by elfin


Standing just inside the impressive entrance hall of John Hammond�s secluded country mansion, Dr Alan Grant lifted his hat from his head and glanced at his companion.

Dr Ian Malcolm read the expression on his friend�s face and shrugged.

They�d been summoned here.

Two days ago.

Neither man had wanted to come.  Neither man trusted John Hammond for a single moment.

Latent fear and suspicion had kept them away until natural curiosity had caused them to contact one other.

Last night over several beers and several more shots at a bar near Alan�s dig site, they�d come to the joint conclusion that Hammond couldn�t talk them into doing anything that they didn�t want to do.  They were grown men, with very healthy survival instincts that would get them through any meeting with John Hammond.

Nothing on this earth would get them anywhere near Jurassic Park again.

Footsteps on the wide staircase in front of them caught their attention and they both looked up.  A man � Hammond�s butler, Malcolm assumed � stopped a few steps down and gazed at them, his face blank.

�Doctors Grant and Malcolm?�  The two men nodded.  �If you�d follow me, Mr Hammond will see you now.�

Alan couldn�t hide his smile.  He closed the gap between him and Ian.  �Remind me why we�re here.�

Ian just grinned at him and, side by side, they climbed the wide stairs.

They were shown into an office, all ornate wooden panelling with high, stacked bookshelves and a large mahogany desk in the centre of it all.

John Hammond turned from a laptop computer when they stepped inside.  The door was closed behind them as the old man came out from behind his desk and greeted them like dear friends.

�Please, make yourselves comfortable.�  He indicated the expensive, deep red leather suite in the other half of the room.  �Can I get either of you a drink?�

Both men shook their heads and they cautiously sat, watching as John dropped carefully into one of the matching armchairs.

�It�s so good to see you both again!� he told them heartily.  �How are you?�

Ian looked at Alan, watching the other man look away.  They weren�t here for a reunion.  They were here to find out why Hammond had contacted them after four years of silence.

After Jurassic Park, Ian had taken a year off, recovering from his injuries and starting to piece together the events, theories and reasonings that would make up his book.

Alan�s relationship with Ellie had collapsed.  But his book had sold millions of copies and that, as well as the mystery of Isla Nublar now linked with his name, had allowed him to fund his digs and research for the foreseeable future, and he was at least happy about that.

Both had finally returned to lecturing, in universities at opposite ends of the country.

They didn�t need any reminders of the hell they�d encountered on John�s monster island.

�Why are we here, John?� Ian asked without answering the man�s question.

Hammond sat forward, and Alan�s heart sank.  He looked as guilty as hell. What had the madman done this time?

�I need your help,� John told them firmly.  �Three weeks ago, my niece and nephew �� he caught the expression on Alan�s face, �-my other niece and nephew, my son�s children, came to see me.  They�re both palaeontology students at UCLA.  They wanted to spend the summer on Isla Nublar, charting the animals, cataloguing them, finding out how they were surviving � if they were surviving.�

Ian shook his head, �They�re not animals, John, it isn�t a zoo!  They�re dinosaurs.  Million-year-old predators.�

Alan sat forward, pinching the bridge of his nose, groaning softly.  �John � tell me� tell me you didn�t let them go.�

John avoided looking at either of them directly.  �I wouldn�t let them go alone.  And I wouldn�t let them go unprepared.  I have contacts.  I made sure they went with all the weapons they�d need.  We flew them in with an armoured truck loaded with supplies, guns, rifles, grenades, the works.�

�No expense spared,� Ian murmured softly.  He didn�t back down from John�s sudden glare.  And the expression quickly faded.

�You said you wouldn�t let them go alone,� Alan picked up.  �Who did you con into going with them?�

John sighed.  �A young man came to see me, a couple of days after Tom and Clare.  He was desperate to know if there was some way I could recommend him to you,� he looked pointedly at Alan.  �He wanted to work with you, was willing to do whatever it took to get onto one of your digs, but he couldn�t even get a letter through to you.�

Alan moaned low in his throat, his face crumpled.  �I don�t believe this.  What did you tell him, John?�

�I suggested that� you�d be more likely to take him on if he had some field experience.�

�And you didn�t mean with long-dead bones, did you?� Alan asked, pained.  �Oh, God�.�

�He�s quite capable of looking after himself and the other two.�

Ian was on his feet in a second, arms flailing.  �What is that supposed to mean, John?  How can you expect anyone to be capable of surviving on that island?!�

Alan was shaking his head, leaning back in the sofa, eyes closed.

Turning, John took two photographs from the low table behind him and handed them to Ian.  One was of a girl and a boy.

�Tom and Clare,� John told him.  �They�re twins, twenty-two years old.  They�re both very fit and in great shape.�

The second one was of a young man, older than the other two but not by too many years.

�His name is Billy Brennan.  He�s twenty-six, a graduate student working to complete his dissertation.�

Ian handed both photos to Alan.  �What exactly do you expect us to do about this?�

John smiled softly at the tall man pacing the wooden floor.  �I want you two to go in and pull them out.�

Ian laughed.  A full-throated belly laugh that could have cut glass.  �Not a chance, John.  They�re dead.  And you know it.�

�They didn�t break radio contact until three days ago.  They had the old visitors centre secure and the perimeter up.  We sent them in with all the latest technology, full security that would ensure they remained safe if they stayed within the perimeter they set up.�

�What did their last report say?�

John didn�t answer for a moment.  Ian glanced at Alan, who was staring at the photos.  He was about to ask his friend what was wrong when John said, �There was a lot of screaming.�

�Jesus Christ�.�

With a deep sigh, Alan sat forward.  �I�ll go.�

For a second, there was nothing but stunned silence.  And then John smiled triumphantly at Ian who dropped back into his seat, hand reaching for Alan�s arm.

�Hey� er� you do remember, right, Alan?� he stammered.  �This� this isn�t DisneyWorld, this is the one with the real life monsters.  What the hell are you saying?�

Alan held up the photo of the graduate student � Billy.  �All he wanted to do was work with me,� he explained quietly.  �If they�re alive, I�ll get them home.�

Ian dropped his head back against the high back of the sofa.  �Oh, shit!�

* * *

Ian felt his stomach leap into his throat as the helicopter jerked through the turbulence caused by the air currents in front of the waterfall.

This time they were in a military chopper.  And this time, it wasn�t going to take off again without them back inside it.

This time they had guns and backpacks full of ammo and grenades.

This time they knew what they were facing.

Still, they were both petrified.

The phrase, �I�m a palaeontologist, not a hero,� had been on Ian�s lips more than once over the last forty-eight hours.  But for whatever reason, Alan Grant wasn�t backing out.  Ian wasn�t sure he believed what his obviously insane friend had said about Billy Brennan.

Sure, the young man had wanted to work with the famous Dr Grant and had instead found himself on an island inhabited by prehistoric killing machines.  But anyone stupid enough to believe anything John Hammond told them deserved all they got in Ian�s book.

Alan was characteristically quiet.  He had stared out of the small window for most of the trip from Costa Rica, the high-powered, high-velocity rifle held loosely in his hand.

Ian remembered back to the last time they�d made this flight.  Alan had been carrying nothing more dangerous than a fossilised raptor claw.

What the hell were they doing going back?

Not that they were alone this time either.  John had offered them all the military assistance they could use, but Alan had wanted the marines simply to back them up, to safeguard their only escape route and not to leave without them.

Ian had to agree with the lunatic on that.  A huge group of military-types trampling through the undergrowth was going to be an easier, more obvious target for a dinosaur attack.  At least from the T-Rex, if she had survived.  The �raptors� Alan hadn�t wanted to discuss the �raptors.

For a man whose life�s work was dedicated to studying fossils of the velociraptor, he was oddly reluctant to talk about the living examples.

The helicopter landed with a soft bump on the pad.  Ian and Alan climbed out and ran a little way from it, stopping at the edge of the site.  More marines were landing around them, in nearby clearings.

Alan checked his rifle and slung his pack onto his shoulders.  All the hardware made it heavier than what he was used to, but he�d take the extra weight.  Excavation tools were useless when it came to fighting the �theme park monsters� that InGen had created.

Ian shifted his own backpack until he was comfortable.  He turned to Alan.  �Ready?�

Alan merely smiled at him ironically and set off toward the massive metal gate that would lead them into Jurassic Park.

They kept to the road as much as they could.  It was overrun now with vegetation that, in the highest parts, reached waist-height on Alan.  But it wasn�t particularly hard going and they covered a lot of ground in a relatively fast time.

They didn�t talk.  Each knew the other was listening out for the telltale signs that danger was nearby with sharp teeth and terrible claws.

The only sound, though, was a slight breeze in the woodland around them.

At one point they crossed along the ridge of an incline.  Looking across and down they saw the large lake and realised where they were.

�Welcome� to Jurassic Park.�

Alan felt a strange emotion squeeze his chest, and stopped for a moment to remember.

They�d been excited at first, blown away by everything they were seeing.  Alan had touched a dinosaur, reached out and actually touched one.  It had been warm under his hand.

And then it had turned from a dream into a nightmare.  Those creatures that had been with him all his life had turned on him and tried to kill him.  Tried to kill them all.

He felt Ian�s hand on his shoulder.  �You okay?�

Alan nodded, smiled once at his companion.  �Fine.  Just�.�

But Ian knew.  �Let�s find those kids.�

It was an hour�s hike to the old visitor�s centre.  The first time they�d seen it, it was all glass and gleaming mock marble.  Those who�d built it had hopes of it welcoming thousands of tourists to the centre of a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Now the building, like those hopes, was in ruins.

The plantlife had taken over.  But at least the plants didn�t try to eat people.  Alan and Ian climbed the steps at the front of the once-impressive building.  The nearer the got, the more shattered glass cracked under each footfall.

No windowpane was intact.  Inside the massive entrance hall, metal girders had come crashing down amongst stained dinosaur bones.  Alan stopped in the centre of the room and looked up.  They�d escaped through here, running from the �raptors straight into the path of the T-Rex.  He and Ellie, Lex and Tim.

He smiled to himself when he thought of Ellie.  She would kill him herself if she ever found out he�d come back here.

A sound caught their attention suddenly.  Both readied their rifles, glancing at one another and then around to try and ascertain the direction.

A few moments, and they heard it again.  The scrape of metal against metal.  At least, that�s what it sounded like.

They looked up.  Another sound confirmed it.

�The control room.�

Ian nodded.  The noise was being filtered to them through the holes in what remained of the ceiling.  Alan knew his way around this part of the complex better than anyone.

Moving together, as quietly as they could, they climbed the stairs that remained intact, up around the right hand side of the circular hall.

Every step creaked threateningly, but none gave way.  At the top, Alan�s foot crunched something long and obviously fragile.  He bent down to pick up what was left of it, stared at the long cylinder for a second, and then handed it to Ian.

Ian studied it like he knew what it was.  Then shrugged and put it quietly back onto the floor.  He opened his mouth to suggest that it might have been part of the security system the students had set up, but the words weren�t worth the risk.

To their left, a door marked �Authorised Personnel Only� was ajar.  Pushing it further open, Alan stepped through.

A narrow, dark corridor led down a gently inclined ramp and then they came out on a walkway in front of the shattered glass window of the control room.

What they saw in the next moment had Alan choking back on a scream.

On one of the desktops, amongst the smashed wreckage of what had once been the nerve centre of Jurassic Park, two young men were squatting.  They were curled up as small as they could get, heads down, as a pack of four �raptors circled them.

�Oh God,� Ian breathed, watching, horribly transfixed.

When they struck, everything happened almost too quickly.

One of the creatures, who�d been a little further back from the rest, suddenly jumped up on to the desk, jaws closing around the shoulder of one of the men.

At the same time, another raptor from the other side of the desk joined the first, its wide open mouth closing with a sickening crunch around the back of the man�s head.

The second man screamed; a sound that scraped over Ian�s nerves.

Before Ian could stop him, Alan jumped from the walkway through the broken glass into the room.  He leapt up, putting one foot on the edge of the desk and launching himself over it, grabbing the screaming man as he went, slamming his palm over the open mouth and catapulting them both into the far corner with a crash.

Ian found his reflexes were better than he�d imagined them to be.  Raising his rifle he fired four rounds in rapid succession.

Three of the �raptors fell.  The forth, which still had fragments of skull falling from its snapping jaws, moved towards him.  He froze to the sound of Alan�s shriek of his name.

And then another shot rang out and the raptor collapsed sideways on the tiled floor.

Alan dropped his rifle and turned back to the young man he�d saved.

Chocolate brown eyes were darting side to side.  He was gasping for breath, short, shallow intakes that were only increasing the adrenaline in his system.

Alan put one arm around his shoulders, his other hand to the man�s head, stroking his hair, hushing him softly.

�Come on, it�s okay, it�s okay.�  The expression on the poor kid�s face was one of absolute terror bordering on madness.  �You�re okay.  They�re dead.  Just calm down.�

He continued the litany as Ian lowered himself into the room through the same broken window and gingerly checked that all four animals were dead.

Just to make sure, he fired a bullet into each one�s skull.

Bile rose in his throat as his eyes were drawn to the fallen body on the desktop.  The �raptors had torn off the back of the skull, ripped away the left shoulder and arm.

He turned away and for a moment watched Alan comfort the survivor.  He tried to remember what the two men looked like, tried to work out whether or not John�s nephew had been killed in front of them.

Alan ran his hands down the young man�s arms, soothing.  Finally the hysteria was easing.

He looked the guy over.  He seemed to have gotten away lightly.

Alan assumed the fresh blood splattered down the front of his dark green t-shirt wasn�t his own, although some wounds were visible on his chest, stomach and arms, through rips in his clothing.

After a minute or so, the young man sat back slightly, pulling himself together.  He looked properly at his rescuer for the first time.

�Dr Grant�.�  He spoke the name like he didn�t believe his own eyes.

Alan smiled.  �And you�re Billy Brennan.�  A nod.  �John Hammond told us all about you.�  Ian moved to stand at his friend�s side.  �This is too far to go to get a guy�s phone number, Billy,� Alan joked quietly, helping the young man to his feet.

Ian�s eyes widened behind them, and for a moment an idea formed in his head that he refused to even acknowledge.

Billy stood shakily, leaning on Alan until he got his balance.  A couple of deep breaths later he found he could manage to stand on his own.  Unable to stop himself, he glanced behind the other two over at the half-eaten body on the desktop.

�Tom�.�  He squeezed his eyes closed, fighting tears of despair and exhaustion.

Alan rubbed his shoulder gently.  �Where�s Clare?� he asked as carefully as he could.  He already knew the answer.

�Dead,� Billy replied, his voice monotone as he explained.  �The Tyrannosaur.  It just�.�

Alan nodded.  �Okay.  Is there anyone else?�  He didn�t trust John Hammond to have told them the whole truth.  But Billy shook his head.  �Right.  Let�s get out of here.�

The expression in those wide brown eyes became hopeful.  �You came prepared.�

Ian grinned at him.  �Oh, did we ever.�

They left the visitor�s centre the way they�d come in.

�Any idea how many �raptors there are?� Alan asked Billy quietly as they descended the stairs cautiously.

�We counted ten when we first arrived.  They circled the compound but didn�t try to cross the perimeter until� two days ago.�

�Since when you�ve been on the run?�

Billy nodded.  �We�d already lost Clare.  We� ventured outside the centre.  We thought the �raptors had gone and we hadn�t seen the T-Rex at all.  We imagined she hadn�t survived.  We didn�t get too far.  Almost like she�d been waiting.�

�One thing we learned,� Alan explained, �they�re not stupid.�

�Unlike me.�

Alan patted the young man�s back gently, still looking forward, missing the curious expression in the brown eyes that settled on him for a moment.  �Hammond talked us into it too, twice!  Don�t be too hard on yourself.�

Standing on the steps outside the main building, they paused, listening.

Alan and Ian reloaded their weapons.  Alan dug out one of the handguns that the marines had put in his backpack for backup.  He loaded it and handed it to Billy.  �Know how to use one?�  Ian turned away, grinning to himself.  Alan Grant, the thinking man�s Indiana Jones.  He stifled a chuckle.

Billy nodded in answer to Alan�s question and tucked the gun into his belt, making sure the safety was on.

Alan glanced at Ian, caught the tail end of his amusement and smiled gently.  Ian knew him now, better than anyone.

�It�s about an hour to the troops,� Malcolm told their ward.  �We didn�t meet anything coming in, but maybe that was just luck.  Not that we seemed to have any last time we were here.�

Alan shook his head.  �If we see anything that isn�t human, we shoot it.  Agreed?�  He looked pointedly at Ian, who nodded.  Then he shifted his blue gaze to Billy, who hesitated before doing the same.  �Good.  Let�s go.�

�John said you were a grad student?  UCLA?�  Alan spoke quietly, not wanting to attract any undue attention yet feeling a need to put Billy at ease.

Billy nodded.  �Palaeontology,� he confirmed, just as quietly.  �It was your work that inspired me into the field.�

Alan chuckled softly.  �So now it�s my fault you�re out here?� he teased.

Ian shook his head, smiling.  Despite himself, he was impressed with the speed at which Alan was working.  They were out here, with the most dangerous creatures on earth, and Alan was still thinking about his libido.  When � if � they got back alive, he was going to slap his friend really hard.

