael?  Was he alive?

He glanced at the block over the link.  Perhaps he should try to reach his partner again.  Maybe Michael was unconscious and that was what he�d felt before.  If that were the case then maybe there was something he could do about it.  He waited for a few moments to see if another surge would come.  When it didn�t, he found the courage to move out of the corner toward the link.

He hesitated.  What he�d experienced before had been horrible.  He didn�t want to face that again, but if there was a possibility that Michael wasn�t dead, that he needed his partner�.  Kitt took a virtual breath and removed the block.  Instantly he was hit by the hard crimson presence on the other end.  He shivered.  It no longer felt anything like Michael.  Even when something had happened to his partner there�d still been a quality of his presence that had warmed Kitt.  This was different.  This scared him more than the prison he appeared to have been trapped inside.

Cautiously, he reached down the link.  //Michael?//

Anton looked up suddenly, staring off into space.  **Kitt?**

Kitt screamed, falling back away from the chip.  If he�d had a pulse rate it would have been racing.  �Michael�, it was a whisper in to his own world.  Hurriedly, terrified now, he sealed a block back over the link and retreated further away, pressing against the hard, cold walls of the unit, curling in on himself.  �Michael� help.�


Nick opened his eyes, awake in a second.  The sound of metal crashing against metal had woken him from the light sleep he�d finally managed to slip into after three sleepless nights.  He reached for Karr only to find a block in place.  �Dammit!� he cursed softly under his breath. Grabbing his robe from the bottom of the bed he slipped out from under the duvet.

The sight that befell him brought a lump to his throat.  The partially covered body of the Knight Two Thousand was resting against the far wall of the warehouse.  Karr backed up, gunning the engine and running forward to ram into the side of it yet again.  This time, he stopped, nose pressed hard against the front fender, the Stealth�s frame shaking madly.

Reaching for Karr, Nick calmed his own emotions.  He knew that if Karr allowed him close, there had to be a stable one; and that was him.  Karr was far from stable right now.
<Karr� please, Partner, let me in>
He was met by a cold wave of anger, grief and pain, rushing through him, driving him away. It was like a tidal wave, aiming to keep him out. Then the block settled back into place.
<I know you can hear me> he tried.  <Please�>
<Go. Away!>  Karr snarled, voice shifting between emotionless and sobbing.  <Leave me alone!>
<No.  You aren�t the only one suffering>
<He wasn�t taken from you!>
<Not like he was taken from you, I agree>  Nick sighed.  <But I'm here for
you.  Please... trust me?>
For a moment, the block remained.  But Karr needed him.  When it was dropped, Nick was overwhelmed with the grief coming from the AI.  He approached, reaching for the dark warmth, wanting to comfort.  It was a strange concept, but he had learned how to do it.  He had learned to be more than just fifty percent of this partnership.  Karr was sobbing, his emotions affecting the stability of the Stealth.

Nick gathered his partner close, holding him, trying to calm the storm and when he found he couldn�t he was just as willing to ride it out.  Karr was expressing what Nick himself was unable to; sorrow, grief, anger, hopelessness, loneliness.  Nick simply let him rush through these emotions, not even trying to counter them.  He stood his ground against the assault.
<Why?> his grieving partner wanted to know.
<I don�t know.  I�m so sorry>  Keeping Karr close, Nick walked down the stairs to the ground floor and approached the Stealth.
<I miss him>  Desperation mixed into the normally so distanced, cold voice.  It was humming with the emotions, leaking the despair so badly it hit Nick with the force of a Semi.
<I know>  Kitt had become a part of Karr, whether his partner had wanted it or not.  He had always been a part of him.  Unconsciously, the echoes had been there ever since Karr had been reactivated.  Now, there was only silence.

Slowly, unsure if Karr even realised he was physically near as well as mentally, Nick sat up on the hood of his car, shifting over close to where it was pressed up against the TransAm.  He reached out to touch the other vehicle but hesitated, remembering Michael�s reverent goodbye.  Pulling his hand back, he rested it on the Stealth�s warm skin.

Karr shivered in his mind, wincing away as Nick tried to touch him again, and he left him alone.  The brief episode of absolute break-down was quickly swallowed by the shields Karr was rebuilding.  Nick understood the need to be strong; he had yet to openly let out his emotional upheaval himself.  But it was hurting him to have Karr hurting.

Neither of them could understand how this had happened, never mind why.  They�d spent two days going over the TransAm, the CPU, reports of the shooting, the only two witness statements from people who had only heard Kitt�s crash into the parked Lexus and the shot that had been designed to distract Michael but, Nick was certain, not to kill him.  He could only think of Jennifer and her obvious motive.  But the key puzzle still remained.  How did whoever did this get Kitt to stay still long enough to wipe him out?

Karr shivered again, moaning inaudibly.  Nick just touched the nearest shield, wordlessly whispering that he was there.  He leaned against the obstacle between himself and his partner, feeling the irregular pulses behind it.  Suddenly, it dropped.  Karr reached for him and he simply accepted the silky, black spark into his embrace.

There was the other question.  Where did Stephen Grey disappear to?  Because the house was empty when the police had arrived and had remained empty ever since.

