Nick blinked back the fractured images from his mind's eye. Something that someone had said - a phrase - had taken him back to that fated night so long ago.... He smiled to himself at the thought of honey and wine, and LaCroix's taking of his sweet, revenge. There had been so much heartache since then; too much. Only now, in a strange fashion, was his life starting to slide back into view. So relaxed was he, then, that he hardly jumped when Vachon dropped into the back of the Caddie and the scruffy face appeared close to his. "Car's are sexier with fins, don't you think." Vachon
turned slightly
to look at his friend, breating him in. "This car suits
you." Nick murmured softly, accepting the kiss. Tasting that
which was becoming so familiar to him. When Vachon
pulled back, Nick's expression was one
of abject happiness. The Spaniard settled his folded
arms on the seat back, his chin close to Nick's
shoulder. "You okay?" A car passed by them without hooting. "Have you noticed
how polite drivers are in this city? So much better than
London, or Paris." He glanced at
Nick with a wry smile on his face, and saw the bemused
look he was being
regarded with. "What?" He asked indignantly. Smiling happily, Nick pulled the Caddy back into the
traffic. Reaching out, he switched on the radio to
listen to his father's carressing voice. |