He stepped ahead of the other two, gaze running over the long grass all around them.  He was looking for movement, anything that might suggest that they weren�t the only ones making their way across the island.

As far as he could tell, they were alone.

Billy stayed close to Alan�s side.  He hated being out here.  Not that the main compound had offered them any form of security in the last seventy-two hours.  But out here� anything could be hunting them and they�d never know about it.  Not until they were being torn apart.

Dr Grant and Dr Malcolm had been on this island once.  They�d escaped with their lives.  And now they were back, risking themselves again for three young idiots.  Two of whom were already dead.

�I can�t believe you came back here for us,� Billy murmured, thankful beyond belief.

Alan glanced at the man walking next to him.  �Hammond lied to you and he used my name to do it.�

�I just wanted a chance to prove I was good enough to work with you.�

Chuckling softly, Alan looked at Billy with an indulgent smile.  �Billy, if we get off this island you are welcome to come and work at the Montana Badlands dig.�

Billy�s eyes widened, and Alan saw a smile light his boyishly handsome features for the first time since they�d rescued him.  �Really?�

Alan shrugged and nodded, trying to pretend that it was an offer Billy could take or leave.

A couple of feet ahead of them, Ian turned around to catch the expression on the kid�s face, and to raise his eyebrows at his friend.

Between them, a few yards behind the pair, a raptor had paused in its stalking and was staring at Ian with big, beady eyes.

It took him a second to find his voice, during which he thought he heard his companion mutter something along the lines of, �oh my god.�

As Ian had turned, Alan had caught sight of a Dilophosaur standing a little way in front of them.  He assumed for a moment that Ian had seen it.


�Ian!  Run!�


Alan�s mind was working on the best escape strategy when faced with a creature that was probably deciding on the best way to kill him � to render him blind and paralysed first or simply tear into him as he stood there.  When he felt Billy grab his arm, he glanced at him,

Alan�s eyes widened.  He saw the creature standing in the long grass to Billy�s right.  He looked around then to find the other members of the raptor pack and his heart sank.

�We�re dead,� Ian murmured, actually sounding surprised.

Alan�s gaze finally came to rest on Billy�s terrified face.  �No�� he whispered, �no, we�re not.  Get down, and when I say, run like hell.�

Despite the fact that the words themselves hadn�t been directed at him, Ian got the idea.  He squatted down slowly, bowing to the challenge of the �raptors around them.  His eyes widened as he watched Alan turn purposely toward the Dilophosaur before taking a couple of steps back.

Not about to lose its prey to the other, smaller dinosaurs, Dilophosaur straightened its neck and shot its venom where Alan�s face should have been.

The raptor shrieked its pain into the open sky, startling its two companions who leapt onto the back of the angry Dilophosaur.


Ian and Billy didn�t waste any time watching the prehistoric fight increasing in ferocity around them.  They ducked out and followed in Alan�s wake.

They didn�t stop running until they reached the overgrown ridge on which Alan and Ian had stopped on their way in.

Ian doubled over, his hands on his knees as he sucked in much-needed oxygen.  Glancing up, he saw that the other two were finding it much easier to get their breathing back.

�Jeez, Alan�.�  He pulled in another couple of lungfuls.  �Aren�t you older than me?�

Alan just smirked at him.  �You okay, Billy?�

The student nodded, still not quite believing that they�d escaped that.  �Thanks,� he managed a moment later.

�Don�t mention it.  Let�s get out of here.�

Alert for any more attacks, the three of them walked in single file along the ridge.  Alan once again remembered the wonder of this place before they knew anything of the inherent danger.  Casting a glance behind him, he let his eyes linger on Billy�s face.

For a few moments, his regard was unnoticed.  The big brown eyes were searching the horizon to their right, wide with barely buried fear.

Whatever the reason, Alan found himself wishing Billy could have known the beauty and the wonder of the herbivores before he�d experienced first-hand, and in brutal clarity, the violence and terror of the carnivores.

He�d known the young man all of an hour and already he wanted to help shape his future so that this terrible experience here would fade into the past, into nightmares, and he�d be left only with hopes and dreams for the future.

Alan almost laughed out loud at himself.  He hadn�t ever been aware that he had a romantic side.  As he was about to turn back, Billy looked forward and caught him staring.

Instead of making some comment, the young man smiled openly, and for just a moment, Alan would have sworn he was batting those perfect, long lashes in seduction.

And then it was gone.  But still the smile remained.  Alan imagined that he could look into those eyes and be the receiver of that smile for the rest of his life.

He hoped that would be longer than half an hour.

Shaking his head, he faced forwards and carried on walking.  He wondered briefly if Ian was ever going to let him live this down.

Ten minutes later, they rejoined what had once been the main road from the heli-pad to the main compound.

Almost as soon as they�d set foot on to the concrete through the vegetation that had taken over, a roar of hungry frustration cut through the heavy warm air.

Billy felt his heart start to pound.  Unconsciously, he closed up behind Alan, looking around them, searching for the source of the sound.

At the same time as wanting to know where the danger was, he didn�t ever want to see the T-Rex again in his entire life.  Last time, the huge gaping jaw had had Clare�s ravished body hanging from it.  It was a memory Billy knew would haunt him for as long as he lived.

Alan paused only for a few seconds.  �We keep going,� he told his companions, �she could be a mile away.  She could be hunting anything, not necessarily us.�

Ian nodded, uncertainly.  But they continued their journey side by side.

The next roar was practically on top of them.

The woodland to their left seemed to fold open to reveal the massive T-Rex as she once again let loose a ground-shaking noise that resonated through their bones.

�Stand still!� Alan ordered.  The last time he�d issued that particular command to Ian, the man had all but ignored him.  Running was the natural reaction to a T-Rex appearing.

Standing in a line, the three men stood absolutely still as she approached.

�She knows we�re here,� Ian murmured to the other two.

�She can�t see you if you don�t move,� Alan reiterated.  If one of them started to run, they were all dead.  But at his shoulder, he could feel the tremours driving through Billy�s body.  �It�s okay,� Alan breathed, tilting his head very gently in Billy�s direction, �she�ll leave us alone.  Just hang in there.�

�Oh, god�.�  The shudder through the young man�s body was echoed in his voice.  Terror was starting to cloud his mind but he held still, finding strength in the touch of Alan�s body against his.

The T-Rex was close behind them now, sniffing the air and letting out hot breaths that were moving the hair on the back of their heads.

�Alan�.�  This time it was Ian�s voice the broke the tense quiet between them.  �What are we doing?�

�Just trust me.�

�Right.�  Ian imagined his heart trying to beat its way out of his chest, but he fought the desperate urge to take himself out of the T-Rex�s path.  Just one bite and she could eat him whole or those teeth could tear him in two.

Alan glanced at Ian, ensuring he wasn�t about to bolt.  Then he turned to look at the man on his other side.  Billy was shaking, embarassedly blinking tears from the corners of his eyes.

�Hang on, Billy,� Alan murmured softly.

They seem to have been standing there forever.  In fact, only a two and a half minutes had passed since they�d frozen in place.

Behind them, the T-Rex bowed her head and gave one last howl of fury.  Alan tensed as he saw her raise her head up out of the corner of his eye.  She�d backed up slightly, and he thought for a moment that she was going to turn.

And then she lifted one clawed foot and took two long, quick strides forward.

Ian and Alan threw themselves to the left, Alan pushing Billy hard out of the way as he did so.

They heard a crack too much like bones breaking, and a scream too much like human terror.

Alan scrambled to sit up in the undergrowth.  A few feet away he could see Billy lying on his front, blood already covering much of his back.

Alan�s yell of the student�s name was drowned out by a cacophony of bullets being fired from all around them.

The barrage forced the T-Rex back from the group.  She attempted a second attack but the retaliation was unrelenting, and finally � wounded � she sloped back towards the ridge with a low main of pain and anger.

Alan crawled across on his knees to Billy�s prone form.  There was a deep wound in left shoulder where it looked as if the T-Rex had dug a long talon.

�Billy!  Oh God, Billy�.�  Shrugging his jacket off, Alan balled it up and pressed it down hard over the injury in an attempt to stop the bleeding.  �Don�t you dare die on me!�

Reaching his other hand to Billy�s neck, he pressed two fingers to the hot skin, finding a strong pulse.  With a deep sigh of relief, Alan shifted his legs out from under him and sat back heavily on his ass, keeping the pressure on the wound, his other hand reached to stroke Billy�s other shoulder.

�Alan!� he heard Ian calling, �the cavalry�s arrived.�

Alan knew that somewhere in his mind.  He�d known that someone had been firing at the T-Rex.  But hearing it confirmed, hearing the evident relief in Ian�s voice, made all the difference.

�Hear that, Billy?� he murmured.  He was keeping up the movement on his hand over the young man�s right shoulder and side.  �You�re going to be fine.  We�re going to get off this godforsaken island in one piece.�

He looked up as Ian came to stand beside him.  �How�s he doin?�  A medic joined them, all business, and he moved Alan�s hand away to get at the wound on their new patient�s back.  Ian winced as they moved the jacket away.  �Ouch.�

�He�s going to fine,� the medic reassured as he worked.  �He�s out cold, but it�s only shock.  We�ll take of him.�

Ian helped Alan to his feet and they waited around to follow Billy�s stretcher down to the heli-pad.

�You and I need to have a serious talk about your idea of a first date,� Ian told his friend as he threw an arm around his shoulders.

Alan actually blushed.

* * *

Billy came around slowly, keeping his eyes closed while he tried to work out where he was.  His first thought was that he�d passed out.  He remembered the sudden agony sheeting through his shoulder and back, but nothing after that.

The pain was still there, but it was distant, numbed.  He was hot, but at least he was comfortable.

There was something holding his hand down.

He tried to pull it away, and he heard a voice.  Agitated, he tried again, and this time, his hand was released to the sound of more words.  He couldn�t quite make them out, but the tone was friendly.

Cautiously, he opened his eyes, expecting to be in woodland at the very best, pinned down by the talons of the T-Rex at worst.

Instead, he was in a small room that looked wonderfully like the inside of a modern hospital.  Turning his head to one side, he looked down at his freed hand and then up at the man sitting by his bedside.

�Dr Grant�.�

Alan leaned forward.  �My name�s Alan.  And it�s good to have you back.�

Billy smiled, still wondering about his hand.  �Where am I?�

�The Queen of Angels hospital in L.A.  They flew you here from Costa Rica.  They said that the painkillers, the fact you hadn�t eaten in two days and the stress you�d been under�.  You slept through the flight and once you arrived here they rushed you into surgery to mend your shoulder.    It�s been about sixty hours.�

Billy took this in.  He still had his left arm, so it couldn�t be too bad. He decided not to think about it now.  �Are you� okay?  And Ian?�

�We�re fine, Billy.�  Fighting the urge to retake the young man�s hand, Alan linked his own fingers.  �And I�m sorry about Clare and Tom, that we weren�t in time.�

Billy squeezed his eyes closed, and Alan instantly knew he�d said the wrong thing.  He leaned forward.  He knew the nightmares, knew what lurked in the darkness every time eyes closed.

�It won�t always be so raw,� he promised.

Billy parted his lips, the words coming out on a breath.  �We should never have gone.�

Alan snorted softly.  �You know, that�s exactly what Ellie said to me when we got home the last time.�

Haunted brown eyes opened to meet his.  �She was right.�

�She�s always right.�

That at least brought a small smile to Billy�s face.  Alan hoped to see more smiles sometime soon.  �Get some rest.  You�re going to be fine but your system�s been depleted and it�ll just take a couple of days until you feel� human again.�

Billy looked at Alan for a long moment.  �Thanks for saving my life,� he murmured eventually.

�Don�t mention it.  And I meant what I said about the dig.  Once you�ve recovered, you�re welcome to join us.  If you�re still interested.�

Billy would have laughed, if the last of his energy for now hadn�t been used up.  With another smile for Alan, he fell back into the clutches of sleep.


Ian took the plastic cup from the coffee machine and sipped the steaming liquid.  He moved to stand next to the window of the private waiting room and gazed out at the rain that pounded against the glass.

He and Alan had come away with scrapes and bruises, and a couple more new nightmares.  Nothing they wouldn�t survive.  Like the last time.

Billy�s shoulder muscles had been torn and a hole punched in the bone.  He�d been in surgery for three hours after they�d arrived while they dug out the splinters of bone, patched him up as best they could and stitched the open wound.  He�d have a terrible scar there, but at least it would be a hell of a story to tell his kids one day.

If he ever had kids, Ian amended ruefully.

Alan had been like a man on hot coals from the moment Billy had been taken from them, for five hours, until the doctors had moved the young man from recovery into a private room (at Hammond�s expense) when he�d been finally told he could sit with their patient.

Ian had been utterly relived.  His friend had been driving him insane.  He�d refrained from asking about the reason they�d gone out to Isla Nublar � the real reason � and he�d refrained from interrogating Alan as to the reason for his anxiety regarding Billy Brennan.

He could do all the teasing he liked once he was sure everything would be all right.  Preferably over steaks and beers.  Alan�s treat, Ian determined.

�Dr Malcolm?  Ian?�

He turned from the window and saw John Hammond standing in the archway entrance to the bright room.  �John�.�  He stepped forward but stopped.

�Is� everyone okay?�

Ian shook his head, resisting the urge to immediately lay the blame at the old man�s feet.  �John� I�m sorry.  We were too late.  Clare and Tom� didn�t make it.�

Leaning heavily on his cane, John rubbed his eyes with his free hand.  �What about Dr Grant?  And Billy?�

Ian nodded.  �Alan�s absolutely fine.  Like me, we got away lightly this time.  Billy� was hurt, but he�ll be okay.  Alan�s with him now.�

�Thank God.�

Shuffling over to the nearest seat, John dropped down into it heavily, letting his cane drop to the floor while he covered his face with his palms.

For a few minutes, Ian left him alone with his grief.  He moved back to the window and sipped his coffee.

So lost was he in his own thoughts that he jumped when Alan put a hand on his shoulder.

�Hey�� he kept his voice down, �how�s Billy?�

�He�s� scared, but he�ll be okay.�  He sighed, glancing at John.  �How long�s he been here?�

�Two minutes.  I told him about Tom and Clare.�  Alan nodded.  He looked pointedly at the cup in Ian�s hand, and smiled when the other man moved over to the coffee machine and dropped some change into it, letting Alan press the button for strong and black.

�I take it you�ll be staying on here until they release him,� Ian murmured with a smile as Alan took the cup from the machine.  He nodded, sipping the dark liquid.  It seemed like forever since he�d had good coffee.  This was surprisingly good.  Or maybe he was just desperate.  �You want me to stay?�

Alan shook his head.  �I�ll be fine.  He�s a student in L.A. anyway.  Once he�s out of here, I�ll go back up to Montana.  He can come up if and when he�s ready.�

Ian grinned, but he held his tongue for now.  �Call me when you get back up there.  You owe me dinner.�

Alan looked at his friend over his cup.  �I imagine I owe you a lot more than that,� he said with a knowing smile.

Ian just wiggled his eyebrows.

* * *

Alan stepped out of his tent and stretched in the early morning light.  He�d been back at the Montana dig site just two weeks but the memories of his second trip to the island were already starting to fade.  This morning had been the first time he hadn�t woken to the fading sound of the T-Rex�s angry roar.  It was at least an improvement.

Before he�d left L.A., he�d met one of Billy�s fellow students who�d reassured him that once back at their cramped accommodation, Billy would be well looked after and pampered with a great deal of TLC until he was fit enough to leave for Montana.

Alan had resisted the incoherent jealousy that had tried to insist that he be the one to lavish the graduate student with TLC.  He�d forced himself to come back to his dig, leaving Billy in the capable hands (he hoped) of his roommate

Ian had been called out of the country on business, and so he hadn�t yet had the chance to sit down with his old friend and clear the air after their brief but harrowing time back on the island.

He�d thrown himself into the day-to-day functions of the dig; overseeing the finances and publicity as well as doing a fair bit of excavating.

Still, he�d been unable to get Billy Brennan out of his mind.

After a week, he�d caved in and called a friend of his at UCLA.  Suzanne Dale had been curious at first as to why Alan wanted to know about her top student.  But once he�d told her about his offer of a place at the Badlands dig, and lied to her about how he�d met Billy, she told him all she knew.

He�d graduated with honours a year ago, getting a joint degree in archaeology and palaeontology.  Since then, he�d been working on his dissertation, working toward his doctorate in palaeontology.  He lectured undergraduate courses at the university and worked part-time in a local bar to earn the money he need to travel.

He and his friends were always off somewhere or other, mixing whatever field experience they could get with thrill seeking.  Parasailing, hangliding, parachuting, they�d even managed to arrange a bungee jump for charity at the university and persuaded over two hundred other students to join in.

Billy was, in her opinion, one of the very best palaeontology students she�d ever had the pleasure of teaching.  She assured Alan that he wasn�t making a mistake by offering him a place on the dig.

When she�d asked if there was anything else she could tell him, Alan had to bite back the question of there being serious girl or boyfriend in the picture.  Suzanne knew him, but not as well as some others.  He didn�t want what felt like a stupid schoolboy crush getting out around one of his affiliated universities.  So he told her, no, thanked her for everything she�d done and said goodbye.