In his tight embrace, Karr quieted.  <Sorry>  He sounded rough and embarrassed.
<Don�t be.  I was expecting you to lose it sooner than this>  The AI sent his reply in a wave of disbelief and pain.  <He was a part of you, since your rebirth>
Karr curled in on himself.  <I didn�t know how much he meant to me>
<In a way, you never know it until you lose something�>
<Until it�s too late>
Nick nodded, continuing to offer what comfort he could.  He folded his legs under him, sitting on his partner�s hood as the engine died and the warehouse was suddenly drowned in silence.  He buried his face in his hands, feeling a lump form in his throat once more.  Not yet.  He couldn�t.  Just not yet.  Karr was silent in his mind, but his presence was all around him.  In absence of Kitt, Nick was the only anchor he had left.
<Nick�> he finally whispered.  <Let it go>
<I can�t> Nick replied, not trusting his voice at all.
<You can�t keep it all inside.  It will destroy you.  I don�t want to lose you, too.  I already know how much you mean to me, Nicholas>
His breath caught in his throat at the confession, but Nick wouldn�t give in to his emotions.  When all of this was over, yes.  But not now.

His gaze wandered over the sleek TransAm.  Michael�s pride and joy.  His love for the car had been separate from the adoration and desire he had for Kitt, but he still loved it.  It had a quiet beauty, power exonerated by grace.  It had suited Kitt perfectly, complimented his personality.

Michael had left without giving them any instructions as to what to do with it.  Nick hadn�t made any kind of decision about it.  He didn�t feel he had the right.  He�d spoken to Bonnie but she�d been too upset to talk, and Devon� Devon hadn�t wanted to talk.

Where they sat together, essences wrapped around one another, Karr was the first to pull back, doing the virtual equivalent of wiping his eyes.  Nick watched him with quiet affection.  <You okay?>
<No> was the truthful answer.
<It will take time, Karr.  You�re grieving>  �We both are.�  But he kept the last part to himself.
<Why does it� hurt so much?>
<Because a part of you�s been torn out>
<It hurt less to die>  Nick shivered briefly.  Karr would always remember his deactivation.  AIs didn�t forget.  <I felt less in pain then> Karr murmured.
<You hadn�t Kitt back then>
<I had my hatred back then> the AI replied darkly.
And the hatred would soon replace the grief.  Very soon.  Nick didn�t want to stop it at all.  Their future was already laid out for them.

The gentle AI had made such an incredible impact on their lives.  He�d grown from a mainframe computer program, albeit a highly complex one, into a sentient life capable of love, anger, sadness, all the human emotions and some of his own.  He�d even been capable of forgiveness, and he�d accepted his brother not only into his life but into his very self, into the private, personal world he�d once been alone inside, and had only ever shared with the one person he loved above all others.

Nicholas had shared his own connection with Kitt.  One that didn�t run as deep as the implant or the private channel, but instead was an understanding, a knowing.  He�d felt it when Kitt had been housed in the android.  They hadn�t really spoken but they hadn�t needed to.  Once or twice he�d brushed over Kitt�s bright presence when he�d been in Karr�s CPU.  It had been different, beautiful, but not Karr.  Nick had been meant for Karr, just like Karr had somehow been created for Nick.  They belonged together.  As much as he had enjoyed touching Kitt, experiencing the other AI, he would never want anyone else at the other end of the link.

He felt Karr brush a tendril of himself over him and derailed his thoughts immediately.  But Karr was regarding him with deep understanding.  <You cared for him>
<Of course>
<You�re not letting yourself grieve>
<I�ll find my own time.  I just want to be here for you>
Sighing, Nick let himself rest back against Karr�s dark, secure presence.  He drew in a long breath and released it slowly, relaxing his body as he struggled to relax his mind.  Karr readily held him, letting him sink into the darkness that he was.  Nick closed his eyes, feeling a tremor course through his body and valiantly struggled against the emotions once more trying to break through.

He turned his head and his gaze fell once again on the TransAm and this time something caught his eye.  Leaning forward, he peered in through the driver�s window through to the back seat.  There was a brown file lying across the plush material.

Unfolding his legs from under him, disturbing their presences in his mind, he slid down off the Stealth into the gap between his partner and the TransAm.  He opened the driver�s door as far as Karr�s position would allow and with as much respect as he could, he leaned over to the back seat and plucked the file from its resting place.  He closed the door as quietly as he could.

Feeling Karr�s rolling, indefinable emotions in his mind, he felt he ought to explain his actions.  �I have to know who killed him.�  The sudden, overwhelming rage was there one second and gone the next, a sneak peak into Karr�s future state.  Nick knew what was to come.  He wouldn�t fight it.  Maybe it would destroy everything they had built, but it
would free them.