Strictly professional.

That had been almost a week ago.  He�d been getting more and more antsy, more difficult to work with and almost impossible to talk to ever since.

And then, yesterday, Billy had called to ask if it was still okay for him to come up.

Alan had worried that if he�d spoken to the young man personally, the delight in his voice would have scared him away.  So he�d told Gracie � his administrative assistant who�d taken the call � that yes, it was still okay for the graduate to join them.

�Great!� had apparently been the student�s reply, Billy would be up the following day, late in the afternoon.

Deliriously happy and as nervous as hell, all at once, Alan had taken his entire team out to dinner in the local town.  Beers, steaks and fries on him.  They�d been so surprised, they hadn�t asked what the occasion was, had only accepted the offer and enjoyed their night out.

Gracie had brought up one point when had Alan filled her in on the details of their expected new arrival.  They were out of tent space.  A Florida University student named Erin Cage had arrived just before Alan had gone on vacation (that was what he�d told them � some vacation!  Maybe with Billy�s arrival, he�d tell them the truth) and she�d had to bunk in with two of the other girls.

Alan had shrugged.  He and Gracie were the only ones with their own tents, everyone else was already sharing.  As nonchalantly as he could, he�d told her not to worry, that Billy could bunk in with him.

As she�d happily nodded at his suggestion, he�d suddenly had a flash of what Ian Malcolm would have said if Alan had just as innocently tried that line on him.  He�d have choked on his beer, Alan suspected ruefully.  Ian just knew him better than anyone here.

He really hoped to rectify that, given time.

Alan had already cleared out the left-hand side of the small tent, and set up a camp bed for his new roommate.

He felt like a teenager again.

He�d lain awake last night running a million different scenarios through his head.  He�d thought he�d seen something in those gorgeous big brown eyes when they�d been on the island.  Some interest in his vaguely flirtatious comments.  He wondered if Ian would have called them �vague�.  Possibly not.

But that had been on the island, where he and Ian had been Billy�s only chance of survival.  Billy would have done anything to get to safety, even if it had meant feigning interest in a man old enough to be his ageing father.

In the small hours of the morning, Alan had let his thoughts give over to fantasy, and allowed his imagination to take over for a while.  He�d jerked off to the images in his mind � he and Billy lying naked under the stars, rubbing against one another desperately as each brought the other to orgasm.

While he still had the privacy of his own tent, he told himself, he might as well take advantage of it.

Tonight, the object of his desires would probably be sleeping only a few feet from him, and then he�d really know frustration.

The previous night�s merriment had improved morale no end, and had cleared the air.  Alan put the coffee on and then wondered down to greet the early risers who were already laid out around the edges of their two major finds so far.  Two raptor skeletons, in tact, perfectly preserved.

They greeted him cheerfully.  As he too lay down on his front at the side of one of the sets of bones, they explained the progress they�d made and he listened.  He�d been far too immersed in himself recently, he knew, and today he would dedicate all his time to listening to his team and answering any questions they had.

The day passed quickly.

No major new finds, but what they had was coming along nicely, and Alan had high hopes that the raptor skull they were slowly excavating would help with his research into their ability to communicate, and the baring that had on their social skills and hunting methods.

He would need some technological help there; he�d already worked that out.  He just needed to find someone with the unique ability to be able to handle the computers and Alan�s own hatred for them, to enable something to come out of the union.

At seven-thirty that evening, he arrived.

One of the students who had been over at the Montana State University for a lecture had picked Billy up from the airport and brought him to the site.   Alan met them at the entrance to the dig.  His heart was pounding by the time Billy dropped out of the jeep and shook his hand, but the ease in the graduate�s greeting soothed his nerves.

�I can�t thank you enough,� Billy enthused as he looked around the site from where he stood.

�It�s a lot more than what you see here,� Alan assured him proudly.  �The dig itself stretches back for miles.  Groups take a jeep out to the other end of the site for the day and come back to the camp when they lose the light.  There�s a great deal to work on, Billy, don�t worry about not having anything to do.�

Billy�s expression told Alan that was the last thing he�d been worrying about.  �I wasn�t sure if you�d still want me,� he said quietly as Alan gave him a hand with his bags.

For a moment, Alan couldn�t come up with an answer to that.  �You�re all I�ve thought about, every minute of the day and night, since I got back here,� didn�t really seem to be appropriate.

�Why wouldn�t I still want you?� he asked instead, allowing a measure of disbelief into his voice.

Billy shrugged, and Alan noticed him wince slightly at the movement.  �We were under a lot of stress on the island.  People say things that they don�t necessarily mean.�

Alan led him into the tent that would be their home.  �I don�t say anything I don�t mean,� he told the young man, �and I don�t make promises I don�t intend to keep.  You can ask anyone around here.  Mind you,� he murmured, leaning in and lowering his voice, �I did take them all out to dinner last night, so they might construe that as bribery.�

Billy laughed and dropped his bag to the compacted ground.  �Are you sure it�s okay to bunk with you?� he asked Alan once he�d realised who he was sharing a tent with.

Once again, it took all his self-control to keep his expression neutral.  �Sure.  Everyone else has a roomie except Gracie � our Admin genius.  And I thought you�d prefer sharing with me than with a strange woman.  Not that she�s strange�.�

Billy glanced over and saw the sparkle in the vivid blue eyes.

He�d thought about precious little but those blue eyes for two weeks.

�How�s the shoulder?� Alan asked, again seeing some slight pain on Billy�s face as he bent to move his bags under the camp bed.

Billy straightened up, looking a little guilty.  �Actually, it�s not completely healed yet.  I�m supposed to take it easy, keep any weight or pressure off of it�.�

Alan sighed.  �You came out here before you�d fully recovered?�

Sitting on the edge of his makeshift bed, mirroring Alan�s position, Billy frowned.  �Sorry.  I just� I was desperate to know whether or not you�d meant it, about the job here, and I thought, if I left it too long, you�d find someone else.�

�Like that would ever happen,� Alan muttered to himself.  �Well now you�re here, we�ll have to make sure you take it easy for a week or so, get it looked at again and make sure you don�t do anything you shouldn�t until its completely healed.�

�I want to be of use to you, Dr Grant.�

Alan moved, crossing to sit on the edge of the other bed, next to Billy.  �It�s Alan.  And believe me, you will be of use.�

Dinner was almost ready and the team that had gone out to the other end of the site were back in time for food.

Alan introduced Billy to the rest of the people who worked at the dig.  Within an hour, they�d accepted him as another member of the team, and were chatting away with him easily about his experiences in L.A., his own pet theories on their particular science, eventually getting around to his love of dangerous sports.

Alan chose then to tell them the truth about where he�d met Billy.

�That vacation I had two weeks back?�  They nodded, almost in unison.  �I flew out with Ian Malcolm to Isla Nublar to rescue this idiot.�

There was a stunned silence, followed by a barrage of questions and requests for the whole story.

Alan let Billy tell his part first.  How Hammond had conned him into going out there with Clare and Tom Pritchard.  How they�d been alone for the first ten days, how they�d ventured out further into the island from the compound and seen only harmless herbivores; the most beautiful site Billy had ever seen.

Then the day they�d met the Tyrannosour for the first time.  When Clare had been killed right there in front of them as they�d stared on, helpless.

They�d returned to the compound, believing themselves to be safe within the perimeter.  But the �raptors had broken through, and although they�d tried to run, they�d been hunted.

Alan took over then, knowing how difficult it was to recount the death of one friend, let alone two.  He�d left out all the details of Clare�s demise, and Alan paid Tom the same dignity.  He glossed over that, gathering back the attention of his audience with the story of their escape and Billy�s second, and personally closer run-in with the T-Rex.

It was a small group of the male students, along with one or two of the girls (and Alan couldn�t help but suspect their motives) that wanted to see Billy�s healing wound.

Only slightly embarrassed, Billy pulled his t-shirt up, and over his head from behind, turning his shoulder toward those that had crowded around him.

Alan couldn�t help but watch the young man�s every move.  He caught more than a glance at Billy�s lightly haired, muscular chest.  And then, when he turned his shoulder, Alan caught his breath.

The stitches had been removed, but the wound where the T-Rex�s talon had driven through his skin and bone was still reddened; he was going to have a massive scar there.  And the shoulder would always be weakened.  He�d have to be very careful which dangerous sports he chose to risk his neck with in the future.

Alan left them to it, leaving Billy to explain more if he wanted.  Even to make some stuff up if he needed to.  After all, Ian had, in his book, when they�d got back from Jurassic Park the first time.

He walked up to the dune that overlooked this end of the site.  The sun had set a couple of hours ago, and the stars here were so clear, so stunning, he�d spent many a night staring up at them.

So lost was he in this pastime, that he almost jumped when soft words were spoken close to his ear.

�I owe you my life, I never got a chance to thank you.�

Alan turned, eyes unashamedly looking over Billy�s profile in the darkness as the young man moved to stand next to him.

�You don�t owe me any thanks.  I am sorry we weren�t in time to save Tom and Clare.�

�They shouldn�t have died.  I was there to protect them�.�

�No.�  He interrupted Billy.  �No, you weren�t.  The only way to have prevented what happened was not to go.  You can�t turn back time, Billy.  Don�t take any guilt onto yourself because of Hammond.  He�s given us all enough nightmares to last a lifetime.�

�Then I should have known better.�

Alan smoothed a hand over Billy�s good shoulder.  �John Hammond is a manipulative man.  He took advantage of what you wanted, lied to you, and out you went, thinking it would get you a place on my dig.�  Alan dropped his hand down Billy�s back, stroking down his spine, keeping his touch reassuring.  �And now you�re here.�

Billy tilted his head and grinned at his new mentor.  �Yeah.  That�s true.�

He tipped his head back and looked up at the stars above them.  The ones he�d watched Alan studying for a few minutes before he�d snuck up on him.

It was truly beautiful out here.  In L.A., there was far too much light pollution to see anything much of the treasures that the night sky held.  But Billy imagined that he could happily spend the rest of his life out here with the view it afforded.  And the company he could keep.

The only sounds were the chorus of laughter and chattering from the team of students in the near distance, and the music of the secadas playing around them.

Alan suddenly realised he was still moving his hand over Billy�s back, and drew it away.  Billy glanced at him, but said nothing, just kept smiling that beautiful smile.

Taking a deep, calming breath, Alan forced himself to say, �You must be exhausted.�

Billy nodded, going easily into the conversation.  �It was a fairly long flight�.�

�And not too comfortable for someone with a hole in his shoulder.�

Billy at least had the decency to look away, slightly embarrassed.  He knew he�d been mad to come up here so soon, against his doctor�s advice.  But he hadn�t been able to wait another day, and he�d been starting to drive his roommate insane.

Billy followed Alan back down to the camp, toward their tent.  As they walked, Alan heard their satellite phone ringing.  It was the perfect excuse.

�I�d better get that,� he told Billy, �make yourself at home.  And sleep well.�

Billy smiled and nodded, and carried on while Alan veered off to the Administration tent.

�Dr Alan Grant,� he told the caller, his gaze locked onto the tent at the far end of the campsite.  The glow of the lamp inside the nylon frame tantalisingly illuminated the figure undressing inside.

�Alan?  Are you even listening to me?�

Shaking his head, tearing his eyes away from the tempting silhouette, it took a moment to register Ian�s voice on the other end of the invisible line.

�Yeah, Ian, sorry.  Got distracted.�

�I�ll bet!�  Ian sounded like he was a million miles away.  �Heard that whatshisname has joined you.�

Alan wasn�t going to rise to the bait.  �How�s the trip, Ian?�

�I�ll be back on Monday, I was calling to ask if you wanted to go for beers Tuesday night.�

�Sounds great.  Drop in at the dig, you can drive us into town.�

�In that case, you�re buying.�

Alan smiled to himself.  Despite everything, and completely against his better judgement, he�d grown incredibly fond of Ian Malcolm.  �Deal.  See you next week.�

�Bye Alan, and don�t do anything I wouldn�t do.�

Ian cut the line, leaving Alan to wonder if there was much that he wouldn�t do.

* * *

Billy stood, stretching in the afternoon sun.  He�d been on site for five days now, and he�d been quietly pleased with his own performance.

He�d proved to Alan, and to the other members of the team, that bringing him on board hadn�t been a mistake.  He knew how to use both the traditional tools of the science as well as the new technology they had employed at the dig.

A couple of his fellow palaeontologists had explained to him that they had to form a committee and talk Dr Grant into to renting any bit of hard or software, however small or cheap.  And for the most part, the equipment was never small or cheap.

�Alan hates technology, hates computers, hates anything that goes against the old fashioned methods of excavation,� Gary � who�d been working at the dig for as long as it had been here, before Alan�s first visit to Jurassic Park � explained to Billy one afternoon.  He�d happily shown the newcomer around the three tents that housed their computer equipment.

Billy had had some experience with the new technology.  A part of his major had been involved with computers.  He was happy around it and easily picked up everything that Gary told him.  In turn, Gary was inordinately pleased to have found someone as comfortable around the software as he was.

He was fine with the excavation tools too.  He was careful with the bones, understood the fragility of the finds and knew how to handle them.

The only problem he had been having was with his shoulder.  It was bugging him, and the medication was only taking the edge off the pain, wasn�t giving Billy any respite at all.

He hadn�t thought that anyone had noticed, but yesterday Alan had driven him into town and had a doctor look at the wound.  It was healing well, he�d been reassured.  He�d been given more painkillers, slightly stronger this time and had been warned that they might make him a little drowsy.

�The body heals better without the burden of pain,� the young doctor had explained to them both as he�d issued the pills.

Billy could only agree with him.  Before, he�d been in almost constant pain, not to any debilitating degree, but it had definitely begun to tire him.  Today, it was much better and he was able to work without the constant irritation.

But the best part of it, the best thing about being out here, was being with Alan.

He�d been almost sure that he hadn�t imagined the come-ons while they�d been on the island.  But by the time he�d arrived out here, he�d convinced himself that they�d been in a very stressful situation, and Alan had only been making him feel at ease.

After five days here spent in Dr Grant�s company he knew he�d been right in the first place.

Alan was interested in him, but too nervous or something to do anything about it.  Billy had been trying to work out exactly what that �something� was.  Because he hadn�t wanted anyone more in his life than he wanted Alan Grant.

The man was addictive.  He had the most wonderful accent that seemed to change whenever he wasn�t thinking about it.  His laugh was to die for.  And his eyes� more than once, Billy had found himself drowning in those deepest blue eyes.

He let his gaze roam the site until he found Alan, standing a little way off, talking to a couple of members of the team; Erin and a guy she seemed to have hooked up with� Pete, Billy thought.

Their illustrious leader was so animated when he was excited.  They�d found something, maybe a third complete raptor skeleton, and he was overseeing the initial excavation and the cordoning-off of the area.

He smiled to himself.  For now at least, he could be happy just being around Alan, working close to him, sleeping even closer.

He rubbed his hands on his black t-shirt and rubbed his forehead with the back of his wrist.

�Billy?�  He started.  Alan had called to him from where he stood.  Immediately he went over to where the small group stood.

He grinned when he got close.  �Reporting for duty, Sir.�

Alan chuckled.  �Billy � could you take over here?  Oversee this excavation?�

Billy�s eyes widened, his mouth dropped open and Erin even giggled.

�Er� sure!  Thanks!�

Alan smiled wryly and nodded, turning away.  Billy was an incredible student, he wished he would just have a little more faith in himself.

Then again, wasn�t that the very reason he was still watching the graduate from afar and hadn�t yet made a move on him?

Shaking his head, he left Billy to it and wondered back to their tent.  He needed a shower before Ian arrived.

An hour later, Ian drove onto the dig site.  He spotted Billy at the edge of the site and called to him, waving.  Billy saw him and immediately made his way up the incline to the parking area to shake his hand and thank him for his part in the island rescue.

�You�re looking well, kiddo,� Ian was pleased to see their sole survivor.  He shook his outstretched hand firmly, smiling widely.  �Enjoying the balmy heat of Montana?�

Billy grinned.  �Better than the balmy heat of Isla Nublar.�

�That is a very true point.�

Ian leaned back against the jeep he�d hired, crossing his arms and looking Billy up and down.  �How are you really?�

Billy shrugged.  �I�m okay.  Shoulder�s still giving me trouble, and the nightmares�.�  Ian nodded his understanding.  �But Alan knows.  He just lets me talk about it when I need to remember, and lets me forget about it when I don�t.�

Ian smiled slyly and nodded.  �Alan�ll look after you, that�s for sure.�  He�d expected Billy to have the grace to at least look a little surprised.  But Billy smiled, blushed and nodded.

Ian sighed softly.  �At least I know now what he sees in you,� he thought dryly, but kept it to himself as Alan came up the incline.

�Hey, Ian.�  He looked between his old friend and his new one.  Something was going on.  �What?�

Shaking his head, chuckling, Ian pulled Alan into a powerful hug that was immediately returned.  �You okay?� he asked quietly, seriously.  Alan just nodded.

When they parted, Alan turned to Billy.  �You�re in charge until I get back.  See if you can handle this lot on your own for a couple of hours.�

Billy nodded and grinned.  Then he watched as Alan jumped in the passenger seat and let Ian drive him into town.


�Okay,� Ian leaned forward, having told Alan everything there was to tell about his lectures on �Chaos Theory And Evolution� that he�d been giving in Oxford, England for the last two weeks.  �Now it�s your turn.�

�You know what I�ve been doing.  Digging up dinosaur bones.�

�Don�t tell me you�ve somehow kept your hands off that sensual angel you�ve got back at the site?!�

Alan rolled his eyes.  �I�m old enough to be his father, Ian.�

�Experience counts for a lot.�

�Right.�  Alan sighed softly.  �I don�t know�.�

�Alan, we ended up back in hell because you fell for him, hook, line and sinker, from the moment you saw his photo!  Don�t tell me we fought off �raptors, that awful spitting thing and a T-Rex just for you to get cold feet back here!�

�We went to the island to save them all.�

�Yeah, yeah.�  Ian waved his hand between them.  He knew that, but there was nothing they could have done for Hammond�s relations.  �Alan,� he murmured, �let something good come out of it.  Please.�

Blue eyes rose to meet Ian�s, looked at him curiously.  �Why does it matter so much to you?�

The other man shrugged.  �I want to see you happy,� he admitted quietly.  �After we came back and you and Ellie split� you had such fire and it just� went out.�

Alan dropped his gaze again.  �I loved her.  My life�s two passions were gone.  What�s the point of digging up bones for study when you can fly down west of Costa Rica and see them with flesh on?�  He sipped his beer.  �But then� life goes on.  People were suddenly interested in my work, interested in the digs and the research.  My publisher all but bribed me to write the second book, and I found myself with money, cash to fund the dig, for the first time in� ever!�

Ian nodded.  �But Alan, there�s more to life than work, you know that.�  He paused.  �He�s as crazy about you as you are about him, you do know that?�

Alan looked up sharply.  �How the hell do you work that out?  You�ve spoken to him for what?  Two minutes?�

Alan�s sudden spurts of pique had never bothered Ian.  This time, he found it kinda sweet.  �Have you watched him watch you?  Those big eyes he has�� Ian raised his hands, palms forward, fingers parted, �they follow your every movement.�  He shook his head.  �Jeez, you two are as bad as each other!  He�s nuts about you and you�ve been ga-ga over him since you dragged him off that table like Superman to stop him becoming raptor food�.�

�Okay, okay!�  Alan took Ian�s hands into his own and lowered them to the table.  �Point taken!�

�Then do something about it!  He could make you really happy.  Let him!�

Rolling his eyes, Alan sat back.  �Why is everything so simple to you?�

Ian laughed.  �Simple?  You forget � I am the master of chaos!�


Billy was still up when Ian dropped Alan back at the site.  �Look, he�s waited up for you,� Ian teased as Alan dropped out of the jeep.

�Get outta here!�  Alan told him.

�See you soon?�

�I�ll think about it.�  But he winked at his old friend.  He waited until the jeep was out of sight before starting down the incline.

Billy was lying on the ground outside their tent, stargazing as he had taken to doing these passed couple of nights.  He couldn�t get over how clear the stars were, how much he could see.

�I wanted to be an astronomer before I wanted to be a palaeontologist,� he murmured as Alan came to sit down next to him.

Alan smiled to himself, putting his hands out behind him and leaning back, crossing his ankles as he looked up at the night sky.

�Not an astronaut?�

Billy moved his head, one side to the other.  �I�m not great with heights.�

Alan glanced down at him.  �Liar!  What about the parasailing, bungee jumping, all the other dangerous things you get up to.�

Billy looked up at Alan curiously.  �How did you know about the bungee jump?�

�You must have mentioned it.�

�No.  I was saving that one.  I thought� I didn�t want to come over as too pretentious all at once.�

Alan shrugged, trying to stay nonchalant.  �Maybe someone else mentioned it.�

�Or maybe you rang Suzanne at the university and asked her all about me.�  Guilty as hell, Alan looked away.  �Hey!�  Billy reached up, wrapped long fingers around Alan�s forearm.  �I don�t mind.  She mentioned that you�d called, that�s all.�

�She gave you a shining reference.�

�Glad to hear it.�  He smiled, still gripping Alan�s arm lightly.  �How was your evening?�

All too aware of Billy�s touch, Alan tried to keep his voice neutral.  �It was good.  When I first met Ian� I took an instant dislike to him.  But shared experiences, especially bad ones, often breed the strangest friendships.�

Billy let the opportunity go.  Too obvious, almost like Alan was feeding him a line.  He moved his fingers up Alan�s arm to his shoulder, and brushed his hand over it, down the man�s taut back.

�Billy�.�  The word was almost a warning.

Immediately, Billy removed his hand.  He sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees.  �I�m sorry�.�

He sighed, frustrated yet not willing to throw away everything just because of a failed come-on.  He started to get to his feet.

Alan�s hand touched his arm, gently squeezing his biceps.  �Wait.�  Leaning over, as nervous as hell and more tentative than a virgin, Alan closed the gap between them, tilting his head to one side.

Without another word, Billy leaned forward the last inch and touched his lips to Alan�s, pausing for a moment before opening his mouth under the other man�s, inviting the same.

Backing away slightly, with the tempting taste of Billy on his lips, Alan smiled.  �Stay, please?�

Billy laughed softly, leaning his forehead against Alan�s, curling his hand around the back of the older man�s neck and pushing his fingers into the fine hair.

�I want to stay here for the rest of my life,� he whispered, eyes closing for a moment.

Alan swallowed.  �Billy�.�

�Don�t try any of your arguments on me, I have answers to everything.  I�ve worked them out.�  He touched his lips to Alan�s once again.  �You�re not too old for me.  You have the most incredible body� I get hard when your shirt rides up your back if you�re leaning over too far.  You�re cranky in the morning and need at least two cups of coffee before you�d ready to talk to anyone.  You sleep on your back and you snore.�  Alan sat there, amazed.  For once he was lost for words.  �I want to know everything about you.  I want to fall in love with you more each day.  And if we sit here much longer, I�ll come from just being so close to you.�

Alan laughed, delight filling his expression.  Then he wrapped his arms around Billy and lowered him back to the ground, lying down beside him, covering his mouth with his own and kissing him deeply.

Billy seemed to be all over him, despite being below him.  He�d wrapped one leg up, drawing Alan closer, fingers combing through his hair, raking down his back to pull his t-shirt from his jeans.  Finally, Billy�s hand touched skin and they both moaned into one another�s mouths.

�There must be somewhere more comfortable and less� public than this,� Alan complained eventually, leaning in to kiss a trail down Billy�s throat.

Billy really didn�t care.  �Anywhere�.�  He breathed, hands pushing further under Alan�s t-shirt, stroking heated skin.

One of them had to break it up, or they�d be out here until sunrise.  Alan found the strength somewhere within him to break away from Billy�s intoxicating touch.  Standing, he gave his partner a hand up and slid his arm around the young man�s waist as they walked into the tent behind them.

Zipping the flap, Alan pulled his t-shirt up over his head, watching while Billy did the same.  �God, you�re gorgeous,� he breathed, stepping forward to circle Billy in his arms, chest to bare chest.  Fine hairs tickled Alan�s own smooth body as he tipped his lover�s head back to kiss him again.

The thrill of feeling Billy�s rock-hard reaction to his touches set a match to the slow burning desire coiling in Alan�s groin.

He�d been waiting far too long for this.  This first time, it wasn�t going to take much.

Releasing Billy�s body, but not his lips, Alan stepped back and unfastened Billy�s fly, his hands colliding with the other�s as he had the same desperate need to touch hardened flesh.

And then it was more than their hands touching.  Neither was able to suppress a groan as Alan�s long cock knocked against Billy�s thick length.

They groped one another shamelessly, Billy�s fingers teasing their way up Alan�s cock as Alan cupped Billy�s testicles and pressed the pad of his index finger a little way behind them, stroking Billy�s perenium firmly.

Billy broke the kiss, gasping for a breath.  �Oh God, Alan!�

Alan grinned and stepped back, breaking all contact between them, loving Billy�s cry of protest.  He kicked off his shoes, pulled off his socks, jeans and underwear all together and sat down in the centre of his camp bed � a little wider and definitely more sturdy than Billy�s.

Staring at his lover�s cock standing proud, almost beckoning to him, Billy stripped off the rest of his own clothes and moved to the edge of the low bed.

Alan reached out to grasp Billy�s hip, keeping the young man standing there while he shifted forward and slid his lips over the head of Billy�s cock.

Billy tried to bite back the sounds he just wanted to yell into the tent.  He put the edge of one hand into his mouth and rested his other hand gently on Alan�s head.


The older man�s talented fingers reached back, teasing his balls, stroking back between his thighs, finally caressing Billy�s tight anus.

Billy started.  He was no novice but he hadn�t expected Alan to be this good.  He swallowed hard, releasing his own hand before he cut through the skin with his teeth.

That finger was as relentless as Alan�s mouth.  Relaxing Billy�s body, Alan pressed carefully, slowly, into him.  Billy could barely control his breathing as tiny lights exploded as fireworks behind his eyes, blurring his vision.

Alan�s finger pushed deeper, stroked over Billy�s prostate.  And then he added his thumb, on the outside, pressing against the perenium, one touch in direct counterpoint to the other as he deep-throated Billy�s cock.

Billy yelled hard and came against the back of Alan�s throat.  Muscles continued to work the crown of his erection and he felt like he was being swallowed whole.  Alan�s hand came around from his hip to cradle his balls, and Billy came again, fingers curling in his lover�s hair, knees almost buckling.

Finally releasing him, drawing his lips slowly over the softening length, Alan moved, coaxing Billy forward until his shins hit the edge of the bed and he fell to his knees, straddling Alan�s lap.

Stroking his back, Alan was soothing him.  But it was a couple of minutes before Billy found the power of speech again.

�Fuck, Alan, that was�.�

�Good?�  Alan trailed the tip of his tongue over first one hard, dark nipple, then the other.  He felt Billy�s shiver, as it drove through his lover�s body, and smiled.

�Good,� Billy repeated breathlessly.  �Good� doesn�t come close.�

Forehead to forehead, Alan waited until Billy reached between them.  �Let me do something for you,� he whispered.  Alan started to speak then hesitated, unsure his request would be welcomed.  �What?  Anything, Alan.�  Billy sat back, still stroking the long length.  �You want to be inside me?� he murmured.

�God, yes.  But it�s okay, we can wait�.�

�What for?  The next Jurassic age?�  Billy shifted, moving off from Alan�s lap and crouching by the bed.  �Lie down.�


�Come on, Alan, trust me.�

The sparkle in those big brown eyes� Alan would trust him with his life, not just his pleasure.  He lay down and watched, heated gaze following every move Billy made, loving the graceful movements of the muscled form.

Kneeling over him once more, Billy reached back and started to position Alan�s cock at the entrance to his body.

�Billy,� Alan tried to stop him, �you need� something�.�

But Billy was already shaking his head, kissing Alan�s neck, his shoulders and chest.  �Just do it, I�m ready for you � more than ready for you.�

Alan was going to protest once more, but Billy�s lips surrounded his left nipple and he felt just the slightest bite of teeth around the sensitive bud.

Alan cried out, and at the same moment that Billy forced the tip of Alan�s cock through the tight ring of his anus, Alan�s thrust up as best he could.

Sheathed, Alan found Billy�s mouth and plundered it with his tongue, hands grasping the firm hips as Billy shifted back slightly and sank further down onto Alan�s cock inside him.

He swallowed the vibration of Alan�s moan, adding his own heady mix of pain and pleasure into the sound.

After a few long seconds, Billy broke the kiss and sat up, hands pressed against Alan�s shoulders as he started to move in earnest, lifting himself before dropping down on the cock impaling him.

It felt better than he could ever remember it feeling.  It felt right, more than right.  Alan stretched and filled him so perfectly it was like he belonged there inside him.

While Alan�s right hand gripped his hip, the fingers of his left hand were torturing his nipples mercilessly.

Alan tweaked the hard buds until Billy squirmed out of his fingers.  Then he smoothed his hand down over his lover�s chest until Billy�s spent cock rose against his palm.

Alan forced his eyes open, raking his gaze over the ecstatic expression.  Billy grinned, locked his eyes with his lover�s and squeezed his ass muscles hard.

Alan gave one last thrust upwards and let loose a howl of pleasure as he bathed Billy�s rectum with his seed.

Billy continued to squeeze until Alan had nothing left to give him, then he stilled, lying carefully down on Alan�s chest only to be surrounded by strong arms and held tightly.

�Oh my God,� Alan murmured, kissing his lover�s damp hair.  �Oh� Billy�  That was�.�  He moved his head, side to side, unable to voice his feelings at the moment.

With some considerable effort, Billy lifted himself onto trembling arms.  �It was incredible,� he murmured, lips pursing in a delicate smile, one Alan knew he could easily come to treasure.

�More than incredible.�  Alan reached up to touch Billy�s cheek.  �I could fall for you so hard�.�

Turning his head, Billy pressed his lips to Alan�s palm.  �I already have done.�

Slowly, he rose, feeling the loss when Alan�s soft cock left his ass.  He glanced over at his camp bed.  Alan saw him.  �Oh no, you don�t get away that easily.�

Taking his sleeping bag and unzipping it, he laid it out on the floor, smiling when Billy did the same, placing it over the first one for extra padding against the hard ground.  Alan found a spare bag to open out over the top of them.

�Tomorrow, I�ll drive into town, pick up a double air mattress from the touristy camping store.�

Billy sat himself down gingerly on the doubled-up sleeping bags.  �Won�t that start a few� rumours?� he murmured, a smile touching his lips.  He�d imagined that Alan would want to keep this relationship under wraps.

But Alan shrugged as he lay down next to his seated lover.  �And you think our performance over the last hour won�t?�

He had a good point.  They�d tried to be quiet, with very little success.

Alan�s hands stroked over Billy�s body as he turned and lay down.

The older man spooned up behind his young lover, really looking, for the first time, at the wound next to his shoulder blade.

�It�s ugly,� Billy murmured, feeling the examination, �but at least I have a great story to tell.�

Alan touched his lips to the reddened area.  �You�re alive to tell that story, Billy,� he whispered in reply.  �It�s not ugly, it�s a reminder, that�s all.�

Billy let his eyes close.  He pressed back against Alan�s sturdy frame behind him, curling his toes to touch his feet too.

�Whatever Ian said,� he breathed, �I�ll have to thank him.�

Alan just smiled and finally let his body relax into sleep.


Billy woke to the sunshine peeking in under the tent sides and entrance flap.  He was cocooned in warmth, despite the hard ground, and he turned onto his back, expecting Alan to be between his side and the sleeping bag.

But he found he was alone.

Sighing, feeling a sudden numbing anxiety crawl into the pit of his stomach, he rose and dressed faster than he ever had in his life.

When he practically stumbled out of the tent, he almost walked into Erin.  She grinned at him, and he blushed furiously.  But he had more pressing concerns.

�He�s in the mess tent,� she told him before he could ask.  �And in case you�re worried, he�s grinning like an idiot, so I think you�re okay.�

Smiling his thanks, Billy headed for the largest tent on site.  Stepping into the cool darkness, letting his eyes adjust to the light, Billy spotted Alan by the coffee machine, chatting to a student whose name he couldn�t place.

But she saw Billy and pointed him out to Alan, who turned.

For a moment, Billy�s heart skipped a beat.  He had no idea how Alan was going to react to him after last night.

Alan ended his conversation with the girl and smiled at Billy as he closed in on him.

�Good morning,� he murmured, holding Billy�s gaze.

�Morning.  I thought�.�

�Like you said, I�m cranky in the morning before two cups of coffee.�  He flexed his shoulders.  �Not to mention that the ground was hard� just like me.�

Billy�s eyes widened, and his worried expression became a grin.  �I hope I get to spend some mornings with you� all hard.�

Alan raised his eyebrows.  �Tomorrow morning, if the camp store has a double air bed.  Coffee?�

* * *

One month later

John and Elinor Sattler request the company of

Dr Alan Grant and guest

at the marriage of their daughter Ellie to Mark Degler

Billy read the card that Alan had handed to him.

�I�m�.�  What?  He couldn�t say that he was sorry � what would that mean?

�It�s okay, Billy.�  Alan turned from where he was standing at the entrance of the Admin tent.  �I�m fine with this.�  Not particularly convincing.  Sighing, he crossed to Billy and took his lover into his arms, standing with him, forehead to forehead.  �I have you,� he told him certainly, �I wouldn�t change that for anything.�

Billy smiled, kissing Alan�s lips lightly.

�So� are you going to go?�

Alan nodded.  �Of course.  Ellie�s� she�ll always be my friend.�  He thought for a moment, taking the card from Billy�s fingers and re-reading it.  �Would you be my guest?�

�Me?�  Billy smiled, and then frowned.  �Are you serious?�

Alan moved closer, tightening the circle of his arms.  �I want to show you off.�

Billy couldn�t believe it.  �Alan� she knows a lot of people in academia.�

�You�re worried about your career.�  Alan�s voice was loaded with affection.