�We will find whoever did this, I promise.  And we will make them pay.�
�As Jennifer Knight paid for her hatred?� Karr hissed.
More anger rolled toward him and again Nick briefly closed his eyes.  He was silent for a moment, trying to find the inner balance to continue.  �No.  Whoever took Kitt�s life will pay with their own.  That�s a promise.�  The agreement he felt from Karr was an uneasy reminder of their past, but he quashed any feelings of anxiety.  When the time came, he would do what was necessary, but he wouldn�t break his promise.  A life for a life.  He had been raised and trained to function without emotions.  He had learned to kill, to take every chance to remove the enemy, and he didn�t need a gun or a knife to do it.   Sitting back up on Karr�s hood, shifting back to make room, he opened the file in front of him.  Karr seemed to hover over his shoulder, using the link to read what his partner was reading.

One line hit him hard.  �Known Alias: Claris.  Born: Stephen Grey�
�Stephen Grey?� he murmured the name to himself.  �That was the name of the guy they had under surveillance?�  He glanced at the windscreen of the Stealth.  �The alias you found for Anton Sachias�.�
�Stephen Grey.�
Nick closed his eyes.  �Did Kitt tell you about the email he�d received from Sachias?�
Puzzlement filtered through from the AI.  �No.�
�Michael mentioned it.  Something about� Sachias telling Kitt that he wanted to experience his invention for himself.�

He could feel Karr�s sudden hope flare in his mind.
<Calm down>
<He could be alive!> his partner whispered feverishly.
<Sachias could have�>
�Could have what?  The CPU is still in the car.�  He tried to keep his tone gentle, not really wanting to crush his partner with words.  Karr fell silent.  Emotions trickled through again, all from hope to denial, and Nick wished he could just nurture the hope.  But it was impossible.  If Karr started to hope now, the fall into despair would be worse the next time.  Much worse.  He didn�t think he had the strength to pull his partner out

Nick stared at the dead car in front of him.  And for the first time he tired to second-guess the events of that night.  Michael was in the garden watching the house.  Kitt was parked up the road, out of sight.  Michael had said that something had distracted the AI, and in the next second he was shot.  He reached for Kitt but his partner had gone from his mind.

�Karr� could someone have� taken Kitt out of the car without taking the CPU?�  Nick�s voice echoed in the silent warehouse.  He could feel Karr thinking, processing the inquiry, playing out scenarios, sorting through data and facts.
�You�re talking about a complete upload of everything, data, memory, files, as well as the neural nets, as Kitt himself.�
�Yes.  Is it possible?�
�Theoretically, with a satellite up-link and access to the security protocols.  He or she would need to have somewhere for everything to go, an exact replica of the original CPU with the neural paths set correctly.  And they would still need a way in, a channel of some kind.�
Nick grimaced, once you knew the question, the answer was obvious.  �What�s the first thing Michael would have done when he was shot?�
�Use the implant.�
Nick gazed at the file, his mind racing.  �Karr� is that possible?  Could someone use the link as a channel into Kitt?�
Karr�s presence rippled with undefined feelings.  �If they knew the protocols and the encryption keys� it is possible.  In theory.�
Nick sighed, picking up the file and dropping down off Karr�s hood.  He felt a brief spike of disappointment and smiled, running a gentle hand over the black skin.  In his mind, Karr stayed close.  �And who would have access to that kind of information?�
Karr considered not biting, but his anger, and not his pride, was fuelling his responses.  �The one who designed the implant in the first place.�

Nick was inside the Stealth in a second.  �Locate Michael.�


Michael leaned over the railings of the bridge.  It was very late at night, very quiet here.  Every now and again a car would speed passed.  No one had stopped and he was thankful for that.  He looked down, watching the reflection of the city lights and the stars playing on the surface of the black water.  He wasn�t about to throw himself over the railings to drown in the harsh river below.  It sounded like a slow, frightening way to die.

He played the Colt .45 between his hands, gazing at the weapon, feeling an odd separation from what he was about to do.  The hole in his mind would slowly drive him insane anyway.  Nick hadn�t even suggested he keep the wrist cuff on.  Was he supposed to wear it for the rest of his life?

But encroaching madness wasn�t the reason for his needing to end his existence on this planet.  Nothing meant anything without Kitt to share it with.  He�d been in love with his partner; he could no more deny that as he could admit it to anyone outside of his immediate colleagues.  No one would ever be able to take Kitt�s place in his life.  The AI had been a part of him, of his mind and of his heart.  That was gone, and the idea of living without him wasn�t worth contemplating.

A friend had once told him that suicide wasn�t an escape, it was a cowardly exit.  The only people who suffered were those left behind.  He knew that was true.  He thought of Bonnie especially.  She was alone in her grief.  He would have been her comfort and strength if he�d been able to cope with his own feelings.  But a small part of him was screaming.  What did anyone else know about closeness?  How could he help another over this loss when he could barely accept it himself?  No one else knew how Kitt felt to touch, how warm and gentle his embraces were, what it felt like to have that soft presence nearby at all times.  No one else knew the depth of his sensuality and passion, the incredible heights of his desire.  Having had that, he knew nothing and no one would ever come close to it again.

This wouldn't have been what Kitt had wanted.  He�d have been devastated at Michael�s decision.  But Kitt wouldn�t have gone on without him either.  There was no way Kitt would have ever accepted another driver or another partner.  He might have stayed for Karr�s sake, for a time, but in the end it couldn�t ever have been enough.