�No, Alan�.�  Billy chuckled.  �I don�t give a shit.  As long as we�ve enough to fund the digs, I don�t care about my career.  I�ll make them give me my doctorate whether they like it or not!  I�m worried about you!�


�You have a reputation!�

Alan kissed Billy�s head and breathed him in.  �I certainly do.�

�I didn�t mean like that.�  Billy lifted his head, met Alan�s mouth with his own.  �I meant� the community� respects you.  I don�t want to damage that, don�t want to�.�

�Billy� ssh.�  Alan kissed him again, deeper, moulding his body against that of his lover.

They didn�t notice Gracie come in until they heard, �Guys!  Get a room!  Or a tent�.�  She laughed at her own joke as she went around them to get to her desk.


Billy got out of the rental car and straightened his suit.  He�d had his roommate send it to him from L.A. last week and hoped he�d ironed out all the creases.

�I�m amazed you own a suit,� Alan had told him, impressed.

�Interviews and weddings,� had been Billy�s reply.

This particular wedding was being held in the garden of Ellie�s parents� house in Washington.  Billy and Alan sat on the back row and the seats soon filled up.

Ellie looked stunning, and Mark looked like a decent enough man.

Throughout the ceremony, Billy kept glancing at his lover.  Ellie, he knew, had been the love of Alan�s life.  He wished he understood how the older man really felt about her marrying, but Alan had only said that he was fine, that he had a new love now.

Billy could only hope he was enough.

As Ellie walked back between the two sets of seats - her arm through Mark�s, her ring glinting in the sunshine - she spotted Alan.  He�d come alone, she immediately assumed, as the two people sitting either side of him were male.  She smiled at him and he smiled back.  At least he�d come today, it was more than she�d hoped for.

Alan handed Billy a glass of champagne.

�Alan Grant!�  Both men turned to look at the man who�d called out.  Billy glanced at his companion�s face and saw the sincere smile.

�Terry!  My God�.�  Striding up to the large man, Alan shook his hand.  �How the hell are you?�

�I�m good!  What about you?  You�ve been busy, I hear!�

�You could say that.�  Alan looked around, beckoning Billy forward.  �This is my research assistant, Billy Brennan.  He�s working for his doctorate from UCLA.�  They shook hands as Alan continued, �Billy, this is Terry Duncan, works at the University of Denver � or at least he used to�.�  Alan looked to Terry for confirmation, who nodded.

�Still there, for my sins.�  He swapped his empty glass for a full one as a waitress walked passed.  �Alan abandoned us three years ago,� he told Billy.

�I didn�t abandon you.  I still have connections in Denver.  It just seemed like a good idea to work for the university nearest to me.�

�And they, of course, snapped you up.�  He wiggled one podgy finger at Alan and sipped his champagne.

For all his overbearing countenance and seemingly brusque attitude, Billy got the feeling that Alan really liked this man.

��and the dig is going well, right?�

Alan nodded.  �It�s good.  Becoming a famous hero really pays off.�

Terry laughed, a full belly laugh.  �Well, you should definitely get out more.  I mean � why did you bring your research assistant to your ex-girlfriend�s wedding?�

Billy froze, his stomach doing a flip-flop.

He shouldn�t have come, he thought all of a sudden.  He should�ve convinced Alan this was a bad idea.

He was startled when Alan curled an arm around his waist, drawing him close, and leaned in conspiratorially to Terry.

�It seemed the only thing to do, as we are sleeping together.�

Billy�s eyes went wide as he looked from Alan to Terry and back.  Terry was silent for a single moment, and then he howled with laughter.

�Alan,� he told him, a fat hand landing on his shoulder, �you are utterly priceless.�

�Alan!�  In the next second, Alan was surrounded by white silk and the scent of fresh flowers.

He returned the hug carefully, not wanting to crush the beautiful dress.  �Ellie�.�  He sighed her name, backing away to kiss her cheek.  �Congratulations.  You look� breathtaking.�

She smiled, delighted.  �I can�t believe you made it, I didn�t think you�d come.�

�I wouldn�t miss being here for the world,� he told her sincerely.

Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.  �I was hoping you might have brought someone.�  �I hate to think of you alone.�  She didn�t voice the afterthought.

But Alan was smiling.  �I did bring someone.�  Turning, he saw that Terry had moved away, but Billy was still standing just behind him, looking pensive.  Alan reached for him again, this time with what Bully could only describe as reverence.

�Ellie, this is Billy.�

Ellie looked a little confused, but she shook the firm hand.  As she looked him over quickly, Billy couldn�t help but smile a little self-consciously.

�It�s nice to meet you,� she said politely.  But her glance at Alan was one of obvious confusion.

�Billy�s my research assistant at the Badlands dig,� Alan explained, �we met on Isla Nublar.�

It took a moment before Ellie comprehended what she�d heard.  �But I was�.�  Her eyebrows rose.  �You went back?!�

�Ian and I did.  Hammond asked us to go, to rescue Billy, and John�s other niece and nephew, two UCLA students.  They�d gone there to do some research into the animals and John had conned Billy into going too.�

�My God�.�  She touched Alan�s arm.  �You�re okay?�

He nodded.  �We were in and out in less than three hours.  It was close at one point, but we took lots of guns this time.�  He decided not to mention Clare and Tom hadn�t made it.  Not today.  That news could wait.

�Wow.�  She was still amazed that Hammond had managed to get either palaeontologist back to Jurassic Park.  Their first visit hadn�t exactly been a vacation.  �I can�t believe you went back.�

�Neither can I.�

�I�m� glad they did,� Billy put in quietly.

She smiled at him, and was about to say something when she heard Mark calling her name.  Glancing around, she saw him waving her over to him.  �Listen, I want to have more of a chance to talk to you�.�

Alan nodded, �This is your day.  Enjoy it.  I�ll come see you when you�re back from the honeymoon.  Promise.�

She studied him for a moment; the sincere smile, the dancing light in his eyes.  �That would be great, Alan.  It was good to meet you, Billy.�

She turned from them, took a couple of steps forward, and stopped, looking around.  Alan and Billy were walking away from her.

As they went, Alan moved closer to his assistant, and each slipped a comfortable arm around the other�s waist.

Her face broke into a wide smile and she shook her head.  �Alan, you rat!� she murmured to herself happily.  �Wait until I get you for this!�

* * *     * * *


Two Years Later

With one arm wrapped easily around Billy�s waist, Alan watched the rapid prototyper scope out the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor.

�I am very impressed, Billy,� Alan murmured into his lover�s neck.  He�d been away on a lecturing tour for four weeks, and had missed Billy more than he would ever have believed possible.

The money for the dig was running out.

Since Ian�s visit to Isla Sorna and InGen�s farce in San Diego, the public � and more importantly, the rich, private investors- were now all very aware of the live dinosaurs on both islands.

Alan had given fifteen lectures on his tour, and had succeeded in raising nothing.  They had three weeks of funding remaining.  After that, they would have to pack up and move out.

Billy knew the prospect was breaking Alan�s heart.  He wished there was something he could do, but he was only a graduate student, still didn�t have his doctorate.  What the hell could he do?

But Alan was at least happy to be home.

As fascinated and excited as he was by Billy�s findings, he really needed to be somewhere else with his young lover right now, somewhere private.  Preferably with a bed, but it wasn�t absolutely necessary.

Billy was resisting Alan�s overtly public caresses with some difficulty.  Their relationship hadn�t exactly been secretive, but Alan had very rarely come on this strong when they weren�t alone.

�Did you see Ellie?�

�Yes.�  Alan twisted the fingers of his left hand through the short curls at the top of Billy�s spine, keeping his other arm wrapped firmly around his lover.  �She asked about you.�

Billy smiled.  �What did you tell her?�

�That you were a lusty sex god and I loved you very, very much.�

Pulling down the neck of Billy�s t-shirt, Alan bit gently into the skin just above his top vertebrae, where he knew Billy loved to be kissed and nipped.  He was rewarded with a small shudder and an almost inaudible catch in Billy�s breath.

�Jeez, Alan, you�ve come back as horny as hell.�  There was a definite tease in the soft voice.  �I thought I�d taught you the valuable art of masturbation for these trips.�

�It�s not the same without you watching,� Alan retorted.

At the computer, Chris � a friend of Billy�s - was smirking to himself.

A short bleep signalled the end of the scoping.  �It�s done.�  Billy leaned forward and lifted the lid, reaching in, he carefully snapped off the model and lifted it out of the machine.

Alan sighed softly as Billy�s tight, firm ass rubbed inadvertently against his semi-hard cock.

As Billy straightened, he smiled to himself.  Turning so that he could tease Alan he lifted the end of the resonating chamber to his lips.  Lowering his long lashes, Billy blew delicately into the model.

Even as Alan�s libido reacted to the expression on his lover�s face, his memory reacted to the sound the chamber made.  Velociraptors made that sound.  Live Velociraptors, that had tried to eat him on more than one occasion.

He shivered slightly.  �You are brilliant,� he murmured, taking the model when Billy offered it to him.  He turned it in his hands, examining it.  Then he met Billy�s eyes and smiled.

He was considering everything he was going to do to his lover in wonderful, mental detail, when someone called his name.

Frustrated, Alan turned.  A skinny man was standing just outside the tent.  �Dr Grant?  Paul Kirby, Kirby Enterprises.�


Leaving the bar, Alan drove the open-top jeep out of town toward the dig site.

Instead of leaving the main, dusty highway at the first turning he continued, taking he and Billy to the second site, about two miles from the main camp.

Billy didn�t question it, just let Alan drive.  It didn�t matter, wherever they ended up.

Finally, the jeep came to a stop in a small clearing that overlooked this area of the dig.  Killing the engine, Alan leaned forward, arms around the wide steering wheel.

For a long time, they just sat together, side by side, Billy gazing out across their site.

�We could do with the money,� Billy spoke quietly.

�I know.�

�You took more of a risk rescuing me, and you weren�t even being paid.�

Alan smiled, closing his eyes.  �Hammond showed us a photo of you,� he murmured, so softly that Billy could barely hear him.  �You�.  I couldn�t leave you out there and live with myself.�

Billy hesitated, not for a moment did he want to lay a guilt trip like this one on Alan�s shoulders.  He had no right after what the man had done for him.

Alan looked at his lover for a long time before turning away, staring out of the driver�s side window.  �You think I should go.�

Billy shook his head.  �I don�t want you to go,� he said quietly.  �I love you, Alan.  If there�s even the remotest chance that I could lose you� it�s not something I want to think about.�

Alan leaned back in his seat and looked up at the stars above them.  �I love you too, Billy.�  He sighed softly.  �Ian said something to me, as we were taking off from Nublar that second time, with you.  He said, �I�m a mathematician, Alan, not a hero.�  When Kirby was talking to us, I was thinking the same thing � �I�m a palaeontologist, not a tour guide.�  But that�s all I�d be doing, pointing out dinosaurs from the air.�

Billy took a deep breath.  �I�m not so sure.�

Frowning, Alan shooed Billy out of his seat, out of the jeep so that Alan could take his place in the passenger side.  Billy opened the door and stepped out onto the sill while his lover moved over.  He waited until Alan had moved the seat back as far as it would go, and then hopped back inside, straddling Alan�s lap, his knees on the seat either side of the other�s thighs.

This was one of the reasons they�d bought an open-top jeep.

Wrapping his arms around the other�s waist, drawing him as close as they could get in this position, Alan tipped his head back and Billy covered his lover�s mouth with his own.

Billy loved it when they did this.  It was a nice change to be above Alan, for the older man to have to look up to him.

Breaking the kiss, Alan took advantage of his access to Billy�s throat.  �What�s up?  You don�t think he�s telling us the truth?�

�I don�t know.  She just seemed� desperate, somehow.  Like it was vital to have you along.�  He started to undo the buttons of Alan�s shirt.  �I might be wrong.  I probably am.  We do need the cash, and you�ve always said that you wished I could see the beauty of the island, rather than the brutality.�

Alan stared at him.  �Oh, no.�  He shook his head.  �You�re staying here.�

Billy�s brow wrinkled.  �Why?�

�Why?!  Because�.�  He hesitated.  �Billy� you�re the best thing to ever happen to me.  I won�t put you in any danger, no matter how small the risk.�

�And what about you?  I�m supposed to wait here and worry about you!  No way, Alan.�  He pushed his fingers into the thinning hair at the sides of Alan�s head.  �I�m coming with you.  Tonight, and tomorrow.�

Alan looked up into the mischievous eyes glinting in the moonlight.  �You�re making some presumptions,� he teased.

Billy grinned, leaning down to tongue Alan�s lips, teasing him.  �I am?�  He moved his hand down to Alan�s chest, touching his skin, drifting fingers over the hardening nipples.  �Am I not coming tonight?� he asked in his best �pained� voice.

Alan melted.

In the two years they�d been together, he�d hardly ever been able to say no to Billy.  That such a beautiful, sexual young man could find him attractive had always been a mystery to him.  That it could have lasted this long and just become stronger and more intense as time had gone by, utterly bemused him.

Billy�s fingers were unfastening his fly, freeing him from his jeans.

�We should go tomorrow,� that soft voice murmured in Alan�s ear, turning him on with every word.  �It�ll be easy.�  Billy stroked Alan�s cock, hardening it further.  �And we get the cash to fund the dig at least another year.�

Pushing Billy�s denim jacket off his shoulders and down his arms, Alan�s eyes raked over Billy�s face, over the t-shirt pulled tight across his shoulders and chest.  Then, shamelessly, he dropped his gaze to see the erection straining in Billy�s khakis.

�Have I told you how gorgeous you are?  How much I just want to eat you?�

Billy laughed, claiming Alan�s mouth for another kiss.  �You�ve told me,� he murmured against Alan�s lips, �so many times.�

Lifting Billy�s t-shirt from his pants, Alan unfastened his lover�s button fly and dug his hand into his underwear.  �Want me to stop telling you?� he asked, nuzzling against his neck.

�No way.�  Billy lifted his leg back over Alan, somehow getting his trousers and briefs off in the cramped space.

Alan pushed his jeans down over his knees, sitting forward in the seat.  �I�m getting too old for this, Billy,� he muttered as his athletic lover came back into his lap.  Reaching back, Billy opened the glove compartment and grabbed the small tube of lube they kept there.

�That�s crap,� was Billy�s graceful reply.

He coated Alan�s long cock and shifted around until he got into a position that allowed them to do this.  Despite being achingly aroused, Alan couldn�t help but be amused by Billy�s movements.

�Maybe we should try this in the back�.  Oh god�.�

Finally, Billy had leaned back against the dash and lifted his knees against the back of the seat, directing Alan�s cock deep inside him.

It was difficult to find a rhythm.  They moved together, Alan�s arms holding onto Billy�s.  He loved to watch the expressive face, the long lashes closing over dark eyes, parted lips moving in silent pleasure.

Alan clasped his lover�s thick cock, massaging him, touching him just as he knew he loved to be touched.  He couldn�t get at all the bits he loved to pay attention to as he fucked Billy, so he made do with the parts he could reach.

Leaning forward, Alan sealed his lips over one nipple, suckling firmly, nipping gently and biting quickly before soothing the bud with his tongue.

Billy groaned, scraping his short fingernails over Alan�s chest, gripping his shoulder as he rode him.

The sweet torture of his nipples, and expert hand on his cock brought Billy to a long, shuddering orgasm.  His clenching ass muscles gripped Alan tightly, sparking his own climax.

�We always make such a mess,� Billy murmured, his forehead rested against Alan�s, damp with sweat.

�It�s a good mess,� Alan retorted, hands stroking his lover�s back.

They sat for a few minutes before Billy carefully opened the jeep�s door and clambered down from the vehicle.  Pulling his pants back on, he waited until Alan had moved back into the driver�s seat before settling up again next to him.


Alan sighed.  It had been a very nice interlude, but Kirby�s offer remained there before him.

�As long as you stay behind.�

Billy shook his head.  �Not a chance, Alan.�  He moved, curling up in his seat to face his lover.  �You couldn�t stay if I was going, could you?�  The older man pursed his lips, but he knew he couldn�t.  �Don�t ask me to stay here without you.�

They arrived back at the campsite before Alan finally relented.  �Okay.  We�ll take his money and do this.�

Suddenly he had an arm full of Billy.  Again.  For a muscular, adult male, he could wriggle into Alan�s embrace sometimes like an excited kid.

�Thank you, Uncle Alan!� he cried, arms going around Alan�s neck.  He stayed there for a second but had to move.  �The gear shift�s in my�� he moved back into his seat, �that�s better.�

Alan shook his head.  �I really hope we don�t regret this.�

Opening the door of the jeep, Billy stood up on the sill and looked across to the array of tents and lights.  From here, they could hear the sounds from the team relaxing.  �We can�t regret it,� he murmured.  �We�ve got nothing to lose.�

* * *

Within five minutes of reaching Isla Sorna, Billy knew he�d been wrong.

They had their lives to lose.

He stared at Cooper as Alan�s unconscious form hit the deck of the plane.  Already on his feet, he bunched his fist and was about to start a fight when the plane dipped and the landing gear hit the uneven ground.

Cooper had the hatch open and was out of the plane before it had really stopped.

The Kirbys stepped over Alan�s prone form to get out.  The other two � Udesky and Nash � made their way to the storage hold at the back and started to unload what looked like artillery and other powerful weapons.

Uncertain now, Billy crouched by Alan�s side, putting his hand under his lover�s head, calling his name insistently.

He was more than relieved to see Alan open his eyes.

�What the fuck is going on?�  Alan sat up gingerly, rubbing the back of his head where he�d hit the floor.

�I think they�re looking for someone.�

�Oh, God, Billy� what the hell have we done?�

As Alan got to his feet, hand clasped in Billy�s, the others � the pilot, co-pilot and the Kirbys � came running back onto the plane, shouting about taking off.

Alan glanced at Billy.  Finally, they�d seen sense.

But as the Lear Jet trundled along the overgrown runway, Alan realised that it wasn�t sense that had scared them into retreat.  It was the fucking huge dinosaur that bit Cooper in half right in front of the plane.

Everything happened so fast.

The plane crash was horrific.  They were thrown around like stuffed toys; flesh bruising, bones cracking.  But when they finally came to a jolting stop, by some miracle, they all seemed mostly unscathed.  Alan went for the hatch, pausing at Billy�s shoulder.

�You okay?�

Billy nodded.  �Yeah.  I� think.�

Smiling for a moment, Alan combed his fingers through the short curls at the side of his lover�s head; a tender gesture of love.  Then he was making his way back, and Billy was following him.

Alan forced the hatch open as far as their position would allow, then closed it again.  Turning, he locked his gaze with Billy�s.  �We haven�t landed yet.�

When the Spinosaurus attacked, Billy had a momentary flashback of Clare being taken from them, snapped almost in half, hooked on the teeth in the gaping mouth.

For a single moment he couldn�t move, couldn�t breathe.  He rolled with the remains of the plane, trying hard to get a grasp on his senses as he tried to get a grasp of something more real.

He was terrified.  This wasn�t happening, it wasn�t happening�.

And then someone took his hand and held it tight, and he looked up into Alan�s wide, blue eyes.  In the next instant, just before the plane rolled again, he was gathered up against Alan�s body, held secure in his lover�s arms.

Their bodies fitted together perfectly.  They�d spent enough of their spare time rolling around on hard ground to know how to cushion one another.

Billy didn�t look away from Alan�s gaze until the dinosaur�s snout drove through the twisted metal of the plane.  And then they were apart, out and running.

Straight into the path of the T-Rex.

For some reason Billy didn�t quite understand, the fight between the two giants calmed his nerves.  To see them tear into one another made him feel almost insignificant.

It also allowed them to make their escape, for now.

Alan�s outburst had been building since Cooper had hit him on the plane.  Billy just stood by, let his lover express his anger.  This idiot had placed them both in mortal danger.  The chances of them getting off the island alive were indeed very slim.  He didn�t want to die here.  He didn�t want to lose Alan to these monsters.

But the fa�ade of calm held, and only his stone-cold eyes would have given away his inner feelings, if the Kirbys had known him well enough to read the expression.

When Alan told him that they�d return to the plane to salvage whatever hadn�t been damaged, Billy just nodded.  He wasn�t thinking straight, and Alan � thank god � was.

On the other side of the fuselage to where the Kirbys were getting changed, Alan watched Billy as he  crouched down to check the state of his camera.

They shouldn�t have come.  All the wealth in the world wasn�t worth this.  From this small distance, he looked over his lover�s visible injuries.  He had grazes over his right eye, one on his right cheek.  There was a deep slash high on his left arm, about two inches long, just below where the sleeve of his shirt was rolled up over his muscles.  It was bleeding a little.

But there was nothing fatal, nothing that wouldn�t heal to leave a lot less of a reminder than the one he still had from Isla Nublar.

Alan waited until all the pieces were safely stowed away once more in the scruffy bag, and Billy was on his feet, before asking if he was okay.

Billy nodded silently.  But a couple of seconds later, he dropped his bag � still complete with lucky strap - and went gratefully into Alan�s open arms.

�I�m really scared,� he admitted, a whisper into Alan�s ear that no one else heard.

Holding his young lover close, Alan rested his cheek on the damp curls on Billy�s head.  �I know.  Me too.  But we�re going to be all right.�

Billy released a deep breath.  �You told them�.�

Alan interrupted him, nodding, stroking his hand over Billy�s shoulder and down his back.  �Just trying to scare some sense into them,� he murmured.  �I won�t let anything happen to you.�

Billy pulled back at those words, levelling his big brown eyes at the wary blue gaze watching him.

�You can�t be responsible for me.  I can look after myself.�


�No, just listen.  You were right.  We�re on this island with no obvious way off it.  If anything happens�.  It won�t be your fault.�  He looked down, and Alan bent his neck to rest his forehead against Billy�s.

�I love you.�

�I love you too, Alan.  No matter what happens, you have to remember that.�

�I will.  And you have to, too.�

Billy smiled, lifting his head again.  �It�s not something I am ever going to forget.�

�Good.�  His hand cradling Billy�s face, Alan touched his lips to the other�s.  Billy didn�t need any further persuasion.  He opened his mouth under Alan�s, drawing his lover�s tongue over his own.

It wasn�t until they broke apart that they realised they had an audience.  With a faint smile, Billy stepped back.  Alan just looked at them with barely disguised bitterness.

�Alan and I�.�  Billy began.

But Paul waved him quiet.  �We� kinda worked that out that night in the bar in Montana,� he explained.

Billy smiled, nodded.  �Right.�  Over Amanda�s shoulder, Udesky was staring at them, mouth hanging open.  But he couldn�t have cared less.  �We should get going,� he said, more to Alan than to the others.  �Are you three ready?�

�Just let me grab my backpack,� Paul requested, turning from them and disappearing for a moment back behind what was left of the plane.

Side by side, Billy and Alan stood and watched Kirby fail to swing the pack onto his shoulders.  When Billy asked him about K2, Alan had to walk away.

He knew then.  They�d been lied to, not just about the reason for the trip, and the itinerary, but about there being a Kirby Enterprises.  There was no money.  The cheque they�d been handed was useless.

They were out here, and even if they made if home alive, the dig still didn�t have enough funding to carry on for any longer than three more weeks.

Paul Kirby had put him, and more importantly, Billy, in the most dangerous place in the world.  If the dinosaurs didn�t kill him, Alan just might.

As they started away from the crash site, Udesky fell into step beside Billy.

�So,� he started casually, �you and Dr Grant are�.�

Billy nodded.  �Uhhu.�

�Right.�  He shook his head, shrugging.  �Never can tell about people, can you?�


They walked for about a mile before they found any signs of Eric and Amanda�s �friend�, Ben.

The parasail snagged in the tree, the life jacket, the abandoned video camera and finally the half-eaten, decomposed body of an adult male, all served to only convince Alan that the two were dead.

Conversely, they seemed to give the Kirbys hope that Eric, at least, had survived their arrival and had taken refuge somewhere close by.

Alan, as angry as he felt, didn�t feel the need to take that hope from them right now.

Amanda found the �raptor nests accidentally.  Having the rotting corpse of her boyfriend falling on to her had pushed her over the edge, and she�d run.

Paul stopped her, tried his best to comfort her.

And then they saw what they standing next to and called Dr Grant over.

Of course Alan had known that the dinosaurs were breeding on the island.  Ian had told him that after he�d got back.  But to see it for himself, the extent of it, terrified him.  And to be standing in the centre of a huge raptor nest, waiting for mommy and daddy to return, wasn�t his idea of a safe place to be.

As Alan led the group away, heading back passed where they�d found Ben�s remains and the parasail that Billy had picked up, he glanced back, searching out his lover.

�Where�s Billy?�

Paul, Amanda and Udesky glanced at him as they walked passed.  Billy wasn�t at the back of the group.

Heart pounding in his chest, Alan back-traced their steps.  He almost ran into Billy at the edge of the nest.

�Don�t ever do that to me again!�

Billy smiled, but the expression on Alan�s face, the worry in his eyes and the breathless quality of his voice wiped it away.

�I�m okay, Alan.  Don�t worry.�

�Billy�.�  Dropping a quick but hard kiss to his young lover�s mouth, Alan started back to join the rest of them again, this time making sure Billy was following.  �If I lose you, it�s just me and the damn tourists.�

Reaching out, Billy stroked the back of Alan�s neck with his fingertips.  �You�re not going to lose me.�

* * *

They ran.

Billy wasn�t sure how long his heart could keep beating like this before it exploded.

The �raptor in the compound had come after him, he knew.  It had selected he and Amanda rather than Paul, Alan and Udesky.  It had selected them because he�d stolen two �raptor eggs.

And now they were running with a herd of Hadrosaurs.  Running for their lives because of him.

His concentration was shot to hell.  He tripped and fell.  The strap on his camera bag slipped from his shoulder and fell to the grass.  He only noticed it when he clambered back to his feet and started to run again.

Good riddance, he thought to himself, hearing Alan instruct them that they should head into the trees.

And then Alan vanished from sight.


Breaking the rules, Billy pulled himself up onto a thick branch and called out Alan�s name, listening intently for any reply.

Sitting in another tree, a couple of hundred yards away, Paul leaned forward to ask their guide if what he was doing was such a great idea.  Catching his arm, Amanda pulled him back and shook her head.

�Don�t,� she murmured.

Paul hesitated, but he nodded, understanding.

�Alan!�  Billy�s voice almost cracked on the single word, emotion filling his tone.  �Alan!�

There was nothing.

The sun had set, leaving them with the eerie shadows created by the bright light of the moon, and the darkness between the trees.


He knew he shouldn�t be calling out.  He could attract the wrong kind of attention.

But he couldn�t bear the thought of Alan out there, alone.  He had more experience, of these islands and these creatures, than any of them.  But that didn�t mean he could survive a �raptor attack.  They�d been surrounded as they�d run into the trees, and Billy knew why.  Despite the loss of his camera, and all the photographs he�d taken, he could only be thankful that his bag�s other contents were gone.

It had been a mistake to steal the �raptor eggs from the nest, he knew that now.  He�d thought that perhaps they would be worth something, perhaps enough somethings to fund the dig � their dig � for a long time to come.

But so what?  What if they had?  Who would he trust enough to sell them to?  When the first person died on the mainland, the blood would have been on his hands.

He was well rid of them.

So why had the �raptors still chased them, ignored the herd and followed them into the woodland?

Miserably, Billy lowered himself into the curve of the thick tree branch.  He could see Paul and Amanda not far away, talking quietly.  He dared not think about Alan�s fate.

There was a good chance, of course, that he was also sitting high up in a tree, too far from them to hear Billy�s calls, or unable to answer because of the inherent danger.  Alan could be hearing the call and cursing Billy for being so stupid.  It was a cussing the young man would be more than happy to hear for himself if it meant his lover was alive.

The other alternative was unthinkable.

Billy closed his eyes against the moonlight dripping through the leaves of the trees.  He didn�t want to think about now, so he let his mind drift, let his thoughts pick a memory to make him smile.

Out of all the times he and Alan had made love, his mind chose to recall the first time he�d topped.

He�d had a couple of relationships before with other men.  Nothing even close to the one he had with Alan, but a couple of long-term boyfriends.  He�d always been a top.  His partners had loved him to dominate them.  Danny � his first serious boyfriend - had once told him that he had a gentle dominance that was both seductive and addictive.

But when he�d met Alan, he�d found himself with a need to turn the tables.  He�d wanted to be topped, wanted the older man to claim him in every possible way.  There was no sensation he craved more than having Alan sheathed to the hilt inside him.

Six months after they�d first slept together, they�d found themselves at a conference in Oklahoma.   All expenses paid by the organisers, they�d opened the door to their room when they�d arrived and laughed like kids at the size of the bed.

After sharing an air mattress for six months, the kingsize bed was more than a luxury.  They stripped one another naked, taking time to explore, making use of the room they had.

Alan sat up on the bed, legs tucked under him, teasing light fingertips over Billy�s wonderfully tanned body, tracing the lines where his shorts had blocked the sun and his skin was pale.

�What do you want?� Alan asked quietly.  Billy�s expression made him chuckle.  �I know.  You want pleasure.  My hands all over you, touching you, caressing and stroking you.�  Alan�s voice alone was stroking Billy to a rock-hard erection.  The callused fingers over his nipples were building a fire in his groin.

�What else do you want?  Really� want?�

Billy reached out, touching his hand to Alan�s smooth chest.  �I want to be inside you,� he murmured, eyes darkened with pleasure.

Alan smiled, as if he�d known.  �I�ve� never done this before,� he admitted to Billy�s incredulous expression.


�Never.�  Billy already knew Alan�s bi-sexual history.  �I�ve always been�.�

�A top.�  Alan nodded.  �Are you sure you want this?�

�Oh, yes.�

Pressing Alan down onto his back, Billy took his time preparing his lover.  Kissing him deeply, he spent almost an hour working his way down the body he worshipped.  Nipping, licking, nuzzling and teasing every inch of Alan�s flesh, he made certain that Alan would be begging for him.

Grabbing the lube from the floor, Billy coated his fingers and leaned over his lover, holding himself up on one arm, stroking back and forth over Alan�s anus.

�Billy� fuck!�

�Patience�.�  He teased in return.  But he gave Alan one slick finger.  This was nothing they hadn�t done before.

Leaning down, he kissed Alan deeply, almost forcing his tongue inside the other�s mouth as he added another finger to the first.

Alan thrust up and dropped back, clenching his muscles, squeezing Billy�s fingers.  Billy�s long-ignored erection jumped, aching now.

�Alan�.  I have to�.�

�God, yes!�  His whole body was screaming �it�s about time!�  �Please, Billy!�

With Billy, he�d tried every position they could think up.  But Alan wanted to watch his lover�s angelic face while they did this.  He wanted to see the pleasure there that he knew and understood so intimately.

As Billy sat back, coating his cock with the lube, concentrating on not coming the moment he touched himself, Alan lifted his legs.  And as Billy moved into position, Alan rested his thighs and shins against the muscular torso, linking his ankles behind the dark blond head.  He was more than prepared, more than ready for Billy to push his thick cock against the relaxed ring and slowly move deep into Alan�s body.

All the way in, Billy paused, breathing coming in rapid gasps, wanting more than anything to pound into the tight ass until he exploded.  He forced himself to still, to commit to memory how Alan looked at that moment.

Sitting cradled in the branches of the tree, the chill of the night air settling around him, Billy called on the memory in detail to get him through the long, dark hours, unsure of his lover�s fate.


Alan watched, impressed, as Eric made himself comfortable in amongst the wreckage of the inside of the water truck.

They�d eaten and chatted.  As the sun had set the Compys had vanished and they�d opened the hatch again to let in the cooling air.

Now, as Alan pulled it closed for the night, Eric watched him in the amber glow of the lantern.

�My parents� they�re on their own out there, aren�t they?� he asked quietly, as if he really didn�t want to hear the answer.  He didn�t have too much faith in them being able to survive on the island, especially together.

But Alan shook his head.  �They�re with an expert.�  He smiled to himself.  �At least, they were when I left them.�

�I thought you were the expert,� Eric commented, surprised.  �Who else is here?  Dr Malcolm?�

Alan chuckled.  The thought of Ian returning to the island after the last time made him smile.  The San Diego incident had given Alan enough piss-taking material to last a lifetime.

�No.  His name�s Billy Brennan.  He�s�.�

�Your boyfriend.�  A smile had lit Eric�s face.

Alan stared at him, a smirk curling his lips.  �I was going to say, research assistant.�

�Oh.�  Eric at least had the decency to look embarrassed.

Alan watched him for a moment.  �What makes you think he�s my� boyfriend?�

�You presented a lecture together in Oklahoma.  I went with my school.  The way you two were, together, on stage�.  Everyone was talking about it on the bus home, especially the girls.�

Alan laughed.  He remembered the conference, but not because of their public performance.  �I guess we�ll have to be more careful,� he stated.  They�d never even attempted to hide their relationship; had never wanted to nor felt the need to.

�Then it�s true?� Billy asked him cautiously.  �You and he�.�

Alan hesitated, but he nodded in the end.  �It�s true.�  After a moment of watching Eric�s smiling face, he asked, �Does it make a difference?  I mean�.�  He wasn�t sure he could put his meaning into words.

But Eric was shaking his head.  �You mean, the way I feel?  About� liking you, and your books and your work?�  Alan nodded.  Why did kids always come straight to the point when adults couldn�t?  �No, it doesn�t make any difference.�

�Good.�  He wasn�t sure why, but it was good to know that.

It was difficult to sleep in the cramped space, and Alan found himself thinking of the first night they were at that conference.  Heart aching, he could only hope and pray that Billy was safe.


They started out at about the same time the following morning, although neither party knew it.

Billy led Amanda and Paul, continuing their way out toward the coast.  At least, that�s the way Billy hoped they were going.  Following the stream was his only way of really being sure they would find the ocean at some point.  How far from the water they were, he honestly didn�t know.

Alan and Eric also followed the stream, looking and listening out both for impending danger, and for any audible signs of the others.

An hour later, Eric heard it.

Billy followed the Kirbys as they ran.  They�d found Eric, it seemed.  He was glad for them, relieved that at least they didn�t have to worry about running across their son�s half-eaten corpse.