He stroked his thumb along the thick barrel of the gun.  One bullet straight through the brain, right to left, behind the metal plate that saved his life the first time around, when it had been Tanya pulling the trigger.  It would end the ache in his head and the terrible agony in his heart.  Someone had destroyed a miracle.  Somewhere inside he knew he should be gunning for that someone.  But he knew just as surely that Karr and Nick would hunt down the guilty one in his place and end their lives as certainly as they�d ended his and Kitt�s.

He couldn�t remember ever feeling like this before.  Maybe he�d never lost someone so important to him.  He�d been depressed after the shooting that had lead Devon to contact Stevie.  He�d been heartbroken when Stevie had died in his arms on their wedding day.  But it hadn�t been anything like this devastation, this shattering of his heart, of his life.  He couldn�t stop crying.  The tears just seemed to fall of their own volition, as if his whole being, his very soul was mourning the loss of its mate.

Absently, he flicked the safety catch off.  He was out here so that no one would hear the shot and call for help.  Once he�d pulled the trigger he didn�t ever want to wake up.  If there was a heaven, he would join Kitt there he was certain of it.  If not, if this really was the end, he wouldn�t ever be any the wiser.  At least the nightmare would be over.

�Michael.�  Nick stepped uncertainly up on to the sidewalk.  Karr was parked a few yards away.
Michael didn�t turn to look at his friend.  He wasn�t in the least surprised he hadn�t heard the Stealth�s approach, that after all was the idea behind the car�s design.  He was slightly surprised that Nicholas was here though.  �Go away, Nick.�
�You don�t want to do this.�
�I do.  You know I do.  You of all people should be able to understand why I haven�t got a choice.�
Nick hated this.  He didn�t want to fuel any false hopes but equally he didn�t want a �Romeo and Juliet� situation on his hands either.  �Michael� the name of the man you had under surveillance, Stephen Grey, is a known alias of Dr Anton Sachias, the man who designed the implants, the one who emailed Kitt saying he wanted to experience his invention.�  Michael glanced up.  �I can only understand a part of what you�re feeling, and I don�t want to make it any worse.  But I don�t want to find Kitt alive only to have to tell him you�re dead.�

Michael caught his breath.  �You think Kitt�s alive?�
�You said you reached for him, after you were shot, and he wasn�t there.  He wouldn�t have just stood still and let someone wipe his CPU!  But what if someone downloaded him from the CPU into another CPU somewhere else?�
�Sachias?�  He felt himself grasping at the straw Nick was offering.  �You think this guy stole Kitt?�
�I think something happened that night that we don�t know about.  If he truly is dead� I won�t stand in your way.�  He didn�t have to elaborate.
Still playing with the gun, Michael looked out across the water.  �What do we have?�
�We have Sachias.  Karr�s hunting down connections, addresses, anything we can use.�
Michael nodded, stowing the gun in his coat pocket.  If there was a chance�.

Nick watched his friend.  Like Karr earlier, he knew if that if this lead nowhere, Michael would fall off the edge he�d been teetering on.  There would be no stopping him from pulling the trigger next time.  He motioned to the Stealth.  �Come on.�
Michael pushed away from the railings and stopped.  �Nick, how in the hell did you find me?�
The other man shrugged.  �There�s a tiny homing device on your coat.  I put it there when you were in the hospital.�
�I don�t believe you sometimes.�  He wasn�t angry, he hadn�t the capacity for any more anger at anyone but the one who�d done this to them.  �Why?�
Nick thought for a moment.  �Foresight.�


Frustration was turning to anger.  Kitt was blocking him, he was sure of that now.  He�d answered the AI�s last call to his partner and had obviously scared him.  He could understand Kitt�s reaction but he wanted to experience, and Kitt wasn�t letting him.  �I will have you, Kitt,� he threatened abstractly.

Clearing the papers from an otherwise empty desk, he lay down across it, letting his legs dangle off the end.  Closing his eyes, he relaxed.  Then he concentrated on the implant.  He made his presence in his own mind into something big and black and strong.  And then he rammed himself against the block at the other end of the link.

Kitt could feel the block vibrating, struggling to hold against the pressure being exerted upon it.  He�d done it himself, to blocks Karr had put in place when he�d believed himself to be protecting his brother.  He watched, and as it started to crack he added more to it, making it stronger.  But the one on the other side didn�t let up and eventually the stronger block eventually started to fall.  Panicking slightly, Kitt added more, but when cracks began to show through, he backed up, whimpering in the loneliness of the strange CPU.

The block fell.  Anton threw himself forward, into the CPU.  His mind struggled in the alien environment but he was determined.  Taking deep breaths in the real world, he settled his virtual presence and looked around.  He�d expected the CPU to be alive with Kitt�s presence, but it was dark and cold.  He felt that venturing too far from where the link connected him to the CPU would be dangerous, but he had to find where the AI was.

//who are you?//
Anton looked to his left.  Seeming to huddle in the corner, the beautifully stunning white light shimmered.
**Dr Anton Sachias**
//where�s Michael?//
**he�s gone, I�m here now**
//gone?//  Kitt didn�t understand.  //dead?//
**if I said yes, would you link with me?/**
//No!  No no no no no no!//  He moved quickly from the corner across the unit, heading for the disk stacks.

Kitt could no longer see the ruby presence of the stranger.  He pushed himself between the disk stacks and the wall of the unit, terrified, making himself as small as he could.
**Kitt!  I will have you!  This is my invention!  I deserve this!**  The AI cowered, waiting for the intruder to leave.  But he didn�t leave.  He came further in.  **think you can run, Kitt?  think I didn�t design this place?**

Anton moved further from the link, despite sensing the dangers.  His anger made his presence harsher, larger.  He moved around circuit boards, memory chips, toward the disk stacks and he soon found his prey.
**Kitt, come here**
//Leave me alone!//
**no, I won�t. so you might as well do as I say**
//go away, please!//
He closed in, reaching for Kitt, snaking his own dark presence behind the stacks, brushing suddenly over the AI.  It was like touching a cloud.  Kitt retreated further back, scared.  Again the sharper presence touched him and this time he cried out, running, not sure of where he was going, just running.  Anton started after him, rage and perversion driving him.  But suddenly he felt a pull on his presence.  He knew he was stretching himself too far, too thinly.

Growling, he returned to the link, letting himself be pulled back into his own mind.

Opening his eyes, he rubbed his head.  It ached painfully.  He sat up, leaning forward and grabbing the large bottle of painkillers, swallowing three, letting out a deep, calming breath.  What the hell had happened?  He�d never intended to hurt the AI.  Yet he�d found himself� what?  Doing what?

He shuddered as he remembered the emotions that had overtaken him.  Kitt�s touch had been like heaven, yet immediately he�d attempted to harm the young presence.  To�.  He didn�t want to admit the word but it flashed in his mind like laughter in his face.  Rape.  Violation.  He�d wanted to pull that light apart and find out what made him what he was.

This wasn�t like him.  He�d wanted to meet the AI, be connected to him happily, have the type of partnership that the implant had been designed to help blossom.  This was wrong.

His head was pounding now.  He left the room, heading for the kitchen.

Kitt came out of his hiding place.  The other presence had gone.  He considered putting up another block, but it only seemed to provoke violence.  �Michael, where are you?�  Sliding against the wall of the unit, Kitt broke down, curling in upon himself in a way he hadn�t done since his suicide attempt two years ago.  He was linked intimately to a stranger.  He hadn�t been aware that the link between he and Michael could be� switched, but the change of his CPU now had him linked to someone else.  He wished he knew how, and if Michael was still alive.

He sat for an age, alone, thinking.  His confusion and fear slowly burnt away until only the anger was left.  Looking over at the link, he suddenly threw himself at it.

Anton doubled over in pain as Kitt hit his mind with the impact of a speeding car.  He clawed his fingers into his hair, clenching his teeth as the blazing white heat soared in his mind, touching his nerves, scraping along the inside of his skull.
**Kitt, don�t!**
If the AI was communicating, there was no way Anton could translate.  Fighting to keep his vision straight, he staggered back through to the other room, using the desks as support to get him to the PC.  Grabbing the mouse, he double clicked the Lightening icon.  A second later his mind was filled with a high pitched scream, and then the presence was gone.  He dragged in a couple of harsh, panting breaths before again clicking the mouse button.  This time the scream of pain came from a distance, and he felt the distant echo of the electric surge.

Sobbing wildly, Kitt dove for cover behind the disk stacks as the third surge swept passed him.  Figuratively, he wrapped his arms up over his head and curled himself into a tight ball.  If he�d cared, he might have noticed the dimming light of his presence, no longer white but tinged with grey.  But he didn�t care.  He doubted he would ever see his partner again.  Whatever he�d done to deserve this, he hoped against hope that Michael was still out there, alive.


Karr pulled up along the curb outside the innocent suburban home.  His engine didn�t cut out and Nick sensed something coming from his side of the link.
�What is it?�
�There is a large number of computers and massive amounts of electronic equipment in that house.�
Michael glanced at Nick before getting out of the car.  �Michael!�
�If my partner�s in there, Nick�.�
�Then we�ll get him out.�  He gave Karr a few simple, obvious instructions to scan every piece of equipment for Kitt�s e-signature.  And then he joined Michael in front of the house.  �You take the front, I�ll take the back.�

Michael nodded, reaching into his coat pocket and bringing out the Colt he�d intended on taking his own life with.  Nick reassured him that he too was armed.  �Don�t leave home without it,� he whispered softly.  Michael managed a small smile that Nick acknowledged before disappearing around to the back of the house.

Gun primed, Michael put his hand on the front door handle and turned it carefully.  Whatever alarms might have sounded, Karr caught and disabled.  He stepped into the hallway, looking through to the living room.  The banks of computers and monitors were astounding.  He heard a sound coming from a room on the corridor off to his right and moved cautiously toward it.  Looking up, he saw Nick at the back door, making his own silent entrance.

Anton stared at the PC monitor in front of him.  Through the astounding pain in his head he was furious, with Kitt and with himself.  All he�d wanted to do was to find someone who wouldn�t and couldn�t walk out on him.  He�d wanted to experience the miracle that had been of his own making but he wasn�t being allowed to.  Reaching for the mouse he double-clicked a black circle icon in the top left-hand corner.