He looked up as they closed in on the fence.  A young boy was running across the open grass toward them.  In the next moment, another figure broke through the trees and came running after him.


�Alan!�  Billy beat the Kirbys to the fence, climbing between the thick, wide metal bars, reaching through the blue rope grid.

Alan looked up when he heard his name cried out in an emotion-filled voice.

�Billy�.�  He breathed his lover�s name, a smile lighting his face.

The family momentarily forgotten, Alan and Billy reached for one another through the barrier.

�Alan� god� I thought you were dead.�  Billy wound his slim arms around his lover�s neck, getting as close as he could with the rope between them.

Alan put one arm through a lower section, curling it around Billy�s waist, his other hand twisting into Billy�s soft blond curls.

Their mouths met in an open kiss, tongues stroking over one another�s; tasting, reassuring one another that they were alive and together again.

Only when they parted, fingers still clutching one another, did Billy see the bag over Alan�s shoulder.  His face paled.  �Alan�.�

But his lover was turning from him, the smile already fading from his face.  Two hundred yards in front of them, on Alan�s side of the fence, the Spinosaurus was standing, just watching them, as if waiting for them to run.  Challenging them.

Eric and Alan took off, the others racing along the other side of the fence.  In a couple of strides, the dinosaur was closing in behind them.

This was real.

One snap of its mighty jaw and the animal could bite Alan or Eric in half.  It would be a violent, agonizing, terrifying death.

The hole in the fence was pure luck.  Eric leapt through, not breaking his run as he went.  A second later, Alan bolted through after him.  He almost landed on top of Billy when he jumped.

The young man�s arms reached for him almost without him thinking about it.

They didn�t stop until it became obvious that their persuer couldn�t � for the moment � make it through behind them.

Pausing for breath, Eric found himself gathered into a tight hug by both his parents.

Billy found himself being pulled against Alan�s body, held so tightly in his lover�s arms he had no choice but to return the embrace.

�Billy�.  Billy�.�

A second later there was a massive crash and they were running again.

Ensuring the bolt held, Alan and Billy left the Kirbys to their hugging and wondered further into whatever this strange building was.


Glancing around, Alan smiled warmly at Billy and reached back to wrap one arm around his young lover�s waist.

�Are you okay?� he asked, concerned.

Billy sighed softly, sadly, shaking his head.  �The bag, Alan... there are two �raptor eggs in there.�

Billy watched as his lover�s face fell, relief and love replaced by disappointment.  The worst emotion to have replaced the adoration he basked in seeing there.  His heart sank.

��Raptor eggs?�  The arm dropped from around his waist, and Alan stepped back from him to gingerly pull the zip around the top flap of the battered camera bag.

Alan stared in horror at the long, long oval eggs cushioned inside.  He locked wide eyes on Billy.  �You stole �raptor eggs?� he asked, voice a terrible mix of disbelief and anger.

Billy swallowed.  �Listen, Alan, I thought they�d be worth a fortune, enough to fund the dig for years.�  Alan was staring at him, and he knew it was a weak explanation.  �I know I was wrong.  I dropped the bag when we were running from the pack... if I�d have known you�d end up with it... I would never have put you in danger, you know that.�

�You put us all in danger,� Alan snarled.

�I know.  And I�m sorry.�  Billy shook his head.  �I took them on an impulse.  I know it was a stupid decision, but believe me, I did it with the best intentions.�

�Billy� some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions.�

Dark, brown eyes filled with sorrow.  �It�s not the same�.�

Alan�s gaze flashed.  �They surrounded me,� he continued, not wanting to hear Billy�s excuses.  �I couldn�t understand what they wanted, what they were saying to one another.  Now I know what they were looking for.  They�ll hunt us down, you know that?  They won�t give up until they get these eggs back.�  He shook his head.  �I can�t believe you�d do this.�


�Spare me the crap, Billy!�  Alan gathered the strap � that lucky strap � up in his fist and strode to the window.  He was about to drop them out, when he hesitated.  Having the eggs was bad.  It was attracting the �raptors.  But not having them when the female found them... that could be a lot worse.  At least at the moment, they had a peace offering of sorts.

Pulling the bag back through the broken window, Alan turned to his lover standing just behind him.  �You... you�re no better than the people who built this place!�

Billy�s heart stopped pounding.  Stopped altogether for a moment, he imagined.  �Alan, please....�

�Don�t....�  Alan lowered his voice.  �Don�t even talk to me, Billy.  Just... don�t.�

Billy thought he felt his heart shatter.  He looked at Alan, his eyes brimming with the pain he felt.  But Alan turned away, swung his pack off his shoulders and tucked the bag into the top of it.

Billy crossed further onto the rusted observation deck, staring through the paneless window, not seeing the misted view beyond.  Running his fingers through his hair, he blinked back his tears and swallowed hard on the lump on his throat.  He wasn�t going to cry.  Not since he�d watched Tom Pritchard get the back of his head torn away just two feet in front of him had he cried.

Alan�s words had had a more brutal effect even than that.

Paul had crossed to him, was talking quietly to him.  And then they descended the metal staircase set in the centre of the deck, Amanda and Eric close behind.

Billy waited.  He knew, with a certainty that was like a sickness in the pit of his stomach, that Alan wouldn�t come back after him as he had done at the �raptor nest.

He�d lied.  But worse than that, he�d stolen from the most dangerous and, in a way, precious and guarded source on this island.

In Alan�s eyes, doing anything here but surviving and escaping was tantamount to treachery.  Billy had known that.

Finally he forced himself to follow the others.  As much as he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him, he didn�t want to die here, or worse, get left behind.

He stepped onto the metal platform in time to hear the steps giving way under Alan�s feet.

He crossed quickly to where they were, but Paul was already giving the other man a hand up, asking if he was okay.

That direction was impossible, so Alan had to find them another way down.  As he passed in front of Billy, heading back the way they�d come, he looked at his lover with hard eyes.

Billy�s glance back was one of exquisite pain.

Alan ignored it.

Like he was ignoring the agony searing his heart.

He needed to be angry.  What Billy had stupidly done had put them all at risk, dropped them all into danger.  Worse than being chased simply because they tasted nice, they were being hunted as thieves.

Thoughts of Billy were all he could muster as he walked over the rusted metal bridge into the thick fog.  Clearing the ravine, he called over for the next one to come across.

Mind wandering, he roamed further on, running his hand over the railing, seeing in his mind�s eye the hurt in his lover�s beautiful brown eyes.  He�d caused that.

Miserably, he looked down to see what his hand had brushed into on the metal bar.  Picking up a lump of the dusty substance, he crumbled it in his fingers.

A frown creased his face as he looked up and watched as the fog started to clear above them.

�Oh my God,� he breathed to himself.

Stepping up behind him, Amanda asked.  �What is it?�

Alan swallowed.  �It�s a birdcage.�

�For what?�

Then they heard Eric�s scream.

Like all the terrible moments, it happened too fast for them to think.  They ran, following the Pteranodon�s flight path as best they could along the metal gangways.

Alan headed back to the observation platform, meaning to search for another way around the sheer cliff face.  He stopped in his tracks when he saw Billy.

The young man�s head lifted slowly, his gaze settling on his lover as he snapped closed the parasail fastening around his waist.

He recognised the expression of horror on Alan�s face; the fear in his eyes as the realisation, of what Billy was about, to do struck him.


Turning, Billy started for the circular deck, breaking into a run when he heard Alan�s footsteps on the metal behind him.

�Billy, stop!  Don�t!  No, Billy!�

Billy tried not to hear the plea in his lover�s voice as it became more desperate.  If he stopped, if Alan caught him, he wouldn�t be able to do this.

Leaping up, he balanced on the rusted railing, clicking the final strap into place around the top of his right thigh.

�No!  Billy, don�t!�  Alan�s fingers caught Billy�s ankle as he jumped, but it was too late.  �Billy!  I�m sorry�.�

From that moment, until Eric pointed out Billy on the cliffs opposite, everything was a blur.

Alan ran, feet slipping and twisting on the rocks.  He could see Billy struggling with his �cute as it caught on a rock protruding from the cliff face.  There were three Pteranodons around him, each swooping toward him, shrieking loudly.

As Alan and Paul neared the river, Billy managed to free himself and dropped into the water, arms flailing.

But it was deep enough, and instead of smashing his bones on the bed of the river, he surfaced and found his feet.  Above him, a Pteranodon circled, spiralling downwards.

�Billy!�  Relieved, Alan started into the water.  �Billy, hang on.�

A second Pteranodon came from nowhere.  It dove straight at Billy, claws piercing his shoulder as its weight forced him forward into the water and its beak held his head under.

Alan screamed, wading through the swirling current toward where the two creatures were shrieking at one another, seemingly fighting for their prey.

There was momentarily relief as Billy surfaced, but the expression on his face spoke only of pain and defeat.

Billy saw Alan and yelled out, �Alan!  Get ba�. aaah!�  One of the Pteranodons had dug its talons into his shoulders and was lifting him out of the water once more.

Alan�s shout got lodged in his throat as one moment Billy was being carried, struggling, and the next he was dropped again.


�Alan, get the fuck away!�

�No!  Billy, hang on�.�

Either Billy was too heavy to lift, or his struggles were making it impossible to keep hold of him.

Instead of trying to carry him bodily, the Pteranodons had obviously decided to kill him here and take him bit by bit to their young.

The sharp claws dug deeper, and this time, Billy went under.  Both creatures started at him, lifting him only inches before dropping him, pecking at him, tearing small morsels of flesh from his arms and neck and shoulders.

He didn�t � couldn�t - hear Alan�s screams, his agonised pleas.

Paul was holding the desperate man back, grasping his arm hard, trying to urge him away even as he fought to free himself, to reach his lover.

A third Pteranodon, that had been watching Billy�s slow death, turned its head slowly to gaze calculatingly at the other two men.

�Come on!�  Paul was urging him, pulling him back.  �He�s gone!�

�No!  Billy�.�

�I know!�  More gentle, �I know.  I�m sorry�.  But we�ll be next if we wait here any longer!�

Alan knew the other man was right.  Billy was gone.  They could no longer see him or the two Pteranodons eating him alive.

Blinking the hot tears from his eyes, Alan allowed Paul to drag him away and they swam for the boat.


Heading slowly downstream, they were safe for now at least.

But to get to this point had cost Alan the most important, most beloved person in his life.

Sitting down in the front of the boat, Alan wrapped his arms around himself and leaned forward, losing the fight with his tears.

He didn�t want to cry.  He didn�t want to feel anything.  He wished he were numb, like he had been the night Ellie had left him.

But this wasn�t Ellie, this was Billy � the love of his life.  And he hadn�t ended their relationship, he�d been torn away by InGen�s monsters.

Glancing up, Alan saw the Kirby family huddled together in the little cabin at the centre of the boat.  They were talking quietly, hugging.

Alan looked away.

Instead of feeling nothing, he was feeling everything.

Grief warred with anger toward the people who�d brought them here, who�d promised them a future and instead had ripped it from them without so much as an apology.

Everyone seemed to have �the best intentions�.  He screwed his eyes shut, lowering his head into his filthy hands as the phrase echoed back to him in his own voice � those words spoken so harshly at his beloved Billy.

Why had he said that?  What the hell had he been thinking?  Or was that just the problem?  He hadn�t been thinking at all.

Ian would have kicked his ass all the way across the damn island for saying something that stupid under such stressful, terrifying conditions.

But worse than remembering his own accusations was remembering the pain in Billy�s big brown eyes as his heart had broken.

His shoulders hunched and a deep sob forced its way up from Alan�s chest.  Gasping, he started to cough and the tears broke through, falling in an unstoppable cascade to the deck of the boat.

As he cried, he slowly refocused his anger toward the Kirbys, away from himself.  He hurt too much.  He might have been responsible for Billy taking the absurd risk that he did, but Paul and Amanda Kirby were responsible for them ever being out here in the first place.

Raising his head slowly, he levelled his hard gaze at the couple behind the dirty glass of the cabin.

�Please don�t blame them.�

Eric�s voice broke Alan�s building hatred.  He glanced up at the twelve-year-old as Eric lowered himself onto the seat opposite.


�I know you�re blaming my parents for what happened to Billy.  I know they brought you out here with lies and empty promises they can�t keep.�

Alan snorted, looking away.  �It doesn�t matter about the money�.�

�I know.  But Billy�s� dead, and you think it�s their fault.�

�It is their fault.�

�They only wanted to save me.�

�Eric�.�  Taking a deep breath, shaking his head, Alan tried to pull himself together.  �Ian Malcolm and I� we rescued Billy from Jurassic Park two years ago.  We knew what we were doing, knew why we were going in.  We had military backup, guns and grenades.  Still we all nearly ended up as dinosaur food, and Billy still wound up in hospital.  We could have come prepared, and I�m not talking about the three jokers your Dad rounded up.�  He gazed at the deck.  �But we didn�t.  And those jokers, and the one person that made my life worth living, are gone.�  Taking a shuddering breath, he pressed his fingers into his eyes.  �Now I�d like to be alone.�

The kid nodded, and slowly getting to his feet he started away from Dr Grant.


Twelve hours after Alan had yelled at Billy, had torn out his heart and stamped on it, he was mentally thanking god for what Billy had been and what he�d done before.

The resonating chamber he�d scoped out, the afternoon Alan had returned home from the lecture tour, had just saved their lives.

And the helicopters they could hear clearly now above them were surely their rescue.  Although god alone � if indeed there was one � knew why or how.

They ran from the clearing through the woodland, the trees and the undergrowth, to come out on the edge of a sandy shore.

The oddest sight met them.

A man, in a suit, standing on the sand, holding a clipboard and a megaphone.  �Dr Grant!�

Paul and Amanda, confused beyond words, ran forward, shouting, waving their hands, telling him it was a very bad idea.

But the man with the megaphone was still shouting, and there was something urgent about his tone.

Eric turned and screamed.

Alan barely felt the �raptor�s hooked claw pierce his shoulder as the creature leapt onto his back.  He didn�t really hear his own scream as white-hot, liquid agony soared through his body.

He hit the ground, pushed forward by the momentum and weight of the �raptor.  The air was slammed out of him and as he gasped for breath, he choked on the sand that filled his mouth, throat and lungs.

�Everybody down!�

Paul dragged his wife and son to the ground as the sound of high-velocity weapons filled the air.

The marines had landed, and within seconds they�d put enough lead into the �raptor to dice it into pieces and spread it around the immediate area.

Alan heard the loud noises through the haze of pain.  He had no idea what had just happened.  All he knew was that finally he was numb.  It was a blessed darkness that called to him, and he let himself slide into its embrace.

Eric stayed close to his mom as the naval paramedics field-dressed the deep wound in Alan�s back and set up breathing apparatus and an IV line to replace the some of the blood he was losing.

�Let�s load him up!� one of the marines called after ten long minutes.  �We have to get him back, stat!  He might have a punctured lung so let�s do this quickly!�

Another couple of marines had already ushered the family toward a different helicopter than the one the medics were heading to with Alan�s unconscious form.  Eric had been reassured that they would all end up on the same naval carrier, and that they�d be able to keep a check on Alan�s condition there.

As they stepped up inside the helicopter, one of the marines peered inside.  �Was there another with you?� he asked, �a young man?�

Eric�s face lit up.  �Yes!  Billy�.�  He hesitated as he thought what the question could mean.

Paul came forward.  �Have you found his body?�

�Better than that, we found him alive, inland about a half a mile.  He was fairly out in the open and one of the medics chopper pilots spotted him on our first pass.�

Paul couldn�t help his open smile.  �Is he� okay?�

�He�s gonna be fine.  He�s lost a lot of blood, but he�ll pull through.�  He tossed them a smile and a salute and backed out of the helicopter, leaving it to take off.

In the second helicopter, they fastened Alan�s stretcher into place before settling themselves in for the five-minute trip over to the carriers awaiting their return.

Alan swam just out of reach of consciousness.

Only once did he surface.

He opened his eyes and through his blurred vision he saw Billy lying on the other cot, just a couple of feet away.  Despite the numbness and cold that had spread through Alan�s whole body, he felt a terrible grief strike his heart over again.

They�d found Billy�s body.

He hadn�t the strength to cry.  He just lay there for a time, looking at the corpse of the man who�d been his lover for two years, a man he treasured more than his own life.

�Peaceful�.�  Alan murmured, the word sounding nothing much more than a gurgle into the oxygen mask covering his face.  Reaching out painfully, Alan trailed his fingertips over Billy�s eyelids and nose.  �Love you�� he whispered.

Then he brought his hand back to his side and squeezed his eyes shut against the world that had become too painful to bear.

He didn�t care much if he never woke up.

* * *

Two Days Later � Queen Of Angels Hospital, L.A.

Ian sipped at the hot, black liquid that claimed to be coffee.  At least, that was what the button on the front of the machine had called it.


He looked up and smiled, relieved.  �Ellie�.�  Putting the plastic cup down on the low table, he returned her hug, tucking her under his chin.  It was good to hold her � good not to be on his own with all the worry.

�How are they?� she asked as she pulled back only slightly.

�Alan�s� still unresponsive.  He�s in a coma.  Billy didn�t do too good on the trip in.  They had to take him into the OR almost immediately and repair some� internal stitching.�  He shook his head.  He wasn�t great with medical details.

She mirrored the helpless expression on his face.  �Can we see them?�

�We can see Alan.  Billy�s not out of recovery yet.�

Ellie took Alan�s hand, wrapping her fingers around his.  Ian looked around at the monitors keeping a check on the patient�s progress.  Everything looked and sounded� normal.

�We don�t know why he isn�t coming out of it,� the ICU nurse told them truthfully.  �There�s no medical reason.  Sometimes the body just� gives up.  He may come round any minute, he may decide never to come round at all.�

Ellie blinked the tears back from her eyes.  �Why wouldn�t he want to live?�

Crouching down beside her, Ian shrugged.  �I don�t know.  That island� it�s hellish, but Alan�s been through it twice before.�

�Try talking to him,� the nurse suggested.  �Sometimes all it takes is a familiar voice.�

Ellie spent the night sitting at his bedside, telling Alan everything from Charlie�s baby stories to the problems she�d had writing her book.

Ian went to sit with Billy.  He�d been kept drugged up since they�d operated in the naval vessel.  The pain he�d have been in if they�d allowed him to regain consciousness would have been too much for his system to cope with; he had broken bones and internal injuries on top of the visible wounds.

About an hour after they�d moved him out of recovery, Billy opened his eyes.

He looked exhausted.  Ian covered his cold, right hand with his own, minding the IV line.  His left hand was half in plaster because of his broken wrist.  Most of the rest of him was stitched and bandaged.

�Billy�.�  Ian spoke his name quietly, not wanting to startle him.  Usually he came over as a vibrant, confident young man.  Lying there surrounded by white, he looked about fifteen and terribly lost.

�Ian�.�  He smiled weakly, his voice sounding rough.  �What are you�?�

Ian pre-emptied the question.  �You�re in a hospital in L.A.�


�He�s here too.�  Ian didn�t want to say too much.  �He�s okay.�

Billy frowned, pain dulling his usually dancing eyes.  �If he was� okay� he�d be here.�

Ian couldn�t fault the man�s logic.  �He�s in Intensive Care� in a coma.  They say he�s medically fine, he just won�t wake up.�

Billy tried to sit up, but Ian gently put his hand against Billy�s shoulder � somehow managing to find a patch that wasn�t covered by a sterile dressing.

�You�re not going anywhere,� he told Billy firmly.

�I have to!�  But the sharp pain that seemed to come from everywhere dropped him back to the mattress as surely as Ian�s halting hand.  �Ian� please.  He could� I need to see him.�

�Billy, he isn�t going to die.�  Sitting up on the edge of Billy�s bed, Ian picked up his hand and cushioned it.  Had Alan been here, there would have been a definite difference in the way Billy�s hand was being held.  But Ian could only be reassuring.  �He was attacked by a �raptor just as they reached the shore.  It tore into his back, and into his lung.�

Billy�s face crumpled.

�Like I said, he�s okay, Billy.  They�ve fixed everything.  He�s going to make a full recovery.�

�But you said�.�

�They don�t know why he�s in the coma.  It�s like� he doesn�t want to wake up.�

Billy closed his eyes.  He wanted to be with Alan.  But his body wasn�t going to respond right now.  It wanted to sleep.

Ian watched Billy struggle with stressed-out system.  �I promise you, if there�s any change at all, I�ll wake you.  I won�t let him die, Billy.  He�s a stubborn bastard, he�s not going to give up that easily.�

Reluctantly, Billy nodded.  He held Ian�s hand tightly, like a lifeline.  One Ian was only too happy to be.


Billy had a dream.  He dreamt of running through a forest, trampling dinosaurs � little Compys � underfoot.

He awoke with a start.  And for some reason, he suddenly remembered being aboard the helicopter that had taken him off Isla Sorna.  He�d lain there for what might have been hours or might have been a few minutes.  They�d dressed his wounds and given him an injection that had quickly taken away all the pain and made him feel like he was floating.

And then there�d been some sort of commotion.  He�d felt fingers touching his face and hearing what had sounded like �love you�.  It had taken time for him to open his eyes.  And when he�d eventually managed to, he�d seen Alan lying across from him, on his side, oxygen mask over his face, shirt torn, a bloody bandage wrapped around his chest and back.

He�d watched him, reassuring himself that his lover was still breathing.  He�d been sure that it was Alan who�d touched his face.  And then� Alan had turned away from him.  Again.

He opened his eyes.  Ian was asleep in the chair next to his bed, snoring softly.

Pushing himself up until he was sitting seemed to take all of Billy�s strength.  But he had to see Alan.

Taking a deep breath to steady his spinning head, he swung his legs off the bed.  His whole body screamed in pain but he ignored it.  With some difficulty, he pulled the two IV lines from the valves in the back of his hand.  The blood splattered over the white sheets, the saline dripped onto the tiled floor.

After a couple more deep breaths, Billy slipped off the bed and dropped to his feet.  Immediately, he lost his balance and had to steady himself, leaning his palm and cast down on the mattress.

He breathed hard, the pain shooting through him from his chest, his wrist� just about everywhere.  He had to wait for a minute and let the worst of it pass before he tried to stand.

Finally he managed to shuffle across the room to the door, casting a glance at Ian who remained asleep.

Billy knew that Ian had travelled through the previous night to get to L.A., then spent the day awake and worrying.  He�d have slept through a small earthquake.

Billy got out into the corridor and looked one way then the other.  There was a red sign at the end of the corridor, that he was almost certain read, �Intensive Care Unit�.  He headed for it.

As he walked, he became aware of a draft on his back and his ass.  Stopping for a moment, he groaned inwardly.  Damn hospital gowns.

It would give the nurses something to laugh at anyway.

Following the signs, Billy shuffled undisturbed to the ICU.  It was late at night, he surmised, because there was no one around.  Either that, or he was still dreaming.

Ellie looked up when the door opened, her eyes widening.  �Billy!  You should be�.�  She stopped talking and stood up, putting her arm around his waist.  �Come on, sit down.�  He leaned on her as she led him to the chair she�d been sitting in most of the evening and night.  �Do you want me to find a doctor?�

He shook his head, eyes settling on Alan�s still form.

Ellie watched him.  �You should be in bed, Billy, resting.  This isn�t going to do you any good.�

Billy looked up at her through large eyes.  �He thinks I�m dead,� he whispered.  �I remembered� in the helicopter he touched me, and he told me he loved me.  Then� I think he turned away.  I� felt him and heard him, but it was difficult to move, they�d drugged me up to the gills.�

Ellie reached out to brush back the mess of hair at his temple.  He wasn�t going to be comfortable in the chair for very long.  �I�ll get you a robe,� she told him softly.  �Talk to him for a few minutes.�

Billy smiled his thanks, and watched her as she vanished into the corridor.  Waiting a minute for his breathing to becoming easier, he leaned forward, picking up Alan�s hand from the bed and holding it as best he could.

�Alan� you have to wake up now.�  He listened to his own voice, hearing how different it sounded, how raw.  �I know you thought I was dead when you saw me in the helicopter.  But I�d dragged myself half way out of the river and they dragged me the other half�.  I�m fine, Alan.  I�m sorry about what I did� the eggs�.�  He trailed off.  �You have to come round, Alan.  For me.  Because I need to say I�m sorry and know you believe me.  And because I don�t know how long I can sit here for�.�

Ellie pushed the door open.

She�d been gone only about ten minutes and could hardly believe what she saw.

Billy was half-sitting, half-lying in the cushioned chair.  His head was turned to one side, dropped against the high back.  His eyes were closed and his breathing even.

Alan�s hand was outstretched, fingers playing weakly over Billy�s hair.

�Alan�.�  Ellie crossed to the bed, sitting on the edge, meeting Alan�s blue eyes when he looked up and smiled at her.  Behind them, two nurses and a doctor were rushing in, alerted by the changed readings on their monitors.

�He�s alive,� Alan whispered to her, smiling brightly.

�He�s fine, Alan,� Ellie reassured him through her tears.  �And so are you.�

�I thought I�d lost him�.�

They were interrupted then, and Ellie stepped back, moving to wrap the robe she�d found, as best she could, around Billy�s shoulders.  Despite the noise and fuss, he stayed asleep, exhausted by his short excursion.

Alan hated being prodded and poked.  He made the worst patient imaginable.  But it was thirty minutes before the doctor finally pulled the sheet back up over him and switched off the majority of the monitoring equipment next to the bed.

�You�re going to make a full recovery, Dr Grant,� he told him certainly.  �Which is more than I can say for this young man if he doesn�t start to behave himself.�  His gaze settled firmly on Billy.

�Leave him,� Alan murmured, a soft plea.  �I�ll send him back to his room in the morning, but just� leave him for tonight.  If he wakes up anywhere else, he�ll only come back here.�  He closed his eyes, drifting for a while, hearing Ellie�s voice somewhere in the distance.

�He�s right, Billy needs to see that Alan�s awake and okay.�

The doctor sighed, shaking his head.  �So what are they?  Brothers?�

Ellie chuckled.  �Billy�s Alan�s� boyfriend.�  She shrugged, looking almost apologetic.

�Ah, right.  That explains it.�  He turned to look at the nurse who was hovering, grinning to herself.  �See if you can find a gurney or even a spare bed?  Bring it in here.�

Ten minutes later, they�d moved Billy onto a bed that they�d squeezed into the end of the room.  There wasn�t too much space, but enough for them to get around Alan if need be.

Things had finally quietened down when the door burst open.

�Ellie!�  Ian hissed, �I�ve lost Billy!  He�s�.�  He stopped.  �He�s here.�

Ellie took Ian out into the corridor.  �He came to talk to Alan.  Whatever he said, it worked.  Alan woke up.  He�s just sleeping now, they both are.�

Ian rubbed his face with his hands.  �Oh, Christ, Ellie�.�

�I know.�  She slid her arm over his shoulders, and slowly they came together in a tight hug.

�Those people�.�  Ian shook his head against hers.  �They almost cost us them both.�

�I know that too.  I guess they were desperate.  You rushed off to Nublar to rescue Billy and Hammond�s relatives, then off again to Sorna to rescue Sarah.�

Ian smirked.  �Alan rushed off to Nublar to rescue Billy.�

Ellie laughed softly.  �And you followed.�

�Only because he wasn�t thinking� with his brain or his heart.�  He smiled to himself.  He couldn�t remember ever keeping his promise to himself to slap Alan for dragging them out there on a whim of his libido.

They started down the corridor, heading toward one of the coffee machines.

�Why did you leave him, Ellie?�

She sighed.  She�d been waiting for him to ask that for a long time.

�After Jurassic Park� I started to� loathe what we were doing.  I couldn�t bear to work on the dig any longer.  I told him, one night, that I thought we should leave them buried forever.  You can imagine how well that went down!�

Ian nodded, tapping in the numbers on the coffee machine keypad.

�After that, we grew apart.  I knew he still loved me but I couldn�t come second to his bones any longer.�

�You think you came second?�

�I know I did, Ian.  And now, I know I was right to leave him because, somehow, I don�t think there is anything more important to Alan than Billy.�


�You are driving the poor doctor crazy,� Alan teased.  Billy kissed him again.

Alan had woken to find Billy back in the chair at his bedside, head pillowed on the edge of the mattress, sleeping soundly.

Turning on to his side slightly, painfully, Alan had put his hand onto Billy�s head, combing his fingers through the soft curls.  And Billy had woken.

Now, Billy�s lips were pressed against Alan�s, tongue sliding into his mouth, rubbing over the other�s.

Alan moaned gently, bringing his other arm around to stroke Billy�s shoulders lightly, feeling the dressings under the light material of his robe and gown.

�I�m so sorry,� Billy murmured when they parted.  �What I did�.�

Alan lifted his fingers, pressed them over Billy�s lips.  �Ssh.  Don�t.  I�m sorry.  I shouldn�t have said what I did, shouldn�t have done that to you.  I love you, so much.�

�Alan�.�  Billy touched his lips to Alan�s once more, tenderly.  �I love you too.  I never, ever wanted to disappoint you.�

�You didn�t�.  Oh god, I�m sorry� I made you think�.�  Alan brushed his fingertips over Billy�s jawline, his lips and cheek.  He looked into the dark eyes he�d spent hours drowning in, seeing there what he�d always seen � affection, admiration, almost worship.  He�d thrived on that, hung on to it like a lifeline.  And without a thought, he�d almost destroyed it.  �Forgive me?�

Billy kissed Alan�s fingertips, sucking gently on one.  �There�s nothing to forgive.  I think we�re equal.�  He smiled around the digit between his lips.  �When we get home, I want to make long, slow love to you, feel you buried inside me.�

Alan moaned softly.  His body was definitely interested in that, despite its current situation.  �Oh yeah, Billy.�  He licked his lips unconsciously.  �We�ll just spend the day in bed, kissing, touching, taking one another.�

Slowly, he drew Billy toward him.  He stroked his tongue over his lover�s lips, before slipping inside, joining them in a deep kiss.

�Hey!�  They broke apart like a pair of guilty school kids.  Alan�s doctor was standing in the doorway, arms crossed.  �Neither of you are well enough to even be thinking about that kind of thing, never mind doing it!  And you!�  He stared at Billy pointedly.  �You should be in bed!  You have several internal injuries which you�ll be aggravating at best, reopening at worst!�

Billy placed another long kiss on Alan�s lips.  �I think that�s a hint,� he murmured.

Alan frowned.  �You didn�t say you were injured.�

�I�m fine.�

�Umm.  Bed.  Now.�

A smile curled Billy�s lips.  �I remember the last time you said that to me�.�


Ian pushed open the door of Billy�s hospital room, jangling his keys loudly.  �Taxi�s here! .� Oh, Jeez, get a room!�

Alan was sitting behind Billy on his bed, with his lover sitting cross-legged between his knees.  He nipped the back of Billy�s neck with his teeth, gently teasing the top of his spine.  �I was under the impression we were in one.�

Ian rolled his eyes.  �Have they cut you loose yet?�

�No, we�re waiting�.�

Ian moved out of the way as the doctor, who�d looked after Alan and Billy over the last few days, put a hand on his arm.  �You�re here to take them to the airport?� he asked.  Ian nodded.  �Thank god for that!�

Alan tightened his arms around Billy�s waist.  In the doctor�s eyes, they might have been an awkward pair.  But after all they�d been through they just needed to be close to one another.

Alan loved to touch Billy, to hold him.  He�d believed this lost to him, and to have it back seemed like a miracle.

Billy was just basking in the attention.

�Get out of here, the both of you,� their doctor told them.  �And for godsake, try to take care of yourselves.�

* * *

Alan and Billy dropped from jeep and looked around.  The dig was still in full operation.  It didn�t look like anything had changed.  Gary, who�d been left in charge, met them halfway up the incline.

�Dr Grant!  Billy!  Jeez!�  He shook their hands, noting the cast on Billy�s wrist.  �We�ve missed you guys.�

They followed him down, Gary glancing behind every couple of seconds, smiling when he saw Alan giving Billy a steadying hand as they descended.

They had been sorely missed.

For two years, Alan and Billy had brought a brightness and joy to the dig that made it the best palaeontology excavation any of them had ever worked on.

When the news had got out about where they�d gone, what had happened, everyone had been upset and worried.

To see them both alive and in one piece � for the most part � was a relief.

Billy went out to see what progress � if any � had been made on the excavation itself.  Alan checked through the mail that had piled up.

One envelope was addressed to �Dr Alan Grant & Mr Billy Brennan�.  He opened it, and as he pulled out a folded sheet of expensive writing paper, another, rectangular sheet fluttered to the ground, coming to rest under the table.

Alan glanced at it, couldn�t read the typed writing from where he was standing, and ignored it for now.  He unfolded the letter.

�My dear Dr Grant, my adventurous Mr Brennan,

Firstly, let me express my sorrow at the loss of more lives to the creatures on Sorna.  That you both were tricked onto the island saddens me, that you saved the life of a young boy and his parents is testament to the amazing people that you are.

Not being able to work out what on this earth would persuade you, Alan, to return to the islands (knowing you still have your prize from the last trip�) I contacted the Montana State University and found out about the financial situation of your dig.  I hope you don�t mind.

Believe it or not, Paul Kirby shouting his mouth off about his experiences and the lack of help afforded to he and his wife actually pushed the InGen share price through the roof.  I sold all my shares and made a fortune.

And so, I enclose a cheque.  It should help somewhat with your continuing research.  After all, I have to make sure Billy has a full time job, I don�t want him ever to feel that returning to Jurassic Park is a viable option.

Take care, both of you.  And I hope to meet with you sometime soon.  Alan, Tim and Lex would love to see you again and I know they would love to meet Billy.

Your friend,
John Hammond�

�Who�s that from?� Billy asked as he stepped up behind Alan, putting one hand on his lover�s hip and bending down to retrieve the fallen piece of paper from under the table.

His eyes widened as he stared at the cheque.

�It�s from John Hammond,� Alan told him, looking across at what Billy was holding.  He�d written them a cheque for three-quarters of a million dollars.  �Fuck me.�

Billy grinned at him.  �That would be one way of celebrating.