Kitt looked up from his hiding place at the sound of an electric spark.  He thought at first it was another power surge, but the feeling, the crackle of the atmosphere, wasn�t the same.  And then it was coming toward him, not a surge, but a spike, a dark spike of power heading straight for him.  He tried to dive out of its path but it followed him, homed in on him and he realised there was no escaping it.

A moment later, it drilled into him, penetrating the core of his essence, driving all the way through him, tearing him apart.  It hit the back wall of the unit behind him and dissipated.  Kitt slid down that same wall, trembling dangerously, the hole in his core closing slowly.  Never before had he felt like this.  He was weakening, and his main processor was struggling with the overload of the spike.

Anton smiled to himself.  Revenge was sweet, he had to admit.  Maybe he had selected the wrong AI.  Maybe he should end this, overload Kitt until he ceased to exist, and then take another AI.  Karr.  Nicholas MacKenzie�s partner.  He�d gone for Kitt because the Karr AI had had a reputation for being a vicious killer.  He hadn�t wanted an AI linked to him that would immediately fight back.  But that was exactly what Kitt had done and he�d survived.  Perhaps he could have more fun with Karr, perhaps he would be stronger.

Outside, Karr had picked up the sudden spike, despite the rest of the electronics in the vicinity.  Concentrating on that area, he applied the scan for Kitt�s e-sig.
<I have him!>  Karr�s excited outburst flowed into Nick�s mind.
Nick brought up a basic shield.  He couldn�t deal with an overexcited AI who was normally as calm and collected as his driver was right now.  He needed his balance.  <Where?> he asked briskly.
<Corridor on your right, second door on the left> Karr answered, trying to reign in his emotions and failing.
Nick and Michael came up shoulder to shoulder outside the kitchen.  �Karr�s found him,� Nick mouthed slowly.  Michael�s expression said it all.

As Karr watched, Kitt�s signature dropped suddenly in intensity.  The spike vanished but his brother continued to deteriorate.  Panic hit him.  No!  Not now.  Please not now!
<Nick, hurry.  We�re losing him>  Karr�s desperation took the place of joy in his transmission.
Nick wasn�t sure exactly how or why, but kept the information to himself for now.

Michael followed Nick along the corridor wall, passed the first room, trusting it was empty as Karr had obviously informed his partner.  When they got to the open door of the second room, Michael moved quickly across to the other side of the doorway, gun pointed to the ceiling.  Nick peered inside.  He could see Sachias standing with his back to them, hand hovering over a PC keyboard.  As silent as a church mouse, Nick stepped into the room and had the tip of his gun up against of the back of the man�s head before he knew there was anyone there.

�Lift your hands and bring them slowly around your back.�
Sachias started.  �Who the hell�?  How did you get passed the alarms!�
�Just do I said,� Nick warned him, coldly.  �Give me your hands, slowly.�  Sachias did as Nick had asked.  Without prompting, Michael tired the man�s wrists with a spare power cable.  Certain it was secure, Michael spun Sachias around, throwing him back against the desk.
�Where�s Kitt?�

Sachias� eyes widened.  �I know who you are�.  You�re Michael Knight.�  He glanced at Nick.  �Nicholas MacKenzie.  That would explain how you got passed the alarms.�
�Just answer the question,� Nick warned him softly.
�You�re too late.  Kitt�s mine now.�

Keeping a close eye on Kitt�s dwindling e-sig, Karr started to pick up something else.  A link� an active implant that didn�t match the frequency of his and Nicholas� or Michael�s.  He found the link chip inside the CPU where Kitt was housed.  When he traced the implant, he felt vaguely sick. He touched the shield Nick had automatically placed around his mind.  <Nick� he�s linked himself to Kitt>
Nick�s eyes never wavered and his expression didn�t change, but he felt his stomach flip over.  Jeez�.  <We need the car here>

<Bring it!>
<I can�t leave you  here!>
Nick gave a growl of annoyance.  <We�ll be fine.  Go>  As much as he appreciated a protective partner, this was the wrong moment for it!  He knew Karr was currently running under a lot of stress, the fear of losing his human partner to something he could prevent having risen through this crisis once more.  But they had time for apologies and reassurances later.  Now they had to function.  Karr gunned the engine and reluctantly he took off, heading back for the warehouse, keeping a long range check on his brother�s life-signs as he started to reach for the TransAm.  The moment he was in range he would pick the car up on remote.

�The car�s on its way,� Nick told Michael softly.  He nodded.  Leaving Sachias in Nick�s hands for a minute, Michael started to search the room.  He recognised a CPU when he saw one.  Immediately he put his hand on to the black box, seeing no inputs, no sensors, no way to tell his partner he was here.
Nick looked up.  �You�ve found him.�
�Yeah, but there�re no inputs.�  He followed the cables coming from the back of the sealed unit.  One went into the back of the PC near which Anton was caught.  Another went into the back of the workstation next to the CPU.  He vaguely knew the service output on the screen.  There was nothing new coming up now, despite the lines of data that were already there.

He found the keyboard and hit return, typing in his partner�s name and hitting return a second time.
�It�s one-way only,� Anton informed him, wincing when Nick�s gun was slammed into his kidneys.
�There must be a way of communicating with him!�  Michael stormed around the desks, pushing his own gun into Sachias� throat.  Nick touched his friend�s wrist.
�Michael, he�s linked himself to Kitt.�  Michael stared at Nick for a moment.  Then he unclipped the safety from the gun.  �Michael, no.�
�Why not?�  Anger and grief had come together to form a deadly mix of emotions.  He wanted blood.
�We need him to transfer Kitt back.�  He tried to put the rest of his sentence, his silent promise, in to his eyes.  Sachias wasn�t walking out of this alive, but they needed him to think he had a chance.
Michael fumed, but he knew Nick was right.  He pushed the barrel of his gun further into Sachias� throat.  �Tell him I�m here or I swear I�ll start amputating limbs.�

Anton stared at him, and slowly he shook his head, side to side.  �You won�t hurt me.  Because if you do, I�ll make sure Kitt feels the full force of my pain.  You�ll simply be torturing him along side me.�  He smiled.  �And I really don�t think he�s strong enough to survive it, because� he�s been through a lot recently.�
Heart racing, Michael drew the gun back and backhanded Sachias hard.

Opening his mind completely, reaching through the link, Anton let the sudden sting transmit through to the AI at the other end.

Kitt barely felt it.


Grabbing control of the TransAm, Karr brought it to him as he turned the Stealth in a 180 degree turn and started back for Sachias� house, driving the TransAm at a speed that would ensure the car met up with him before they reached the suburbs.  As soon as he was in range he picked up Kitt�s e-signature and found it weaker than it had been when he�d left.  He�d been gone no more than four minutes.

<Nick, we�re thirty seconds away.>
<How is he?>
<Dying.  Whatever you�re planning, make it happen>  Karr�s tone was desperate.  He�d just found out that his brother was alive and now they were losing him all over again.  Nick�s voice was the complete opposite to his frantic mind voice.  Cool, collected, almost emotionless, and Karr found himself reaching for it as an anchor.  Part of him was disgusted that Nick could be so detached, so machine-like, another part scolded him for not following his partner�s example.  Emotions could mean Kitt�s death.
<Find the download program.  There�s a workstation close by the CPU and a PC.  Scan them first>

Karr searched the directories of both machines in parallel.  What he found on the PC appalled him.  <He has the ability to send electrical surges through the CPU>  Nick winced at the rage flowing from his partner.  <He�s a dead man>
<Get in line>
Karr drew the Stealth and the TransAm up to the curb.  <Found it.  It�s on the workstation>
<Can you reverse it?  Can you put him back?> Nick asked reasonably.
Karr read the parameters, resetting the co-ordinates of the up-link and download.  All he needed was an open channel.  <He must access the link to start the process, as Michael Knight did>

�Karr�s ready.�  Nick moved forward and replaced Michael�s gun with his own.  �I don�t know what�s going to happen so let me take him.�  To Anton, he said, �You�re going access the implant and speak to Kitt.�
Sachias closed his eyes.  He wasn�t sure how to block the implant but he created what he thought was close.  When he looked at Nick again, he smiled.  �No.  I know what you�re trying to do.  If I don�t touch the implant, Kitt will remain trapped.  For as long as he has left of course.�

Nick moved out of the way as Michael grabbed Sachias� shoulder and spun him hard, slamming him down against the PC monitor, left cheek pressed against the unforgiving case.  �Do it.�
�You won�t� kill me,� he choked out.  �If you do, you kill your partner.�
�You said he had very little time, you have less.  Now DO IT!�
Anton just laughed, with considerable difficulty.  �Oh, he was� beautiful,� he told Michael.  �So warm to the touch.�
Time was running out, not just for Kitt.  Sachias was goading Michael into killing him. Nick reached for his partner. Karr was furious, but he punched through the emotions.  <Karr� how do we activate it?>
<There is no other way!>  Panic hit him again.
Karr�s rolling emotions soared into Nick�s mind.  Anger, hatred, rage, grief.  He desperately needed to reach his brother yet all he could do was watch Kitt die.  <It�s a risk�.>
<We�re losing him anyway.  Tell me!> Nick snapped.
<Destroy the implant.  It might activate for a moment.  It�s all I need>
Nick hesitated.  <Destroy it?>
<You asked>

Letting out a deep breath, Nick stepped forward and planted the barrel of his gun against the scar at the back of Sachias� neck.  Michael glanced at him, eyes wild.  �What?�
�Karr�s idea.  Destroy the implant,� he told him unemotionally.
Anton laughed out loud.  �Yes!  That�s it!  Destroy the only single access channel into that CPU!  Karr really hates his little brother doesn�t he?!�
Karr�s enraged scream echoed through Nick�s mind, but he refused to twitch a muscle.  His own anger was boiling just below the surface.

Sachias� eyes narrowed and he stared at Michael, trying to see in to the man�s soul.  �I�m sorry you didn�t get to say goodbye.�
In one swift, fury-driven motion, Michael knocked Nick�s gun out of the way, aimed his own, and pulled the trigger.  The implant behind Anton�s spinal cord flew apart, shards of metal piercing his brain along the path the bullet carved.  Blood, brain and skull splattered over the PC and the wall behind it.
In that single moment of horror, Karr�s absolute relief peeled through Nick�s mind.  <It worked>
He grabbed Michael�s arm.  �It worked.  Go to him.�

Swallowing his anger, trying to calm himself, Michael touched the implant and reached through the link between them.  He moved into Kitt�s CPU, looking around.  Last time he�d been in here it had been alive with Kitt�s presence, the bright white light that permeated every part of the unit.  It was dark now.  He moved further in and turned to his left.  //Kitt�.//

A dim, grey presence lay shimmering on the floor of the unit between the wall and a circuit board.  Michael went to him, dropping down, gathering his partner�s vague, fading essence into him, wrapping around him, holding him tight.  //Kitt, I�m here now, please�.  Hold on, you�re safe now//
He could feel the shudders driving through his beloved partner.  He could sense his weakness, how close he was to dying.  Reigning in his own emotions, Michael stroked over Kitt�s soft presence, cuddling him, offering all the comfort and support he could.  There were no responses coming from the AI, no sign that he even knew where he was or that Michael was with him.

He sensed something else close and looked up.  Karr�s ebony presence was hovering just out of reach.  Michael could feel the concern and fear radiating from the other AI.
//It�s okay// he tried, uncertain if he could communicate that way.  Karr didn�t respond, so Michael reached out a single tendril of himself and invited him closer. Karr shifted, ripples disturbing the darkness, and Michael watched in fascinated awe.  Finally the stunning, dark essence wrapped around Kitt�s �legs�, attempting to infuse his brother with strength and energy.

Careful not to disturb his unconscious partner, Michael opened his eyes.  Nick was watching him.  �How is he?�
�He�s dying,� Michael swallowed his tears harshly.  �Karr�s with him too.�
Nick nodded slowly, a slightly distant expression in his eyes.  �Let�s get you both home.�
Michael nodded, then he looked down at the gun in his hand and the corpse at their feet.  �What about this?�
MacKenzie smiled humourlessly.  �Don�t worry about this.  I�ll make some calls.  This will all disappear.�

Nick reached for Karr, touching his partner carefully. <Karr?>  He received a distant acknowledgement. Karr was concentrating on Kitt and everything else was a distraction. Nick smiled briefly.

They got out to the cars.  The TransAm�s scanner was still black, and even though Kitt was back in his own CPU he was a long way from having control of the car.  Nick grabbed Michael�s shoulder as he opened the car door.  �You�re in no state to drive.�
He wasn�t about to argue.  He moved around to the passenger seat, allowing Nick to take the driver�s seat.  Reaching across to the steering column, Michael pressed his right index finger to the start button and the engine fired into life.  No one else but Michael and Kitt had driven this car for a very long time.  But Michael relaxed into the seat and closed his eyes, dropping back into Kitt�s CPU.

His mental presence hadn�t moved from Kitt�s side, but with his full concentration he could intensify his presence to the point where it was almost real.  Karr was still there, wrapped around his brother.
//Kitt�//  Michael settled with his partner, hurting just to see the bright light shining so dimly.  He was a little unnerved to be so close to Karr for any length of time.  But Kitt needed all the support he could get.  The darker AI was distracted now, controlling the Stealth, maybe talking to Nick, but a part of him was close to Kitt and wasn�t about to leave.  //Come on, Beautiful, come back to me//  He hugged his partner closer, stroking him untiringly.  //I can�t lose you again//

<Karr, can you operate the communications, put me in touch with Bonnie or Devon>
<Of course>  Nick could feel the same distraction in his partner that Michael had sensed.  <You�re through>
Nick looked about the cabin.  Before he had a chance to speak, he heard, �Nick?�
�Bonnie, Kitt�s alive.�  He gave a brief explanation of what and how and who.  He also promised to keep her informed of her surrogate son�s condition.  �Michael isn�t about to let him go,� he tried to reassure her.
�I know.�  She drew in a calming breath.  �Thank you.�

Michael felt a shift in Kitt�s presence and loosened his hold.  //Kitt?//
The uncertainty in the questioning tone was heart-wrenching.  //Yes, it�s me, you�re safe, you�re home//  Kitt burrowed himself into his partner�s presence, afraid and ashamed of his own weakness.  Michael held on as the shudders got worse.  //ssh� it�s okay, it�s over//  He could feel things getting worse, despite Kitt having regained consciousness.  //come on, Kitt, Beauty, you�re hurting yourself.  Whatever it is, whatever he said to you or did to you, we can work through it together.  I love you, you know that//
//michael  don�t feel   well//
//I know.  What can we do for you?//

Karr could hear echoes of what was passing between Kitt and his driver.  He knew what Kitt needed now.  They had to get him on what would essentially be life-support.  He was too weak.  The electric surges and the spike that Sachias had forced over and through him had drained him.  He needed energy, more than Karr could provide.
<Nick, we will need Bonnie at the warehouse as soon as possible>
Nick wasn�t about to question his partner.  He merely requested him to put them back in touch with the Foundation.